Rothenburg ob der Tauber-Wildbad

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    • Day 15

      Rothenburg ob der Tauber

      October 3, 2023 in Germany ⋅ 🌬 24 °C

      Today we drove from Waiblingen to Rothenburg ob derTauber. It’s a medieval town founded in 1274.
      The pics today are all from there. After walking around town we stopped at a beer garden and had some typical German food.
      From Rothenburg we drove to Bayreuth. We will spend a few days with our nephew, Rainer and his wife, Olivia.
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    • Day 136

      Rothenburg ob der Tauber 1.del

      August 14, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Hold nu op en smuk by! Hele den gamle bydel er rammet ind af en høj mur, som en fæstning. Der er en gangsti hele vejen rundt, mange steder forgår det oppe på muren, med et tag over stien. Hvert hjørne ender i et tårn, nogle ret simple, andre er store byporte/tårne i et.
      Der er rigtig mange bindingsværks bygninger med flotte detaljer i selve bindingsværket. Derudover er der mange detaljer på bygningerne. På hvert torv er der et springvand. Der er smukke blomster overalt.
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    • Day 136

      Rothenburg ob der Tauber 2.del

      August 14, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Hvis i ser en kineser er flere, på billederne er det ikke helt ved siden af. Der er rigtig mange kinesiske turister. Selv menukortene står på kinesisk! ☺️
      Det betyder også at der er noget at se på.

    • Day 20

      20. Tag Mittwoch, 28.8.24

      August 28, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Heute früh erwacht (vor 7.30 Uhr - das heisst was für uns), packen, zMörgele und losfahren. Wollen über 400 km heute machen. Unser Ziel ist der CP Tauberromantik in Rothenburg ob der Tauber. Ein wunderschönes Städtli aus dem Mittelalter mit sehr hübschen Häusern, mächtigen Türmen und Kirchen. In der St Jakob-Kirche fand ein 1/2stündiges Orgelkonzert statt, welches wir per Zufall anhören konnten.
      Das Städtli wurde im 2. Weltkrieg zum Teil zerstört, aber es wurde nahezu identisch aufgebaut und seither wird gut zu dem Kulturgut geschaut.
      Dies ist unsere letzte Nacht im Camper - morgen Abend irgendwann spät sind wir wieder in Langnau.
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    • Day 3

      Rothenburg ob der Tauber

      July 3, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Gegen 9 Uhr bin ich startklar und fahre über die A3 und die A6 150km nach Rothenburg ob der Tauber.
      Es gibt viele Baustellen, Google leitet mich vorbei an ziemlich exponierten Verkehrsstellen, und mittags gegen 12 Uhr komme ich in der Ortschaft an. Ich stelle mich auf den Wohnmobilstellplatz, dieser ist direkt gegenüber dem Stadttor.
      Da ich mich mit der Ladekapazität der Autobatterie ziemlich ärgere, immerhin bin ich über 500 km gefahren und die Batterie zeigt nur 77 bis 80% Ladekapazität an, stecke ich heute mein Auto an den Strom. Danach besuche ich diese wirklich interessante und schöne ortschaft.
      Sie hat sehr viel zu bieten am Anfang bewundere ich einfach nur die Häuser, viele liebevolle Geschäfte die vernünftige Preise haben.
      Mittags kehre ich in der Gastronomie ein und gönne mir ein Schäufele danach besuche ich die Weihnachtsausstellung und das Teddybärhaus um abschließend noch Kaffee und Kuchen in der ältesten Bäckerei zu genießen.
      Um 16.30 Uhr, wie angekündigt, fängt es an zum regnen und ich kehre über den Weg oberhalb der Stadtmauer zurück zum Wohnmobil.
      Dort ist zwischenzeitlich die Batterie voll geladen. Ich werde die Nacht hier am ruhigen Parkplatz verbringen der sich seit mittags voll gefüllt hat.
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    • Day 3

      Rothenburg - A Fairytale Town!

