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    • Day 87

      Saint Quentin sur Charente

      February 18, 2024 in France ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Ondres- Stausee Saint- Quentin sur Charente ca. 380 km
      Ein Fahrtag war angesagt , erst kurz über die Autobahn Richtung Bordeaux und dann Querfeldein über die Nationalstraßen . Leider hat uns das trübe Wetter eingeholt und so ganz glücklich sind wir nicht.
      Aber egal , es hilft ja nicht, der Alltag hat uns bald wieder.
      Zum Übernachten sind wir an einem Stausee gelandet und dort herrscht reger Verkehr. Viele gehen mit ihrem Hund hier gassi.
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    • Day 169

      04.03 Day 169 . . . A Lovely Brocante

      March 4, 2023 in France ⋅ 🌙 4 °C

      So another early wake up for me, not so much for Tre. After finally getting down for breakfast of croissants and my now favourite raspberry gelle we planned the remainder of the day - shopping at Sauze as my mum and dad are arriving Tuesday. I had a quick call with my mum then caught up on WhatsApp with Loz before getting ready to hit the road.
      Once in Rox who started first time, we headed off on the back roads to Sauze.
      Tre then said she didn’t want to go just shopping so could we go a bit further and have a drive. So we decided to use the back road to Ruffec. Five minutes later I asked if Tre wanted to go to a brocante I’d seen on FB during my hours awake while she slept this morning.
      After some phone searching whilst I drove Tre found the FB post and we re set the sat nav for Lésignac-Durand which was about an hour or so away south east.
      We had a lovely drive down seeing areas we had not visited before. On arrival I. The village all we knew was the address was near to a large lake, we had a road name but the sat nav wouldn’t find it - then there it was right in front of us, a small road on the crown of a tight bend. The property at Impasse du Mas Chaban or on google maps Le Bourg, La Vieille Ecole is a brocante selling vintage furniture and decorative items, together with original artwork, which is an old school building being refurbed but also being used as a brocante. Immediately on entering Tre and I knew this place was for us. There was so much good quality furniture inside, at reasonable prices but without all the usual hundreds of plates and glasses etc. This was nearly all furniture - just what we need. We spent a good hour inside taking i. The items on display and talking to the owner.
      If Tre and I had been in our house now - we would have bought about four pieces of furniture. Hopefully some of them might still be available when we are in that position.
      We left with a business card in hand and promising to be back asap. We had a quick look at the lake at the bottom of the road before making tracks for home.
      We stopped just before coming off the N10 towards Sauze where we grabbed a small roll and coffee.
      Back in Sauze we went into SuperU, weirdly the place we were gonna go to when we left home earlier. A lot had changed since then - most of all our time scale, as it was now 7pm as we entered the store.
      As my mum and dad are arriving Tuesday we shopped looking for things they would like - somehow a bottle of passion fruit rum fell i to the trolley along with a top up of fire pellets.
      Back at home we had dinner straight away due to the time, Tre called it a night while I stayed up to watch probably the first Chelsea win in 2023 - and they were still awful.
      Tomorrow is an admin day before I travel to the UK on Monday.
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    • Day 10

      Abfahrt in Messanges Plage

      August 13, 2021 in France ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Den letzten Tag haben wir noch voll genossen - morgens noch schön mit den Hunden an den Strand, dann Frühstücken und Nachmittags nochmal zusammen mit den Boards an den Strand.
      Heute war extrem Ebbe, d. h. der Strand war noch größer und weitläufiger wie er sowieso schon ist.

      Um 15 Uhr fuhren wir dann zur Ver./Entsorgungsstation und dann ging es los Richtung Bordeaux.

      Von 18 - 20 Uhr hatten wir dann noch Zeit etwas zu Shoppen - kurz aber knackig 😃

      Gebührenfrei ging es dann weiter Richtung Heimat - knappe 200 Km wollten wir noch schaffen.

      Angekommen sind wir dann um 22:30 Uhr auf unserem ausgesuchten Stellplatz - die Fahrt (die letzten 20 Km) in der Dunkelheit waren recht abenteuerlich.

      Jetzt stehen wir direkt in der Pampa neben einem kleinen See - mal sehen was uns da morgen erwartet 😃
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    • Day 11

      1. Zwischenstation der Heimreise

      August 14, 2021 in France ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Da wir dieses Mal ja 2 Übernachtungen für die Heimreise eingeplant haben, können wir es gemütlich angehen 😃

      Einen tollen kostenlosen Stellplatz mit Ent- und Versorgung, WC und Strom haben wir hier gefunden. Alles kostenlos 👍

      Einen schönen Stausee, Parkbänke und einen Spielplatz gibt es hier - echt toll!

      Nach einem guten Frühstück, ruhen wir uns hier einfach noch etwas aus und werden dann gegen 15 Uhr weiterfahren.

      Vorher müssen natürlich nochmal die E-Mails gecheckt werden - die Kunden wollen ja trotzdem betreut werden.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Lésignac-Durand, Lesignac-Durand

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