Munich Central Station

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    • Day 9

      Von Mering nach München

      September 8 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Wir frühstücken beim örtlichen Bäcker, bevor wir nach Süden losfahren. Wir durchqueren einige kleinere und größere Waldstücke, sowie am Moorradweg das Haspelmoor.

      Es scheint als würde heute irgendwo Erntedank gefeiert. Wir begegnen einigen Oldtimer Traktoren, die alle in dieselbe Richtung tuckern.

      Weiter geht es durch ein paar kleine Wiesen sowie einige grüne Wiesen entlang. Wir sind überrascht als wir bereits 20 km vor der Innenstadt das Münchner Ortsschild passieren. Die Fahrt in die Innenstadt führt noch rund 15 km weiter durchs Grüne, durch schöne Parkanlagen, entlang an Bächen, definitiv eine der schönsten Großstadt Einfahrten, die wir bisher mit dem Rad erlebt haben.

      Nachdem das Wetter die nächsten Tage kalt und regnerisch wird, beenden wir hier unsere Tour. Wir steigen in den Eurocity und fahren heim nach Kärnten. 😊
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    • Day 23

      Mit dem Zug nach München

      September 2, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      In Frankfurt angekommen, schnell das Gepäck geholt und weiter zum Zug. Zum Glück hatte die Bahn Verspätung und schafften den Zug um 09:00 Uhr.
      4 Stunden im Zug - Angekommen in München um 01:00 Uhr.
      Fabi hat uns am Hbf abgeholt - um halb 3 dann Daheim😊
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    • Day 11

      Step 25.3 - ÖBB die bessere DB?

      June 25, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Mit 27 Minuten Verspätung komme ich nun endlich am Hbf. München an. Bei der Einfahrt sehe ich meinen ICE bereits davon fahren. 5 Minuten warten wären doch nicht zu viel verlangt???

      Na gut. Den nächsten Anschluss gibt es 1h später. Aber für den Sprinter wird eine „Außergewöhnliche hohe Auslastung“ angezeigt. Mit durchgestrichenen Personen. Also auf zum DB-Reisezentrum und wenigstens die Platzkarten in den Sprinter übertragen. 20 Minuten warten, dann bin ich dran. Aussage der jungen Frau (sichtlich gelangweilt): Der Sprinter ist voll, da werden Sie auch ohne Reservierung nicht mehr mitgenommen… Ich kann ihnen für die Verbindung in 2 h (!!!) eine Platzkarte geben. Ab Leipzig.
      Na danke!
      Mit sämtlichen Papierkram gehe ich dennoch zum Sprinter und finde einen Platz, scheinbar ohne Reservierung und setze mich. Kurz darauf werde ich von hinten angesprochen. Eine Frau entschuldigt sich schon fast und meint: „Den Platz habe ich eben reserviert.“ Daraufhin frage ich gleich, wie und wo sie das gemacht hat. Das geht via ÖBB. Also Handy raus, ÖBB App aufgemacht, Verbindung M-DD eingegeben und siehe da, es gibt ohne Probleme Platzkarten für den Rest der Strecke. 🤷‍♂️

      Eine individuelle Beratung im DB-Reisezentrum taugte (zumindest bei mit) nix. Die DB-App und DB-Webseite taugen bei meinem Problem auch nicht. TIPP: Nutzt bei sowas einfach mal die ÖBB-Seite oder /-App. Und dabei fahr ich hier nicht mal mit der ÖBB. 🙄
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    • Day 2


      October 25, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Trevligt och snabbt tåg till München! Gratis wifi och i tid på det hela taget. Ok, blommorna på Dass var bara målade, men ändå! Och vi hade en uniformerad och beväpnad polis med i min vagn också. Trodde han skyddade ICE-tåget, men han klev av 2 stationer före slutstationen så han reste uppenbarligen bara.
      Googlade fram att jag ska till plattform 13 :-O - återstår att se om jag hinner med en snabb Löwenbrau innan näst sista sträckan för dagen om en halvtimme!

