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    • Day 17

      The Dismal Disaster of the Dormero

      September 11 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      After the ridiculous farce at the Dormero Hotel last night, I was actually looking forward to meeting the hotel manager and explaining our shocking experience. Now I can fully understand why this dreadful hotel is in such a shambles.

      To my amazement the inept manager refused to believe that we did not get any dinner. He insisted that there was "plenty of food" on the buffet and that it was "topped up every five minutes". He obviously has no idea at all what is actually happening under the roof of the hotel he is supposedly managing.

      When John and I showed him the photos of the empty buffet, he pointed to the remnants of salad and pronounced "look there is food". He justified his position by saying that, because the hotel was only allowed 20 Euro per person for a dinner, we should have been thankful for any morsels we got.

      In all my travels, and after staying in hundreds of hotels around the world, I had never witnessed such a display of complete denial. It is obvious that the lack of leadership at the top is responsible for the deplorable situation at the hotel.

      The problem is that we are booked here for another night, and I am worried that the whole sad scenario will be played out again tonight. We have been told that this time we will at least have seating in the restaurant. As to whether we will get any food, well that is the 64 Euro question.

      All I can say is that, if you ever plan to visit Dessau, do NOT stay at the Hotel Dormero.
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    • Day 16

      What Blows Around, Comes Around

      September 10 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      None of our team will forget those first few days on the Elbe Bike Path, when we were riding in heatwave conditions and into the mouth of a ferocious headwind. What a difference a few days makes.

      When we headed out of the hotel in Magdeburg this morning, the conditions were as close to perfect as we could ever wish for. Not only was the air sweet and cool, there was also the Holy Grail of cycling - a lovely tail wind.

      After a few initial complications in finding our way out of the city, we were soon coasting along a succession of quiet bike paths. The cycling was effortless and just so much fun.

      Every extended ride has its Queen Stage. This is the day when we cover the longest distance. Depending on which reference we used, today's distance was supposed to be between 70 and 80 km. By the time you add in a few detours and diversions, we had no idea what the final tally would be.

      There is a principal on these rides that, when coffee shops are in such short supply, it is best never to ride past one when you do see it. That is how we found ourselves sitting at a lovely Italian cafe with only 18 km ridden. I decided to order an iced chocolate and cake, mainly because it seemed like a good idea at the time. A few minutes later I was sitting in front of the most decadent chocolate creation I had ever seen. It took all my stamina and discipline to completely consume it.

      After another 30 or so kilometres we found a wonderful cafe, almost hidden from the passing traffic. It had a wonderful, flower lined courtyard that made the place really special. The schnitzel that I ordered was pretty good too. Little did I know at that time, that it would be only meal I would get for the rest of the day.

      The final 10 km into Dessau were along a somewhat neglected bike path, and our initial impressions of the city left a lot to be desired. It certainly was nothing like the beautiful approach into Magdeberg that we had enjoyed so much just 24 hours earlier.

      We followed a rather confusing and circuitous route to the Dormero Hotel, which was to be our home for the next two nights. When I finally managed to find my room, I discovered that none of the lights in the bathroom were working. I had to call for assistance and wait while a man with a hammer and a ladder made a lot of noise and eventually announced that it was fixed.

      I looked forward to a luxurious shower, but found that the soap dispenser was empty. This was not leaving a good first impression at all. But the worst was yet to come.

      We had been told that we were booked in for dinner at 7 pm, however we arrived to find that the restaurant was completely full of raucous Germans, all busily finishing off the remains of the buffet. When I asked the young guy at the desk where we were supposed to eat, he directed us into a seminar room, complete with dirty chairs and tables, and nothing else.

      It got even worse when we went in search of food, There was nothing left. Only cold soup, and a few scraps of salad, No hot food, no dessert, nothing, nada, zilch. I tried to complain to the inept young man at the desk that this was not what we paid for. I would have had a more intelligent conversation talking to a door knob. He just had no idea. Eventually he offered that we could have two free drinks, instead of dinner. Hardly a fair replacement, especially when the guy behind the bar explained that the hotel does not serve ice with any drinks. They must be consumed luke warm.

      Thus we sat on the dirty chairs, looking at the miserable empty space on our plates. In all honesty I had never seen anything like this. It would have been funny if it wasn't so tragic. We were all very hungry after riding 78 km, and this was not how we expected the day to end.

      I thought that maybe I could at least finish my nonexistent meal with a cup of coffee. Guess what ? I was told that the coffee machine had been turned off, and it was still only 7.30pm.

      Faced with impending starvation, a group went out to buy some pizza. They shouldn't have had to, but there was no other option. I took the receipt and handed it to the incompetent behind the desk, and explained that we expected the hotel to pay the bill. He stared at me with an open mouth. I am a patient man, but it does have limits.

      Tomorrow morning I will be speaking to the hotel manager, and maybe I will be able to explain how a decent hotel should be run. This place will certainly stick in our minds for all the wrong reasons. To me it operated like an asylum for the criminally incompetent, rather than anything resembling a quality hotel.
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    • Day 18

      A Happy Ending in Dessau

      September 12 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 7 °C

      After the previous evening's famine at the Dormero Hotel and our abortive discussions with the hotel manager, I have to admit that my expectations for dinner on the second night were very low.

      The only message I received during the day was that we should turn up at 7pm and that we would be able to sit in the restaurant section. There was still no apology from the boss.

