Vi tog en hurtig træningstur med cyklen i morges, inden vi fortsatte med at æde os igennem kilometerne sydover. Det gik fint uden den store trafik, men det er stadig tæt på de 30 grader, og varmtRead more
Vi tog en hurtig træningstur med cyklen i morges, inden vi fortsatte med at æde os igennem kilometerne sydover. Det gik fint uden den store trafik, men det er stadig tæt på de 30 grader, og varmtRead more
We left our friends in Nuremberg and headed south to Regensburg, a Bavarian town on the Danube River. The river was flooded, probably due to snow melt from the big storms they had a couple weeksRead more
Davor and spent a few hours walking around the old town, enjoying the historic buildings and doing a little shopping. In Europe you have to learn to always look up! You never know what treasuresRead more
We spent the day wandering around downtown Regensburg. Regensburg is a well preserved medieval town. Erhard is very into history so he is quite the tour guide!
Regensburg is well known for the StoneRead more
For many years, there was no way to cross the Danube until the bridge was built. They competed with the architects of the cathedral to finish construction first. The cathedral had God on their side doRead more
Tegan had class this morning at 10am, so after a nice sleep in Steve went down to the supermarket and picked up some smoothies and muesli bars to get us through the morning. Steve then went on a walkRead more
Landschaftlich schöne Strecke, die noch dazu nur knapp 40 Kilometer lang war. Aber warum nur Regen, Regen immer Regen“… Vielleicht muss das so sein, wenn man nach Regensburg reinfährt, aberRead more
Heute hat es ausnahmsweise mal nicht geregnet. Auch schön. Dafür hatten wir heute das beste Frühstück, was zumindest ich jemals in einem Hotel gegessen habe…. So so lecker. Frisch,Read more
Nach dem Frühstück, ging es in Richtung Ulm und Regensburg weiter.
Ich habe mir auch die Zeit genommen an 2 Stellen die Donau genau anzuschauen, vor allem die Donauversinkung.
Nach einem kurzenRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Kreisfreie Stadt Regensburg, Regensburg, Ratisbonne
Traveler 😂😂😂😂
Traveler Made my day!!🙏♥️