      Just passerat Dachau med sina klassiska järnvägsspår... :'-(
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    • Day 42

      Day 42: Munchen Hbf

      January 16 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 0 °C

      Unexpected detour! Our stop was canceled in Augsburg Hbf while we were on the train 🤬 It didn’t help much when all the announcement were in German. Luckily, a nice gentleman had helped us out (very thankful!) anyway, we were detoured to Munchen. With any luck, we will be arriving at 2pm in Augsburg Hbf and could do some touring during day light 🤞🏻Read more

    • Day 2

      Fourth leg: München - Bologna

      April 8 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      I arrived in München 35 minutes late, due to a train that malfunctioned in front of ours and blocked us for some time. It might not be a big deal, but when you have 50 minutes change in total, it is tension enough for me. Plus I had to go and buy lunch before I boarded (don't want to make the same mistake as with the DB food options).

      It turned out that it was not DB anymore, but ÖBB, Austria's state railway. AND it was the new RailJet which I have wanted to travel with for a while. I would also like to go on the NightJet but it will not happen this time.

      So all of a sudden there was a real menu to order from right to your seat, with breakfast, lunch, dinner, sweets, snacks and coffee etc.
      Just as important (well almost) was the GPS contact from the seat which was spotless.

      Working on the train was easy, with the small shelf on top for mobile phone and the usual table below. There is supposed to be a charging zone on the top shelf, but it did not work with any of my Samsung phones (who support other wireless charging), and also the USB contact on the small upper table was out of order. In addition to the two mentioned, there is a regular socket in the seat and a USB port in the seat, so it worked out well.

      Beautiful but not much happening along the way. Took some pictures of the magnificent alps while passing through, but pointless to publish since it does not come close to picturing what it really looked like...
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    • Day 13

      End of the Journey?

      July 15 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      I arrived to the Munich central train station and the office here gave me really valuable informations about the missing item. It turns out I have to go back to rosenheim and talk with the office there. It is too late for that now I just filled a form for my missing item and will go to Rosenheim to talk with the office tomorrow.Read more

    • Day 1

      Auf dem Weg zum Hotel

      July 2 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Auf der Sucht nach dem Hotel in München, als Hinweis: Unser Hotelzimmer (um die Kleinigkeit von 230/Nacht) ist im Hotel auf der anderen Strasse. Siehe zweites Foto
      Der Hoteleingang liegt zwischen Gerüst und GemüsehändlerRead more

    • Day 2

      Munich Shopping

      September 16, 2017 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

      Our flight to Munich seemed to start descending just after we got in the air. A quick flight with a kit kart bar and a cup of coffee (which I proceeded to spill in my lap during a minor bit of turbulence).

      We arrived and made it through the huge airport to get our luggage. The S1 subway train took us downtown to our hotel (something like taking the train during stampede ... very busy... except the Bavarian outfits are so much classier than the typical Nashville North apparel).

      We checked in at Hotel Metropol. Lovely location and helpful staff. We quickly got settled before going shopping at Angermaier. They have beautiful traditional clothing... the dirndls range from €100-1000. I did try on the €1000 one upon Tyler's suggestion... what a bad influence! Tyler and I both agreed it wasn't what I was going for. After close to two hours in the busy store, I came out with a beautiful dirndl in a light green color at a much more moderate price (photos tomorrow) and Tyler added an extra shirt and nifty pair of socks to his Brier lederhosen outfit. We finished there at 6 pm (living on only that kitkat bar since noon). Time to eat!!!

      We stopped at Augustiner beer haus for supper... two pork knuckles!!! Delicious and crispy!

      Now the jet lag is settling in as we go to bed at 9 pm before our first full day tomorrow!
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    • Day 3


      September 17, 2017 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      We've been busy and didn't have time to post yesterday so we will recap both days today!

      On Sunday morning we woke up bright and early, and by that I mean 5 AM. Our plan was to go really early to get in line at Oktoberfest. From previous research we had read that you had to be in line by 5 or 6 AM to get a spot in the tent without a weekend reservation. We got all dressed up in our lederhosen and dirndl and headed downstairs shortly after 6. The hotel breakfast started at 6:30 so we made the smart choice to wait around and have a solid meal. Breakfast consisted of an endless array of meats, cheeses, fruits, vegetables, freshly baked bread, countless jams, and some hot proteins. There was also actual honeycomb that we could spread onto our bread, delicious!

