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    • Day 21–22

      Chaumont - Seyssel

      September 8, 2024 in France ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Heute war ein etwas komischer Tag - ich bin immer noch mit Thomas unterwegs und wir waren heute noch ziemlich k.o. von unserem gestrigen Marsch. Ausserdem war das Wetter heute so richtig schlecht. Am Morgen gings zwar noch, aber es wurde immer schlechter.
      Wir sind erst gegen 10:30 los und wollten eigentlich nur ca. 10 km laufen, da wir beide ziemlich faul waren. Es wurden dann aber trotzdem mehr, gegen Ende auch wieder mal "unfreiwillig". Eigentlich wollten wir in ner Herberge schlafen und waren froh, als wir endlich dort waren. Zu dieser Zeit hats nämlich schon richtig doll geregnet und wir hatten gar keine Lust mehr, weiterzulaufen.
      Als wir dort ankamen, war aber die Herberge zu, was ziemlich frustrierend war! Wir wollten nur noch ins Trockene!
      Haben uns dann unter ein Hausdach gesetzt und rumtelefoniert. Schlussendlich haben wir was gefunden, was aber noch mal ne Stunde Fussmarsch entfernt war.
      Zum Glück kam dann aber ein Auto und hat uns in unsere Unterkunft gefahren - 2 mega liebe Genfer, die wohl Mitleid mit uns hatten und angehalten haben🍀🙂

      Leider gibts von heute nicht viele Fotos, da man einfach nicht viel gesehen hat! Morgen soll es noch mal recht eklig sein, also mal schaun wie weit wir kommen!
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    • Day 56

      Grüne Idylle

      April 25, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      ...erwartet uns auch auf der heutigen Etappe. Die Wanderung auf der Via Gebennensis verschlägt mir jeden Tag aufs Neue die Sprache. Etwas, womit ich nach der Schweiz definitiv nicht mehr gerechnet habe. Die Landschaft hier ist anders, keine Frage, aber definitiv von umwerfender Schönheit.Read more

    • Day 10

      Frangy to Motz

      August 23, 2024 in France ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      August 23, Friday
      One is NOT the loneliest number
      Frangy to Motz, 25 km, unplanned 😂

      Laurence was a great host at her apartment in Frangy. She, who is a teacher, lives with her 17 years old son Gabriel and will return to school in two weeks. Good enough, English, that we could chat. Lovely simple dinner of salad and salmon. I slept in one of the three bedrooms, while Gabriel was playing video game in his room till late.

      Let's call today's walk planned and unplanned. I meant to walk to Motz in about 18 km. Sebastian, who slept in the forest field past Frangy, texted me that he and Ryan the Spanil dog would wait for me before Seyssel, a supposedly pretty town on the River Rhone I read about Seyssel before and decided to join them.

      Once out of Frangy, there was a steep climb on a STONY path. After looking at the map, I decided to cut through the field of wild grass to avoid the stones. It turned out it was still a climb and did not save much time---maybe from the sharp edges of the stones. Then, I missed a sign and took the wrong path closed by. After about 200 m, I sensed an error and turned back to find the right track.

      I often said that walking a Camino is walking life. Many mistakes and errors are made, and we somehow would figure it out and move back to the "right" track, your own track. Happy and unhappy things occur, and we find ways to overcome it, albeit it is difficult. Other people's pastures may be greener, but we all have different books. Not all books are the same. Only one can write one's own book. And anyone can be a great writer in her/his own right. But keep writing it.

      I finally met up with Sebastian, and we walked down to Seyssel for lunch. It was so hot that even Ryan, the dog, was staring at my Red Bull! Seyssel was a bit disappointing at the riverside. I thought it would be prettier, like in Geneva at the riverbank. We walked along the river path until we CLIMBED again! Almost 400 m to Motz. The auberge at least was a great place to stay overnight. People would drive long distances to here to eat - a remote village at the top of the hill with a church and some houses. Sebastian explained to me how to taste and eat cheese and other foods - he confessed he was a foodie. And I admitted that I eat anything presented to me, as long as they agree with my stomach. More than 50 guests showed up, and the waitresses were buzzing. It was a great evening after a long, exhausting hike.

      Buen chemin
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Motz, Môtz, Мо

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