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    • Day 12


      September 9, 2019 in France ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Unsere Fahrt nach Marseille war wieder voller Überraschungen. Los ging es auf dem Weg über die Autobahn. Bei einer Mautstation kurz nach der spanischen Grenze standen Leute mit gelben Westen und ich dachte, es sind Mitarbeiter der Station. Es waren jedoch Zöllner. Ich wollte weiterfahren, konnte jedoch nicht, weil er sich am Spiegel festhielt. 😏 Er fragte uns etwas auf französisch, wir schauten ihn nur an. 😁 Er fragte dann auf englisch woher wir kämen und ich sagte nur immer wieder: Allemagne, Allemagne. Er deutete Richtung Spanien 🇪🇸 und meinte irgendwie: Dort ist aber nicht Deutschland! 🙈 Uns fiel vor Schreck auch nicht gleich der Ort, von dem wir kamen, ein. Irgendwann fanden wir eine Rechnung aus Barcelona, er lachte, und ließ uns weiterfahren. Dann kamen wir durch einen Tunnel und vor uns lag der Hafen von Marseille. Dachten wir noch, der Verkehr in Barcelona sei abenteuerlich gewesen, so war dieser nichts im Gegensatz zu Marseille. Wir fuhren in einen Tunnel für maximal 3,20m Höhe und 3,5 t. War ein Fehler. Wir passten gerade so auf die Fahrspur, beim Ausfahren gab es eine Mautstation, bei der wir beide Spiegel anklappen mussten, um überhaupt wieder rauszukommen. Dann kamen wir auf eine Hauptstraße mit 6 Fahrstreifen. Davon jeweils 2 Busspuren. Manu musste dann immer, wenn ein Bus kam, den rechten Spiegel anklappen. Zu unserem Stellplatz ging es dann noch eine ganz schmale Straße entlang, ich glaube der eine, der uns entgegenkam, brauch jetzt eine neue Felge. 🤷‍♂️ Unseren Stellplatz erreichten wir dann 10 min vor Schließung. Leider regnete es wie aus Kannen und da wir bis Mittag wieder runter sein mussten entschlossen wir, Marseille nicht anzuschauen.Read more

    • Day 131

      Friday, June 8th

      June 8, 2018 in France ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      First full day after a good night's sleep!
      Had a full nights sleep, up around 8 o'clock, Emilie woke (with my help) around 9:00. Out the door and we found a nice artisanal bakery for croissants and coffee. We then walked to rond point Prado, then taxi (10 €) to corner of Lea's appartment. Decided to go get the car first, took a long detour only to arrive at 12:05. First they close from noon til 2:00, but on top of it, I didn't have the obligatory passport - so - no car! With Lea, off to the Vieux Panier and lunch at the Petite Clochette -excellent food, Emilie and I split an ailoli and italien salade (17.5 €). We then walked up the Notre-Dame de la Garde (on top of the city)...beautiful. After we came down, had a beer then Lea went off to work. Emilie and I walked to Castellane and ate a pizza dinner (18€)...home around 8-8:30...bed not long after that!
      Cadeau M&J 40€
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    • Day 132

      Saturday, June 9th

      June 9, 2018 in France ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      Emilie up a 6:00, me at 7:00 with a stop for le déjeuner at our local artisanal bakery (2.1€) hour Calanques boat trip. Before leaving home, had a chat with the car rental company and cancelled the car, they will reimburse me the insurance paid. Good news! Light lunch of quiche and salade (7.5€) in the vieux panier and back down to the port for the boat trio to les Calanques (23€). Very interesting, saw the island where St-Exupéry was shot down by a German. Beer in the port after then a walk to Castelame where we took a taxi (8.5€) -walked the last little bit and stopped for beer and water at the local Casino Supermarché. Quick beer then dinner at O'brady's Pub - burger and beer (18€)...home early!
      Cadeau A 18.5€
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    • Day 133

