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    • Day 3

      Tag 2 Auf gehts nach Mesenich

      July 28, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Guten Morgen. Wir sind schon früh wach geworden und haben bereits alles gepackt. Luci, ein kleines niederländisches Mädchen, hat uns dabei Gesellschaft geleistet. Das einpacken ging schnell, wir scheinen ein echtes Dreamteam zu sein. Die Fahrt aus Cochem haben wir jedoch noch vor uns. Erst muß Taras Rad kurz in eine Werkstatt...die zum Glück heute auf hat.👍🥳Read more

    • Day 14


      October 16, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      We were awake at 8:15am this morning and I’d had another rough night of sleep not being able to get comfortable atall. I’m currently not enjoying the trip as much as I should, and in all honesty I have considered just heading for home but I think I’m probably just feeling sorry for myself and my bike.
      My first thoughts this morning were to head back to Polche where we stayed a few nights ago and got water. I was feeling crap and knew that we had all services there and we can stay there for 3 nights for free so I set the sat nav and at 10:30am we left the park up at Elitz Castle.
      I was only 2 miles down the road and now not feeling too bad and suggested we head into Cochem which Ellie had found on Facebook last night. It has a beautiful view across the river to the old town and ancient castle on the hill and there is designated Motorhome parking where we can pay by the hour. I think if I can just keep going maybe my head will get back into travel mode and if I find a bike shop that can repair my bike I’ll probably be happy even if I can’t ride it. The back end of this trip is tailored towards the bike so it seems pointless heading there now, but we’ll see how I’m feeling as the trip progresses.
      We turned Wanda around and headed 10 miles down the road, down the 20% gradients and along the road where I had my accident and 30 minutes later we had found the Motorhome bays in Cochem.
      It was a euro an hour so we popped €2 in and thought that should give us enough time to get a few pictures and have a look around and then we set off along the footpath down the side of the river.
      Once at the town square we crossed the bridge and continued down abit further until we had a magnificent view of the old town and the castle in the background. We were lucky with the light as any later the sun would have blown the pictures out like they did at Elitz castle.
      Pictures taken, we then headed into the town Center and it was a proper medieval old town that looked like a cross between Diagon alley from Harry Potter and something from King Arthur. Most of the shops were catered for tourists so we managed to get our collectors mug here to go on our travel shelf back home then we wandered the streets and alleyways looking like tourists until our time was up on our parking ticket.
      Back at Wanda I’d already found a picnic area about 3 miles up the hill behind the castle that lots of people have stayed at for a night before and as it was now 3pm we set off. There’s only room for 2 campers here and it’s an awesome spot to spend the night aslong as we don’t get moved on. We have fantastic views across fields with hiking trails either side of us and another camper with a stupid sliding door has already joined us so this is it for the night.
      Once we had parked we went for a little stroll down one of the hiking trails and had a great view of the Mosul valley we had just driven through, then we went back to Wanda, battened down all the hatches and settled in for night.
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    • Day 5


      May 6, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Heute haben wir eine kleine Pause eingelegt. Einen gemütlichen Tag in Cochem verbracht und noch ein paar Fotografen getroffen 😅 Heute Abend heisst es wieder Auto vollpacken 🙈 und morgen fahren wir ganz früh los nach Monschau, ein wunderhübsches Dorf. Und dann geht es wieder auf die Autobahn und morgen Abend übernachten wir dann schon in Holland. Dann zeige ich euch dann unsere tolle Unterkunft 😍Read more

    • Day 10–20

      Von Traben-Trarbach nach Cochem

      September 22, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Heute wollen wir unsere Etappe etwas kürzer gestalten und nehmen deshalb den Zug um 11.01h von Traben-Trarbach nach Bullay .
      1. Kleine Ruhepause für Drahtesel und müde Radler.
      2. Es fährt kein Schiff Richtung Norden.😒
      Der Rest von ca. 30km wird wieder gestrampelt. Unser Radweg führt in der Nähe von Bremm am Calmont, dem steilsten Weinberg der Welt, vorbei.
      Endlich in Cochem angekommen finden wir das Haus Thies etwas außerhalb. Das ist für uns kein Problem, denn die schöne Promenade in die Altstadt lädt zu einem gemütlichen Spaziergang ein. Cochem ist eine sehr schöne, lebendige Stadt und wir genießen all die Eindrücke zu Fuß durch das Gewirr der engen Gassen mit den romantischen mittelalterlichen Häusern.
      Im Trachtenhaus wird noch eingekauft: Hemden für die Herren und ein wattiertes Gilet für Christina.
      Das Nachtessen in der Fleischerei Noss war hervorragend und das Moselfeuer bei Giuseppe in der Weinlaube rundete diesen Tag besonders ab.
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    • Day 18

