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    • Day 1


      July 17, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Wir sind in Regensburg, obwohl es eigentlich nur als kurze Pause eingeplant war und wir eigentlich gleich weiter zu fahren wollten, ist Mama sofort in den Touri-Modus gefallen. Momentan steckt sie im Souvenir Shop fest.

      Was machen Kilian und ich? Wir spielen Stoascheißerkoarl und bringen Mama zur Weißglut in dem wir ihre Fotos crashen.

      Auch die ersten Karten werden schon geschrieben.

      Heutiges Zitat:
      Paula (nach der DE Grenze): I weiß ja nt Kili, awa schau amal wieviele Piefken da san.
      Kilian: Des muss a Rudl sein!
      Paula: De habn da ganz sicher iwo a Nest!
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    • Day 4

      Leipzig - Regensburg

      September 7 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Vi tog en hurtig træningstur med cyklen i morges, inden vi fortsatte med at æde os igennem kilometerne sydover. Det gik fint uden den store trafik, men det er stadig tæt på de 30 grader, og varmt når man holder stille. Lige nord for Regensburg fandt vi et lille strandområde ned til floden Regen. Vi troede, der ville være mange mennesker på sådan en varm lørdag eftermiddag, men det var ikke slemt. Der var hyggeligt og stille, græs og fin sandbund, og vandet i floden var betydeligt varmere end det vi badede i ved Møn inden vi startede vores tur. Til gengæld var der meget strøm, men heldigvis ikke så dybt, så man kunne bunde, hvis man ikke ville føres ned af floden!

      Efter lidt afkøling kørte vi det sidste stykke ned forbi Regensburg og ud til hvor Donau løber forbi. Her fandt vi en holdeplads ned til vandet, hvor cykelstien løber forbi, og så blev det også til en aftencykeltur langs med Donau.

      Vi holder os til floden i morgen med, da det stadig skulle være varmt, og vi først skal besøge vores venner over ved Kufstein og grænsen til Østrig på mandag-tirsdag.
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    • Day 20


      December 11, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      We left our friends in Nuremberg and headed south to Regensburg, a Bavarian town on the Danube River. The river was flooded, probably due to snow melt from the big storms they had a couple weeks back.

      It's a nice place with narrow streets and very few cars in the Old Town. Originally, this was a Roman outpost, so there are lots of places where the original stone walls were incorporated into the town buildings.

      There's an old bridge that crosses the Danube that was built in the 12th century, connecting the old and new towns.

      And the good news is they have great Christmas Markets.. We enjoyed wandering the markets munching on sausages washed down with Glühwein.
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    • Day 23

      Special German experiences

      October 11, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Davor and spent a few hours walking around the old town, enjoying the historic buildings and doing a little shopping. In Europe you have to learn to always look up! You never know what treasures you’ll find. Pics 1-7 are some of them! Mid afternoon we sat down at a little cafe for coffee and had a view of city hall (pic 8). I was excited to find my favorite bakery item at this cafe. It’s called “mandelhoernchen”. It is in the shape of a horn and has marzipan inside and almonds on the outside.
      We went back to Maja & Erhard’s and then the 4 of us went out for a fun dinner. We went to a neighboring village and ate at the restaurant for the locals, Landgastof Geser. We walked in and it was their monthly night for pop up music! Several people(including the owner), played accordion, there was a bass and a tuba. What you would call typical German beer hall music played the whole evening! What a fun atmosphere.
      I wish I had known how special the next thing that happened was and I would have taken a picture… they brought out a wooden keg(unusual these days), a man put on an apron and several stood by and he hammered the tap into the keg! Beer splattered! We were nearby but didn’t get wet! Then about 6 employees held out glasses as they tapped out all the foam from the keg, it took awhile! Finally the beer flowed and they emptied the keg into glasses. It was a special beer called bock which is a really dark beer. They only tap it once a year, usually in October. Because Maja and Erhard are regulars at this Gasthof, the owner knows them. We were lucky and he gave us each a glass of this special beer and then sat down and talked to us! The last pic is of my Wiener schnitzel with bratkartoffeln! What a fun evening!

      Highlight of the day: seeing a beer keg tapped
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    • Day 22


      October 10, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      We spent the day wandering around downtown Regensburg. Regensburg is a well preserved medieval town. Erhard is very into history so he is quite the tour guide!
      Regensburg is well known for the Stone Bridge built in the 12th century (pic 1) Pic 2 is the archway at one end of the bridge leading into the old town. Pic 3 is an old wurst restaurant nearby, along the Danube River.
      We didn’t eat there, but instead crossed the stone bridge and had a wonderful lunch in a beer garden (pics 4-6). We’ve been fortunate and have been able to eat more than half of our meals outside, often in beer gardens! Pic 7 is the view we had from the beer garden looking across the Danube at the old town.
      Pic 8 is of Porta Praetoria, these are stone remnants of a former gateway built in 179 AD and once leading into a Roman military camp.
      Pics 9-13 are of St Peters Cathedral, also known as Regensburger Dom, rebuilt in 1273 in high gothic style. It was built the same time as Notre Dame in Paris. The organ was added later, in pic 13 you can see that it is suspended from the ceiling!
      We ended the day with a visit with our niece, Bettina and her kids, Marlene and Benjamin. We played mini golf and then had pizza together!

