Paris day 1

Got taxi early to Barcelona sant station. We have 5 hours to Lyon to then change trains to Paris arriving about 4pm.
Best photos were away from Eiffel Tower...we walked over a bridge to a hugeRead more
Got taxi early to Barcelona sant station. We have 5 hours to Lyon to then change trains to Paris arriving about 4pm.
Best photos were away from Eiffel Tower...we walked over a bridge to a hugeRead more
Von Monaco vorbei an Cannes, St-Tropez, Marseille Richtung Montpellier.
Zwischenstopp zum Autowaschen ( endlich, das tat Not )
Campingplatzsuche im WLAN von Mac Donalds ( Ernährungsplan läuft)Read more
In welchem Zeichentrickfilm kommt das Wort Toulouse vor?
Wieder mal die obligatorischen 350 km runter gerissen- heut wars anstrengend- Antonella hat ein keine Ruhe gefunden aber jetzt haben wir ein schönes Plätzchen.
Vestrict-et Candiac
You might also know this place by the following names:
Vestric-et-Candiac, Vestric e Candiac, Вестрик-е-Кандьяк, 韦斯特里克和康迪阿克
Traveler It's all go go for you travellers...Paris, very exciting, enjoy you love birds.💕mum
Traveler Thanks...the plan tonight is photo with the Eiffel Tower 🗼... holidaying is so tiring... looking forward to chilling in front of my TV 😎
Never saw the tower at night - how beautiful it is . Mum and Dad.