      A few of us started to gather in the lobby at 6.30 pm to see if the place was going to be as crowded as the previous night. Although it was rapidly filling, there were still some empty tables and, even more remarkably, there was still some hot food on the buffet.

      Rather than risk going hungry for another night , we decided to grab something while there was still something to be grabbed. I ended up with a modest collection of meatballs and something else (origin unknown) on my plate. At least it was a lot better than I had feared.

      The rest of the group arrived and proceeded to follow our example. It was only after most of us had eaten that the young barman mentioned something about a "special meal" for us. To our shock and amazement, the kitchen started bringing out loaded plates with genuine food on them. It looked like someone had finally acted behind the scenes to make atonement for some of the previous mistakes.

      Smiles returned to the faces of our riders as they faced the pleasant challenge of emptying the stacked plates. After dinner, we were happy to chat into the night. It was a happy ending to our experience in Dessau.
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    • Day 8

      Letzter Tag auf See

      July 24 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Zum Glück haben wir den Morgen noch erlebt😅in der Nacht waren wir direkt in einem Gewitter. Das Boot hat fribriert bei jedem Donner. Den letzten Tag auf See haben wir nochmal genossen und gegrillt und die Kids gebadet. Wir sind schon zurück in den Hafen getuckert.Read more

    • Day 4

      Bye Berlín

      July 29, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Pegamos la vuelta a lo de Vik y ya empezamos a prepararnos para el viaje en Motorhome!
      Esta escapada a Berlín fue genial, caminamos un montón y nos divertimos muchos. Ya estamos más acomodados al horario de acá 🙌🏻
      Les compartimos algunas fotos de hoy!
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    • Day 17

      Zážitky prvej skupiny sa stále nekončia

      August 22, 2010 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Prvá skupina, ktorá so mnou absolvovala plavbu do Amsterdamu odchádza autom späť domov.
      To ešte netušia, čo všetko ich na ceste domov čaká.
      Ešte prvý deň cesty cez Nemecko sa im postupne rozpadne prevodovka v aute a časom vypadávajú možnosti voliť určité prevodové stupňe.
      Na začiatku Čiech je už situácia kritická a tak s nepojazdným autom naloženým na nákladiaku nasúkaní na lavici (v druhom núdzovom sedacom rade kabíny) sa pomalou rýchlosťou celý deň a noc utrápení a zničení konečne po snáď 20-tich hodinách dostávajú domov a ukončujú tak sériu zážitkov z Amsterdam Sail 2010.
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    • Auf ein Neues!

      November 28, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ❄️ -1 °C

      Ich muss gestehen, das Timing passend zum Start der Weihnachtszeit ist mehr als unglücklich. Noch dazu hatte ich mich schon so sehr an das Landleben gewöhnt. Doch was soll ich sagen?! Bei den Destinationen konnte ich einfach nicht nein sagen!

      Immerhin gab es noch ein wunderschönes, verschneites Winter-Wonderland und mit heißem Glühwein und Lebkuchen wurde ich verabschiedet. Das mindert den Abschiedsschmerz zwar nicht unbedingt aber es war eine super Idee und so kann es nun in das nächste Abenteuer gehen!
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    • Day 4

      Tag 1 // Endlich Feierabend

      August 20, 2016 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Nach schlussendlich 125km auf den Rädern haben wir es endlich geschafft. Aufgrund der hervorragenden Lage im Industriegebiet von Dessau haben wir uns heute für das Ibis Budget entschieden. Gegenüber befindet sich der Decathlon in dem eben noch die gerissene Speiche repariert werden konnte.

      Individuell gestaltet ist das Bad, siehe Fotos, Tür auf/ Tür zu. Richtige Sportlernahrung ist auch am Start.

      Morgen früh geht es weiter, dann hoffentlich pannenfrei.
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    • Day 19


      July 19, 2020 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Wir haben wirklich einen sehr schönen Platz in Kühnau, am See gefunden. Es war nachts sehr ruhig und wir haben endlich wieder einmal richtig gut geschlafen. Das köstliche Frühstück beim Tresen ist bereits bereitgestellt und der Tag kann also getrost beginnen.
      Wir radeln mit vollen Akkus durch uralte Auen nach Dessau. Auch diese Stadt scheint wie ausgestorben. Auch wenn die Ferien hier diese Woche angefangen haben, sei dies nicht üblich. Wir fahren an die Meisterhäuser heran, kubistische Wohneinheiten, welche bereits 1926 gebaut wurden - sie sehen top modern aus, wenn man bedenkt, dass sie vor fast hundert Jahren gebaut (und restauriert) wurden.
      Dann zum Bauhaus, ebenfalls 1926 mit Stahl und viel Glas gebaut. Wir führen unsere Reise fort und genehmigen uns nebst einem Cappuccino-Eiskaffe etwas leckeres in einem Restaurant an der Elbe. Zurück auf dem Platz setzen wir uns gemütlich in den Schatten.
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    • Day 3

      Verso il Nord della Germania

      August 5, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Sempre in 🛣...viaggio lungo, faticoso sembra quasi non finire mai...
      Ancora 484 km...velocità di crociera 100 km/h cielo grigio e nuvoloso temperature decisamente più respira..☁️☁️🌤🌤

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Anhalt-Bitterfeld, Landkreis Anhalt-Bitterfeld

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