Niederweimer Germany

Arrived in Marburg at 2045 pm. Very long day starting at 4am. from Edinburgh.
I had smooth flight connections but found the train system challenging in Germany. I accidentally missed getting off at aRead more
Arrived in Marburg at 2045 pm. Very long day starting at 4am. from Edinburgh.
I had smooth flight connections but found the train system challenging in Germany. I accidentally missed getting off at aRead more
We left at 10 this morning to go to a quaint cafe and garden.
On the way, Anja pointed out a chicken camper in a field. The people that Lilli works for move there chickens (by flatbeds on trucks) toRead more
Raining and very gloomy. Decided to take a walk in the woods as Anja was not feeling very well.
Afterwards Anja drove me through beautiful little villages . She once worked with an architect andRead more
We met Emmett after his semester at university here. What a beautiful medieval town! The Brothers Grimm went to university here, and there are statues around town from their fairy tales. We had dinnerRead more
Direkt nach dem Aufstehen und Zähneputzen fuhren wir weiter. Zum Glück war wenig Verkehr und wir kamen gut durch.
Wir steuerten einen Parkplatz in Gladenbach an, ganz in der Nähe der Firma, woRead more
Wir starten den Tag mit einer Zugfahrt von Schladern via Siegen nach Lützel. Als wir gestern die Route zusammenstellten, hätten wir über 1000hm mit mehreren langen steilen Anstiegen fahren müssen.Read more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Landkreis Marburg-Biedenkopf
Traveler Marburg looks very charming and quaint.
Traveler Quite the church. Just read about it.
What a quaint spot!
So fascinating to see different architecture, etc. in different cultures.