      Sunday June 10th

      June 10, 2018 in France ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Up and out a little later today (8:45), our corner bakery was closed (😟) so we walked towards Castellane and stopped for a quick café au lait & croissant (2€).we arrived at 10:30at Castellane and waited for Léa. We then took a bus to Aubagne (3.8€). Walked a bit around - market day and lots of very appetizing food. We had lunch -salade caesar - at Le Florentin (13€). We walked around Aubagne, beautiful village with lots of small alleys. Back to Marseille (another 3.8€). We walked to Parc Longchamp...Emilie caught a guy with his hand in Léa's backpack....ruined the pleasure of the gardens. Walked back toward Lea's appartmenr, stopped for an appero then on to her place. At 7:00, off the a resto for dinner -La Côte de Boeuf : great steak with a nice rosé wine (30 €), quick walk to Castellane then taxi home (13.1€).Read more

    • Day 134

      Monday, June 11th

      June 11, 2018 in France ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Another greyish start to the day, then sun, then a rain shower, the sun again. Another 20km too - 4th day in a row! 😄
      Up and out at usual time (8:30) with the petit dej at our local patisserie. Long walk to the Mucem, didn't go in to the exhibits, but walked around, very interesting surroundings. After, lunch with Léa (Tunisian salade 7.5€). We then went to the Cathédral de la Major then back for ice cream - caught in a rain storm. Léa headed back home after we bought basics for tomorrow - insulated small back pack & ice packs. Walked to Castellane then taxi (10€) to local area for dinner shopping. Ended up buying fresh bread (bakery) a roasted chicken, rosé wine and salade (Casino) for dinner (26€). Thankfully home by 5:30 and total rest!Read more

    • Day 135

      Tuesday June 12th

      June 12, 2018 in France ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Quieter morning, after an excellent night's sleep, both of us slept well. We left for le petit dej vers 8:30 then on to Castellane to meet up with Lea. We brought a bottle of wine (Monday evening) and 2 baguettes. Today we will have a picnic at les Calanques. We took the 19 bus then the 20 to Goudes. We walked along the road until the shore. Nice lunch with bread, saucisson, cheese, strawberries, but no wine. Wonderful view. We walked back to Mondredon for the 19 bus. We got off at Parc Borely and spent quiet time walking around the parc and relaxing in the grass near the lake. We then walked to Prado and took the metro til Noailles, an apero near - Minotte : local beer very good. We had dinner at Toinou : nice seafood place. Emilie and I both had pates au palourdes with fried sardines entree. Lea had fish & Chips and we had a bottle of rosé. Total 76.1€. As usual, we walked to Castellane and took a taxi home 10.5€.Read more

    • Day 136

      Wednesday June 13th

      June 13, 2018 in France ⋅ 🌬 21 °C

      Up early with our petit dej at the usual place then walked to Prado & metro to Gare St Charles. Off to Aix today by bus (10€ round trip)...lovely town, walked all around the centre-ville and enjoyed the tranquillity. Stayed from 10h til 15h. Had a light lunch - Croque Monsieur with fries and salade (13€) and continued the visit. Bought wood box for Alexe (15€) and some calissons (22€?). Came back to Marseille, took Metro to Prado, then walked home with a stop at the Casino food store for water, beer, wine and salade. Left-over chicken salade, small quiche and bit of rose wine for dinner. Early night - all these kilometres are catching up to me!Read more

    • Day 137

      Thursday June 14th

      June 14, 2018 in France ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Up as usual around 7 after a good night's sleep. Petit déj comme d'habitude then off on foot to the Parc Pharo near le vieux port. Beautiful park with a great view of the city from the top. The centre de congrés shares the park, nice building but we weren't allowed in. Lea was with us. We walked to the Abbeye Saint Victor - very ancient - dating back to the 5th siècle with additions and updates through the centuries. Lunch in a small café in Endoume (ceasar salade 10 €) then back to the corniche for a short beach (very uncomfortable little rocks) - it was too hot to stay in sun. Came back to old port, stopped at La Licorne for soaps (23€) etc. Lea went home - she had to work, so we walked to metro station, took to Rond Point Prado, then walked home. Had pizza delivered for dinner (10€) and in bed by 9:30.Read more

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