      Afterwards we headed out towards the festival grounds and it was just getting light out. When we got to the edge of the grounds it started to look like our research was incorrect. All we could see was the clean up crew from the night before. We decided to continue walking and seeing if we could find anyone else waiting. After a short walk we did find a small-ish group (~50 ppl) waiting outside the entrance, this was probably shortly after 7 AM. It was pretty chilly out, but not quite as cold as Signal Hill in St. John's (since I was in lederhosen again). We didn't know what time they would start letting people in, our guess was that they would open the grounds at 8 and then people would queue up at the tents until 9. We were incorrect again.....we ended up waiting close to 2 hours outside in the brisk morning air. I was starting to get quite cold (still not as bad as Signal Hill) and Brooke seemed ok because she has brought her shawl. By the end of it there were probably 300 - 500 people waiting in line (not sure quite how many, we couldn't see the back of the line).

      Finally 9:00 rolled around and as soon as they started to let people in it became a massive dash of Germans running towards the beer tents. We took off as well and eventually found the tent we wanted to go to first, Hacker Festzelt. This tent was beautifully decorated with pretty murals of Munich and Oktoberfest. Overall there was plenty of room to sit wherever we wanted to, especially for the first couple of hours. As a couple, we could have easily shown up at 10:00 AM and still found a seat. We agreed that if you were a group of 4 people of more, it would be much more challenging and that is where it is preferred to get there early.

      We enjoyed our first Oktoberfest beer (only sold by 1L steins) with a fresh baked pretzel (brezn). Throughout the morning it definitely got busier and more of a party atmosphere. The live music kicked off and we quickly caught on to the traditional drinking song "Ein Prosit"! This literally plays every 15 minutes or less and everyone joins in, lifts their mugs, and toasts each other.

      There was one guy at the table across from us who decided early on to stand up and get everyone to cheer for him as he chugged his whole litre of beer. As he proceeded to do this the whole tent erupted in applause and then security was on him like a hawk! After a short interchange he was allowed to stay, but we couldn't really understand which part got him in trouble. Throughout the rest of the day, this man continued to stand up and chug litre after litre, but he actually didn't drink that much of it since he would spill nearly half of it onto his shirt and pants! Literally he was soaked through in the middle of his chest all the way to the crotch of his leather pants.

      In the afternoon we enjoyed talking with a very friendly girl from Frankfurt, shared a standard half roast chicken, and sang and danced with everyone around us. After leaving the tent, we headed out towards old Munich and the Hofbrauhaus for dinner. Along the way we stopped to enjoy Marienplatz. Our dinner at Hofbrauhaus was a delicious couple of bratwurst, red cabbage, and spaetzle. At one point one tourist couple stopped and asked if they could take our picture, maybe we look a little local?

      The next day (Monday) we decided to start the morning with a more leisurely breakfast at the hotel. From there we decided to go back to Angermaier and do a bit more shopping. I had seen some of the locals the day before wearing fancy vests with their lederhosen and wanted to try some on. I ended up being successful and purchased a sharp, sleek looking vest to go with my lederhosen! We then looked through the dresses again with Brooke and she found a more country/village looking dirndl.

      Back at the hotel we got suited up in our new outfits and headed out to the Oktoberfest grounds. We had lunch at the Ochsenbraterei tent and enjoyed the Spaten beer with their speciality ox meal with potatoes. They had an amazing brass band in the center of the tent with a beautiful trumpeter. We then walked over to the Braurosl tent. There was still plenty of space available so we found a table to sit down at by ourselves. After a short while, another group showed up, sat down nearby and invited us to join them. There were people from Germany, New York and LA. We also started chatting with a couple of funny guys from Ireland who again mistook us for locals I think, since we knew more about the Ein Prosit song.

      In the evening we spent a lot of time walking the grounds, watching the rides, taking in the lights, and sampling the wonderful midway snacks (bratwurst, chocolate covered strawberries, and warm candied almonds). We tried to get into one tent, Hofbräu Festzelt, but it was way too busy and we couldn't find anywhere to sit down. We chose to go over to the Augustiner tent and were able to squeeze into one table to enjoy the late night atmosphere. We shared an obatzda, which is a typical German cheese dish with bread.

      Tyler & Brooke
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    München Hauptbahnhof, Muenchen Hauptbahnhof, Munich Central Station, Minga Hauptbahnhof, Gorsaf Canolog München, Münchenin päärautatieasema, Gare centrale de Munich, ZMU, Stazione di München Hauptbahnhof, ミュンヘン中央駅, 뮌헨 중앙역, Главный вокзал Мюнхена, สถานีรถไฟกลางมิวนิก, 慕尼黑火车总站

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