Landkreis Ansbach

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    • Day 8

      Lieve fietsenmaker

      July 17, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      De fietsenmaker was heerlijk bezig in zijn tuin vanmorgen totdat ik aankwam fietsen. Hij was eigenlijk niet open, maar toen ik zei dat het een klein probleempje was deed hij rustig z’n tuinhandschoenen uit. Het was een oudere man en hij kon alleen Duits praten. Z’n buurman trouwens ook. Bij aankomst leek het ook niet op een fietsenmaker, want het was een huis met een schuurtje.

      Terwijl hij rustig z’n schuur aan het uitladen was met de fietsen die erin stonden, probeerde ik in mijn beste Duits uit te leggen wat er mankeerde aan mijn fiets. Z’n vrouw, die alles in de gaten hield, drukte mij uit het niets een huistelefoon in de handen. Had ik haar zoon aan de lijn, die kon fungeren als tolk😂.

      Ik in het Engels, de zoon weer in het Duits en zo kon de beste man mijn fiets repareren. Naderhand wilde hij er niets voor hebben. “Neem als je in Italië bent maar een kopje koffie”, zei die (of iets dergelijks).

      Wat een vriendelijkheid!

      En nu op naar naar Dillingen an der Donau 🚲
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    • December 12 - Last day in Nuremberg

      December 12, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ -3 °C

      We were in the 8:00 a.m. time slot for breakfast. No cookies or champagne for brekkie today. We detected some decidedly mid-Western American accents at a table across the room.

      We set out about 9:30 a.m. We took a tram ride for about 15 minutes to the Documentation Center and Nazi Party Rally Grounds. Nuremberg tries to present itself as the “City of Human Rights”, but its reputation as Hitler’s favourite place for rallies is hard to shake. The museum began an extensive remodelling project in 2021 so a lot of what used to be accessible is closed off, but there is a very well-done interim exhibit which focuses on the space and content of the Rally Grounds. The exhibit helps to trace the evolution of the National Socialist Movement which simultaneously energized and terrorized the German people. We were all very struck by how propaganda and staging and lighting were used during the rallies to promote Hitler and his ideologies. Leni Riefenstahl’s propaganda classic “Triumph of the Will” was filled at this location. The Nuremberg Trials were held at another location across town. Those trials – the first international war-crimes tribunal -brought about a new concept of international law, which continues today in The Hague, Netherlands.

      We came back to the hotel and, of course, it was time to eat again. Some of the serious shoppers in the group had found a great store (Karstadt) on Saturday (closed yesterday) with a good café on its lower level. The store is like a cross between The Bay, Bed, Bath and Beyond, Michael’s and a giant grocery store. The café was very busy – it appears to be where wives stash their husbands while they shop. We got a couple of seats at the counter and ate in shifts. We discovered that they only serve steak. They have beef from all over the world, but alas, not from Canada. The steaks are cooked on a giant grill right before your eyes. The frantic pace kept up by the staff made my head spin. They act as order takers, bartenders, cooks, table clearers and cashiers. Most of us don’t usually have steak and baked potato and salad for lunch, but hey, we were there and up for the entertainment, so we dove in headfirst like the troopers that we are and polished off very tasty steaks.

      We split up after lunch – Sue off to take photos, Mary Ann and I to check out fabrics, and the others to shop and drink tea. We are Christmas Marketed out.

      Karstadt has a knitting wool and fabric department. There were some nice fabrics, but the prices weren’t very attractive. And the organization of the fabrics made it hard to browse – cottons were lumped in with polyesters and the wools and drapery materials. Mary Ann and I could have whipped that place into shape in a week.

      We went to another fabric store that we had spied near the Spanish restaurant last night. We found the same thing – no separation of fabrics by material content or colour or theme. And the lighting was so dim I couldn’t tell blacks from blues from dark greens. Another place in need of a makeover.

      One last stop – the food section of Karstadt. There is more chocolate there than any nation needs. I had one last €20 note so I spent it. No, not all of that chocolate is going to make it home!

      We had dinner at an Indian restaurant around the corner called LeBar. They played music from Dirty Dancing and had an extensive liquor collection. Not your typical Indian Restaurant. As always, we had good food and lots of laughs.

      We are off to Frankfurt tomorrow morning in preparation for our morning flight the next day. This adventure is coming to an end soon.
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    • Day 137

      139ème étape ~ Colmberg

      December 17, 2022 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 -7 °C

      Quel endroit magique pour notre étape de la nuit. Nous voulions vous partager ce coucher de soleil.
      Nous avons passé la journée à Nuremberg, après avoir réglé des détails administratifs et s’être occupé de notre lessive, nous avons profité de la vue.Read more

    • Day 139

      140ème étape ~ Rothenburg ob der Tauber

      December 19, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 0 °C

      Après midi passé à la piscine de Rothenburg.
      Bien que l’eau était fraîche, on s’est bien amusé. 🏊🏼‍♂️
      On a appris le virage de natation professionnelle, mais on le maîtrise pas à 100%. 🫢
      Une jolie journée de repos en restant actif !
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    • Day 15

      Rothenburg ob der Tauber

      October 3, 2023 in Germany ⋅ 🌬 24 °C

      Today we drove from Waiblingen to Rothenburg ob derTauber. It’s a medieval town founded in 1274.
      The pics today are all from there. After walking around town we stopped at a beer garden and had some typical German food.
      From Rothenburg we drove to Bayreuth. We will spend a few days with our nephew, Rainer and his wife, Olivia.
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    • Day 138