      Cochem, Germany

      April 11, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Today's destination is Cochem and after a fun and windy drive we finally arrived. Even though the weather still isn’t the best, we checked in, dropped of our bags and headed out to check out the town. Even in the gloomy weather there are still a lot of people enjoying the promenade, sat enjoying a drink or two. This town has a very different feel, aimed more for holiday makers with numerous bars and restaurants along the river.

      Our reason for stopping here is to visit the Cochem Castle and we are hoping the weather will give us a break at some stage so we can check it out. We managed to get a couple of photos of the castle off in the distance and hope we get to see it tomorrow.

      Until then we had a walk, checked out St. Martins Church and then had an early dinner before calling it a day. Brad decided to try a typical meat sample tasting plate of pork knuckle, pork belly, blood sausage, liver sausage, mettwurst and mash for dinner and I decided not to be adventurous and had a hamburger, which I have to say is one of the best I have had in a very long time. We both enjoyed our meals, a glass of the local wine for me and a Wiest beer for Brad.
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    • Day 18

      St Martin Kirche, Cochem

      April 11, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      St. Martin's Church origins date back as early as around 1130, with the “Old Choir” of the present church dating to 1456. It is the oldest part and survived the Second World War.

      The amazing stained glass windows of the church were quite a surprise upon entering, and like the windows in St. Stephens in Mainz, these ones are not your typical stained glass windows. These seem almost three-dimensional and the colours are more monochromic than the “standard” stain glass windows.

      With many historical pieces within the church, the windows are a new addition, being installed in 2009. It is not often we get to see such a wonderful mix of the old and new.
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    • Day 3


      May 4, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Arrived in the Eifel region in Germany, Cochem.
      Now lunch picnic at the banks of river Mosel and later, when the light is softer, the real photos with a proper camera...
      The EV is charging in the meantime a few steps away from the old town.Read more

    • Day 19

      Cochem, Germany

      April 12, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Today was a bit of a veg day with the weather being so unpredictable we were unable to visit the castle. The shuttle bus is currently not operating and the rain didn’t hold off long enough for us to do the walk up there.

      We made the most of our down day, both still recuperating and trying to get better for the months of travel ahead.

      We headed out for dinner to Weinhaus Grafen, just across from where we are staying, before dodging the rain to get a few more photos from the bridge overlooking the town. It hasn’t been the best weather for our stay here in Cochem and it has been disappointing that we have not been able to visit the castle, especially when that was the reason we chose to stop here. However it has given us time to get better.
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    • Day 24

      Cochem and Eltz Castle

      September 10, 2023 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      Six years ago I was riding with a group of Ghostriders on our French Feasts ride. The first part of that adventure was a prologue ride in the form of a week long bike and barge trip along the Rhine from Mainz to Basel. The lady who provided our daily bike briefings was a German lady with a thick accent. I have long forgotten her name, but I never forgot her advice to me.

      One day we were talking about the Rhine ride and she confided in me that her regular guiding route was along the Moselle River from Koblenz to Saarburg. She went on to say that the Rhine was "OK", but that "I really must come back and ride the Moselle".

      Her advice stuck in my mind, and I soon began planning a ride that would include the recommended section of the Moselle. Of course, at that time, I had no idea that a small pandemic called Covid would halt all tourism for three years. It was not until 2023 that I would finally be able to see if the guide's advice was accurate.

      Today was to be our first day of sailing, and also our first chance to sample our bikes. Before we could get on the bikes, we had a couple of hours of cruising up the Moselle to the village of Alken. This also gave us the first chance to experience passing through one of the many locks on the river.

      Although we were all looking forward to getting back on a bike, we were not looking forward to another hot day and burning sun. The weather forecast promises another two days of these sort of conditions before some welcome moderation is expected.

