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    • Day 16

      Leaving Koblenz

      June 28, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      We are on the train to Berlin.

      We spent a night in Koblenz packing up. I went for a walk by the river (pictured).

      Belgium v Ukraine turned out to be a fizzer: 0-0. We have not had much luck with the games we've been to: 3 goals across 4 games. The atmosphere was great however. Originally only 4 of us were going but Louis procured a last minute ticket and made it too.

      I am looking at attending England's game in Gelsenkirchen at 6pm on 30 June. Only problem is it's a 6 hour train ride away and I need to be back in Berlin to fly out at 11 am the next day. Will weigh it up
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    • Day 4

      Welcome to Koblenz

      June 13, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Day 1 in Koblenz...
      - Thank goodness for the train app bc that loud system needs some work!
      - Exploring the old city, somehow this place feels more German than the last place...
      - I was reminded to make sure I get in some photos 📸 I need to work on my selfie gameRead more

    • Day 23

      We are Going Sailing

      September 9, 2023 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

      In the short space of time we had been in Koblenz, we had learnt our way around the city centre, and also learned to appreciate the attraction of living in a modest sized city of 115.000 inhabitants. It would have been nice to spend some more time there, however the biggest challenge we faced was the uncomfortably hot weather.

      Each day, by the middle of the afternoon, it was a challenge to be outside in the sun. Even though it was not so hot by Australian standards, it was apparently a little unusual to experience such hot weather in Germany this late in the season. At least we did not have to worry about getting wet.

      We did not have an ambitious schedule for the day, as we all knew that we would be boarding our boat at 3 pm. Hearing that some of the others had discovered a bike shop of biblical proportions, not far from our hotel, that seemed like a pretty good place to have a look around.

      The shop certainly was impressive, both in its dimensions, and in the quality and number of its bikes and accessories. It is worth noting that although there was a huge range of ebikes, touring bikes and mountain bikes, I could not even find a single light weight road bike ! Maybe this says a lot about the difference between cycling in Europe and Australia.

      The bike shop even had a test track, where prospective bike buyers could take bikes for a test ride. Now, I haven't seen that in Australia.

      Maggie experienced something of an epiphany at that moment, when she saw a lovely green Cube ebike, and experienced love at first sight. Although she loves her Gazelle bike back in Australia, in Europe I think she could be tempted to be unfaithful. I remembered back to the old days (over 50 years ago) when she used to gaze at me with that look in her eyes.

      After enjoying a nice coffee and a cool rest in the cafe in the magnificent new library building, we wandered back to the hotel to wait for the rest of the group. While some had decided that 400 metres downhill was definitely too far to walk, there were several of us who were made of stronger stuff.

      At about 2.30pm we gathered our luggage and set off on the 10 minute walk down to the docks where the MS Olympia was moored. This boat will be our home for the next week as we make our way along the Moselle River to Saarburg.

      While David and I found our way to the boat, when we turned around the women had gone missing in action. We could have gone back looking for them, but it was hot outside, and the boat WAS air conditioned. It did not take us long to decide that they would probably eventually make it (they usually do). David and Iq settled down in airconditioned comfort.

      The MS Olympia is certainly larger and more luxurious than any other vessel we have used on our previous bike and barge adventures. Not only does it accommodate 96 passengers and 21 crew members, all the cabins feature full air-conditioning, TVs and fridges. You can even fit in the bathroom in reasonable comfort. It was almost a genuine "pyjama boat".

      While the comfort was very welcome, it was a little difficult to share our boat with so many other people, many of whom were chain smokers. Although they are not allowed to smoke indoors, they waste no time lighting up as soon as they take the first step out the door. Maybe I will bring my own gas mask on the next voyage.

      After a welcome and introductions of the various crew members, we were subjected to an almost interminable briefing session, which would have been a great cure for anyone's insomnia. It seemed to go on for hours.

      Then we moved downstairs to the impressive dining room. The service and food was excellent, but it was amazing just how much noise 96 passengers can make when they have had too much to drink and have too much to say. In fact the noise level was so high that I struggled to hear anything that was being discussed at our table.

      It had been a long day, and we were all very keen to finish the final course and retreat to the quiet of the upper desk. Too late, the smokers had already polluted the air up there with clouds of noxious smoke. Perhaps the best place to be is sleeping in our own cabin after all.