      140ème étape ~ Rothenburg ob der Tauber

      December 18, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ -4 °C

      Arrêt improvisé dans ce joli village. Comme c’est la période, nous avons flâner dans le marché de noël.
      Une bonne schnitzel pour le dîner !
      Nous avons aussi goûté à la spécialité origine de ce village : une schneeball.
      Nous avons aussi eu droit à un petit concert de chants de noël.
      Bien que les températures soient glaciales, on n’est pas encore congelés. 😅
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    • Day 30


      August 21, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      After our stay in our nice farm house. We set off again to drop off our car, hop on a bus, get on a train and pick up our new car. I was surprised that there wasn’t any border security from France to Germany. Like I said in my last blog I noticed that the German houses were much more colourful than it is in France. My frist impression of Germany wasn’t the best because we got off at the train station so there were a few odd people about. But once we got to Rothenburg all those train station events were wiped from my mind. It was one of the most amazing towns I’ve ever seen, it had the old town from olden days and it had a wall around it and about 3 clock towers. The shops were bright with ( I assumed ) local made puppets, toys and many other things. It is also known to be home to one of the biggest Christmas shops in the world. We checked in at our apartment which was also amazing with real comfy couches,and got a tour around the place with a night watchman who told us about the history and the security it used to have. It was even better though because he was all dressed up.

      Our second day in Rothenburg was even better, we looked in the church that apparently had a few drops of Jesus blood, old shops like this massive Christmas shop with a big Christmas tree and a wooden spiny thing. We went into a medieval shop. There were helmets, a quill and ink, and a few daggers and swords, there was also a shop full of stuffed animals. We walked around the wall of Rothenburg too. To sum up so far I think that Rothenburg had taken top spot in my list of favourite places.
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    • Day 2–9

      Nocleg na trasie 2 - Niemcy

      January 4 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Pogoda cały dzień pod psem. Cały czas pada, raz mniej, raz więcej. Temp. 3-6 stopni. Bardzo duży ruch na autostradzie. W planie było przejechanie 800km. Daliśmy radę ok. 500km. I ok. 18.00 stajemy na nocleg. Jak zwykle na trasie, niedaleko autostrady, 10km w bok. Wybieramy na p4n ikonkę z "zielonym camperkiem".
      Piękne zabytkowe miasteczko, Feuchwangen, wszystko jest co trzeba dla campera i wiele sklepów i marketow w okolicy. BĘDZIEMY miasteczko zwiedzali jutro.
      Camperpark - wszystko gratis, prąd 1kwh - 1 €. Nawet jest zestaw prospektow i leafletow reklamujących miasteczko, jego historię i okolice. Wolno stać do 3 dób.

      @park4night :
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    • Day 6–7

      Von Nürnberg nach Feuchtwangen

      September 5 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Nach dem Frühstück verabschieden wir uns von Martina und Gerhard die für heute ihre Heimreise mit dem Zug geplant haben. Da beide noch immer nicht auf dem Damm sind, verzichten wir auf die Umarmung beim Abschied. 🤢

      Wir verlassen Nürnberg Richtung Westen und erst nach rund 15 km lassen wir Stadt und Vorstadt endlich hinter uns.

      Bibertalradweg, Karpfenradweg und Markgrafradweg geleiten uns Richtung Feuchtwangen. Es wird hügelig, immer wieder geht es durch die landwirtschaftlich genutzte Landschaft bergauf und bergab.

      Über manche kleinere Hügel bläst uns der Rückenwind locker darüber - über andere größere Hügel - leider NICHT 😅 So kommen wir heute immerhin auf rund 600 bezwungene Höhenmeter.

      Nach dem Mittagessen wird es wieder sehr warm. Wir treffen auf viele Störche die auf den Feldern nach Mäusen suchen, und denen wohl niemand gesagt hat, dass sie im August ihre Reise nach Süden antreten müssen. 😊Nachdem wir auch die letzten Steigungen bezwungen haben, checken wir im Romantikhotel Greifen-Post ein.
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    • Day 4


      July 4 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Morgens um 10 Uhr geht's los vom Wohnmobilstellplatz in Rothenburg ob der Tauber. ES sind die Autos angestellt um ihre ver- und Entsorgung zu machen. Ich beschließe nicht zu warten und fahre zur Gemeindestelle in Schwalmstadt, wo ich gemütlich meine Arbeit verrichten kann. Es war ja aufgelegt, ich steige aus dem Auto und Starkregen beginnt.
      Kaum bin ich mit allem fertig, hört es auf zum Regnen. Ich kehre zurück zur Autobahn A7 diese hat mindestens 20 Baustellen am heutigen Streckenabschnitt nach Hamburg und ist nicht sehr erfreulich zum Befahren. Zwischendurch mache ich einen weiteren Tankstopp und genieße in Rosis Autohof einen Burger.
      Gegen 20 Uhr komme ich am heutigen Parkplatz, im Hafen von Hamburg an und genieße einen Naturfilm nachdem ich ein wenig die Füße vertreten habe.
      Meine heutige Tagestour waren 660 km die ich fast ununterbrochen gefahren bin. Gestern Nacht gabs noch ein schönes Feuerwerk.
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