      Highlight of the day: mini golf with Bettina, Marlene and Benjamin
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    • Day 3

      The Old Stone Bridge

      September 24, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 54 °F

      For many years, there was no way to cross the Danube until the bridge was built. They competed with the architects of the cathedral to finish construction first. The cathedral had God on their side do the bridge builders turned to the Devil. However the devil wanted the first three souls that crossed the bridge. The bridge was completed first, but what three souls were to be sacrificed? They sent a dog, chasing two chickens. The statue is the architect watching the progression of the cathedral’s construction. The chickens are embedded into the side of the bridge.Read more

    • Day 41

      Regensburg Day 2

      June 13, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Tegan had class this morning at 10am, so after a nice sleep in Steve went down to the supermarket and picked up some smoothies and muesli bars to get us through the morning. Steve then went on a walk around town until Tegan was done with class at 11:30am. We got ready and went out for brunch at Malefiz cafe, which did some really nice breakfast food (although the poached eggs weren’t quite at Melbourne level, they were only very barely cooked).

      We then headed to the train station to make our way to Kelheim, where we were planning on catching a boat to Weltenburg, an old monastery/brewery combo. We had to change from a train to a bus to the boat and it took almost 2.5 hours, but the boat section of it was quite beautiful.

      We arrived at Weltenburg and sat down in a nice beer garden and ordered some drinks and giant pretzels. We spent about an hour and a half there enjoying the atmosphere before making the move back to the boat dock.

      The way back was downstream, and it made a massive difference - on the way there the boat trip was 50 mins, but on the way back it was just 20 mins. We had some luck with the connecting bus and train as well, and we were back in Regensburg an hour sooner than we thought we might have been. We had dinner at a lovely Vietnamese restaurant.
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    • Kelheim nach Regensburg

      July 30, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Landschaftlich schöne Strecke, die noch dazu nur knapp 40 Kilometer lang war. Aber warum nur Regen, Regen immer Regen“… Vielleicht muss das so sein, wenn man nach Regensburg reinfährt, aber warum nur so ein Platzregen. Wir sind vollkommen durchnässt angekommen und durften zum Glück schon in die Unterkunft. Mara ist heiß geduscht gleich im Bett verschwunden. Und wir haben derweilen Regensburg erkundet und waren im tollen Kunstforum. Tolle Bilder. Später sind wir nochmal alle zusammen losgelaufen und sind uns einig: Regensburg ist ne tolle Stadt ganz entgegen vor allem meiner Erwartungen.Read more

    • Ruhetag in Regensburg

      July 31, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Heute hat es ausnahmsweise mal nicht geregnet. Auch schön. Dafür hatten wir heute das beste Frühstück, was zumindest ich jemals in einem Hotel gegessen habe…. So so lecker. Frisch, selbstgemacht, vegan usw.
      Nach dem Frühstück hat sich Mara getraut und hat jetzt Ohrlöcher. Gemacht hat sie Dani mit der Nadel. Dann sind wir kreuz und quer durch die Stadt und haben den Schaufensterbummel von gestern um „rein-gehen-in-die-Geschäfte“ erweitert. Bei Globetrotter wurde Berndts Fahrradtasche repariert. Mit dem neuen Messer für Enno hab ich mich gleich geschnitten. Wir haben wieder lustige Karten gekauft und das achte Weltwunder des Mittelalters angeschaut (Steinerne Brücke, Baubeginn 1135). Abendbrot gab es in einem vielleicht japanischen Restaurant. Kann aber auch Vietnamesisch, Thai oder Koreanisch gewesen sein. Mara hatte divergente Assoziationen.
      Unsere Sachen stinken schon etwas. Besonders die nassen Schuhe naja und auch die nicht mehr beachtete Dreckwäsche ganz unten in den Taschen. Morgen soll es wieder den ganzen Tag regnen. Zumindest der Helm wird dabei sauber.
      Ach ja und wir haben Tschiburaschka gefunden.
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    • Day 3

      Weiter nach Regensburg …

      June 12 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Nach dem Frühstück, ging es in Richtung Ulm und Regensburg weiter.
      Ich habe mir auch die Zeit genommen an 2 Stellen die Donau genau anzuschauen, vor allem die Donauversinkung.

      Nach einem kurzen Halt in Ulm, ging es gleich weiter nach Regensburg …Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Kreisfreie Stadt Regensburg, Regensburg, Ratisbonne

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