      Tomorrow we get on the bikes for the first time. The weather forecast ? Another day with a temperature in the low 30s.
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    • Day 12–23

      Cochem - Koblenz

      September 24, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Es ist frisch am Morgen. Wir nehmen für die ersten 10km das Schiff bis Treis-Karden.
      Von da geht's zügig - auch der Wind ist zügig! - weiter.
      Mal nah der Mosel, mal durch die Rebberge, aber auch entlang der Hauptstraße.
      Wir sind froh, nach den letzten 40km Koblenz zu erreichen. Nach dem obligaten Ankunftsfoto geht's ab in den Biergarten zu Bier, Wurst und Käsekuchen, begleitet von schönen Klängen einer Blasmusik.
      Unser Hotel Morjan liegt wunderbar am Ufer des Rhein.
      Nach der Dusche spazieren wir durch die Altstadt. In der Jesuitenkirche zünden wir Kerzen an als Dank für die schönen Tage und unsere heile Ankunft.
      Zum Nachtessen kehren wir beim Griechen ein und werden kulinarisch verwöhnt.
      Am Sonntag erfolgt die Rückreise per Zug.
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    • Day 12

      … mein Bett heute …

      July 31, 2023 in Germany ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      … den Ballast abwerfen, duschen und Koblenz besichtigen …

      Trip Inn Hotel Hamm
      St. Josefstrasse 32 - 34
      56068 Koblenz- Süd


    • Day 13

      … morgens um halb Sieben … 🌧️

      August 1, 2023 in Germany ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      … schönes erwachen … 😵‍💫
      … ich vertraue dem Wetterbericht und lege mich nochmals hin … 🛌

    • Day 8

      Koblenz (DE)

      July 15, 2017 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Approaching now the more scenic part of the Rhine.

      When its a long day, to pass the time it's fun to chase the eBikes till their batteries go flat, then pass them. Once done with the eBikes, then start pacing yourself against the barges heading upstream along the Rhine (barges are slower).

      Passed the remnants of the last bridge that was still intact during the 2nd World War. The USA troops used this bridge to cross into Germany. Hitler had four of his officers executed as he believed that it was sabotage that they had not blown it up.
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    • Day 5

      Koblenz esti varosnezes

      June 5, 2017 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Belgium után irány vissza Németország, azon belül is Koblenz, egy Rajna parti nagyon helyes kis város. A szállás itt is airbnb-s volt, itt arra mentünk rá h minél jobb áron legyen, így ár értek arányban nagyon jó is volt de több napra azért kényelmetlen lenne. A belvarosa viszont nagyon helyes. Már rettentő éhes voltam mire beértünk, így egy kis varosnezes után beultunk egy tapas bárba, ahol persze megint tulrendeltuk magunkat de becsomagoltattuk a maradekot és szuper jó volt másnap reggelire. 😊Koblenz óvárosa nagyon szép, itt folyik össze a Mosel a Rajnaval. Hazafele setanal a Mosel partján rengeteg folyami hajó parkolt rajta nyugdíjas nekik, bácsik, tok jol szórakoztak. Sanyival meg is fogadtuk, ha nyuggerek leszünk mi is elmegyünk egy ilyen folyami hajoutra, biztos nagyon szép lehet 😊Read more

    • Day 2

      Along the Moselle valley

      July 12, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Back on schedule. Next step 2 hour local stopping train up the Moselle valley to Trier. Good job I've got sandwiches and a flask of tea (if I don't spill it like I did on the train to Köln).
      Travel tip. Sit on left side of train as it follows the river. After Bullay the train rides inland.Read more

    • Day 61

      DAY 61 - Mainz to Koblenz, 64 miles

      June 15, 2016 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Amazing ride today and much more like it.

      Mainz to Bingen wasn't much to write home about but the ride from Bingen to Koblenz was everything I'd read about and an UNESCO world heritage site for a reason!

      The 'upper middle' Rhine winds through a much more dramatic setting within a gorge covered in thick forest and vineyards. The cycle path hugs the river so nice and flat again. With plenty of historic small towns and a castle about every 3 or 4 miles it really was a ride through history (cheesy line but you know what I mean!).

      The ride wasn't without its odd torrential downpour and the clear weather would quickly change to dark sky's and rain where you could hardly see across the river. Luckily managed to find some sort if cover each time.

      Koblenz tonight's stop over is a really nice ancient town on the banks of the Rhine and Mosel and has a huge hilltop fortress. Evening was spent in The Irish Pub (original name!) with what seemed like half the town. Place was packed for its monthly karaoke night and some serious talent was on show. Very random night and great way to end best days riding for a few days.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Koblenz, كوبلنس, Горад Кобленц, Кобленц, Coblença, Κόμπλεντς, Koblenco, Coblenza, Koblentza, کوبلنتس, Coblence, קובלנץ, ZNV, コブレンツ, 코블렌츠, Koblencas, Koblencja, کوبلنز, Koblenci, 科布倫茨

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