Aix en Provence

Little stop in Aix en Provence!
Walk about and picnic lunch!
The drive was amazing from Nice to Nîmes. A lot like California and also Arizona. Mountains of red clay and varied cliffs. The foliageRead more
Little stop in Aix en Provence!
Walk about and picnic lunch!
The drive was amazing from Nice to Nîmes. A lot like California and also Arizona. Mountains of red clay and varied cliffs. The foliageRead more
Verschiedene Landschaften von unterwegs: ein massiver roter Felsklotz (genannt "Roquebrune"); eine steile Abfahrt auf einem der sehr, sehr seltenen Velowege; eine herrliche Platanenallee; WeinrebenRead more
After a short train ride we have found ourselves in the south of france!! We have already done a day of wine tasting cycling around the vinyards of provence and had a very relaxing day on the beach.
Premier bain de mer, pizza et balade sur le port
You might also know this place by the following names:
Le Muy, Lo Mueg, ل مویی, Lo Muei, 83490, Ле-Мюи, Ле-Мюї, 勒米伊