      We were all wondering how almost 100 bikes would be unloaded, and it did not take us to find out. A sloping ramp was rigged between the boat and the wharf, and the bikes were each rolled down at some speed (only moderated by a rope looped on the seat). It mostly worked well, until they came to unload Allan's bike. That is when it went pear shaped. The catcher missed the bike, the bike crashed heavily onto the concrete, damaging the mudguard. This time, Allan could not blame Michael, but we could all see that he was not amused.

      As for the bikes, they were excellent. In fact they all looked virtually brand new. Apart from Allan's bike, they were a pleasure to ride. The bright red ebikes certainly were easy to spot, as were the bright yellow and pink shirts of our riders.

      With so many riders all gathered around at the start, it was a little chaotic to get everyone organized. The obligatory group photo at the start turned into a monumental battle to get 27 Ghostriders all facing in the same direction at the same time. It would have been much easier to get 27 chickens dance Swan Lake. I also forgot to unfurl the Australian flag that I had carried all the way from Australia with me, just for this occasion.

      With the heat already building, everyone was keen to get going without delay. Since it would be impossible to try to ride in a group of 27 (it is hard enough to manage about 10 at one time), we broke up into a number of small groups and headed off towards Cochem.

      There was an optional side trip to the spectacular Eltz Castle. Unfortunately, to get there, you have to first ride up a hill, and then walk for about 45 minutes up a steep, rocky path. If the weather had been cooler, I think that more of our group would have given it a go. As it turned out, only 6 out of 27 had the will power and/or stamina to make it to the castle.

      And so, it was myself and 5 women who battled the extreme heat and steep climb. And was it worth it ? It most certainly was, although by the time I got there, I was almost ready to stage a medical emergency of my own. All I wanted was a place to sit and get a cold drink. I discovered that they had very cleverly placed the cafe past the entrance gate. That meant it cost each of 14 Euro, just for the privilege of buying a drink.

      After our blood had stopped boiling, we spent some time wandering around the place. It really was the stuff of storybooks, perched high on the mountain, with a whimsical assortment of turrets, towers and tunnels. It would have been nice to spend more time there, but we had a schedule to keep.

      This amazing structure is approximately 850 years old and has been owned by the same family for 34 generations. That really is a staggering statistic.

      Fortunately, the downhill walk was a lot easier than the uphill walk. Just as fortunate was the fact that our bikes had not been stolen. They were still exactly where we had left them. We climbed aboard and resumed our ride to Cochem.

      Even though the path was flat, the scorching sun and high temperature did make the difficulty factor higher than it should have been. We were glad to reach the boat, just in time for the complimentary coffee and cake at 4.30 pm.

      I would also be worth mentioning something of the village of Cochem itself. The town is nestled in the Moselle Valey, and dominated by the fairytale shape of Cochem Castle on the nearby hill. It really is one of the prettiest towns you could ever imagine. I guess that is why it is overrun by thousands of tourists every day. This really is pyjama boat country.

      (Note the Internet on the boat is far too slow to upload any images, so that will have to wait till when we are back in a normal hotel)
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    • Day 12

      … unterwegs nach Müden (Mosel) …

      July 31, 2023 in Germany ⋅ 🌬 19 °C

      … bei Klotten führt der Mosel-Radweg mit der Fähre auf die linke Uferseite …

      Für die Einwohner von Klotten war die Überquerung der Mosel immer ein grosses Problem, da der Fluss nur bei normalem Wasserstand durchwatet werden konnte.
      Etwa in den 90er Jahren des 19. Jahrhunderts wurden auf beiden Moselseiten Masten errichtet, die mit einem starken Drahtseil miteinander verbunden wurden.
      Daran hing eine Laufrolle, die mit einem Nachen verbunden war.
      Zum Antrieb wurde die Kraft der Flußströmung genutzt.
      Ein Klottener Bürger kaufte 1906 die erste Wagenfähre, die von nun an Menschen, Vieh und Wagen sicher übersetzte – diese war bis 1967 in Betrieb.
      Nach dem Bau der Staustufen und der Flussregulierung reichte die Strömung als Antriebskraft für die Fähre nicht mehr aus, so dass die Gemeinde eine neue, grössere Fähre mit Dieselmotor anschaffte.
      Diese Fähre ist bis heute noch im Dienst und befördert Jahr für Jahr viele Radfahrer und Wanderer über die Mosel.
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