      June 14, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

      Germany's best preserved walled town is adorable, full of colorful houses and shops, half-timbered buildings, city walls and towers. I took a couple hundred photos in one day! We did the Night Watchman tour and learned a lot. This guy has been doing this tour for 33 years!Read more

    • Day 15

      Dag 14

      July 30, 2023 in Germany ⋅ 🌬 21 °C

      Vi åkte mot Garmish Partenkirsen på morgonen. Det lutade 16 % uppåt 😬.
      Ganska disigt på morgonen.
      Vi kom fram till hoppbacken i Garmish Partenkirsen.
      Åkte vidare mot Neuschwanstein, Törnrosas slott. Så vackert. 😀
      Vi traskade upp i ca 50 min, en del åkte buss eller två spann.
      Var ute på Marien bron och tog det klassiska kortet av slottet.
      Sedan bar det iväg mot Rothenburg ob de Tauber. Super dålig väg, bara cement.
      Kom fram till en ställplats precis utanför muren.
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    • Day 19

      Rothenburg Ob Der Tauber

      October 21, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      We were up at 8am today and had, had a huge sleep and felt refreshed and raring to go.
      We had been looking forward to where we were going today for a long time and had allocated the whole day for it just incase we needed it.
      I was still feeling pretty crap about Germany and had told Ellie last night I think I’m done and I’m happy to drive the romantic road but I don’t want any more stops until we leave, except for this one.
      The bike mechanic had left a very bad feeling having not fixed my bike and charging me €50 for the pleasure and Germany as a whole seems like England in the fact that if they can charge you for something they will. Car parks here aren’t free and Infact quite expensive unlike other European countries. It’s completely counter productive to charge for car parks because it just stops people going into towns and spending money, especially when we now live in an online world.
      We’ve been so lucky to find free overnight parking in Wanda and as we were filling up with fresh water to leave we spoken to a German lady in a Motorhome and she said it’s incredibly rare to have a free Aire nowadays.
      We left the Aire at 10am heading south along the romantic road and it was blue skies with white fluffy clouds this morning which automatically put a smile on both our faces as we drove through some very picturesque little villages.
      As we came into Rothenburg I passed a big bike shop that had some proper mountain bikes in the window and the names of all the major bike brands. I asked Ellie if she thought I should take my bike in and she said we could try and we left Wanda in Lidl car park and walked back to the shop.
      It was a great shop with real mountain bikes, lots of spares and a work station and I spoke to the guy at the counter and he said he could have fixed it but they are to busy today and closed for 1 week from 1pm, but he did tell me where another shop was.
      We trundled off walking back down the main road we had just driven up and 1/2 mile later we saw the shop.
      This shop was huge and again had proper bikes in, 3 big work stations with mechanics working and it was full of spares. I asked the guy at the counter if he spoke English and he spoke excellent English and I told him the story of me and my bike and he said bring it in and we’ll look at it.
      We walked back the 1/2 mile to Wanda and then drove back and took my bike in. Straight away he looked at it and said if you wait a minute these guys will have a look, pointing to the mechanics. I waited and looked around the store admiring the bikes while Ellie waited in Wanda. Then one of the mechanics picked my bike up put it in a hydraulic bike stand and asked me what had happened.
      I told him the story and straight away he stripped all the gears off and then got a hanger straightener out and straighten the hanger. That’s the part that holds the derailleur on the back, and the part the old boy at the other shop said he’d done. It was so bent it was unbelievable. Once he’d straightened the hanger he refitted the derailleur and then loosened and removed the gear cable. Within 10 minutes he’d fitted a new gear cable and aligned most of the gears and then spent another 10 minutes fine tuning them. Then he bled my front brake and to make sure everything worked he took it for a ride fine tuning the gears under pressure. Within 45 minutes I had gears and brakes that were better than when I left home. This mechanic loved bikes and loved his job and he did in 20 minutes what would take me half a day. I really wanted to put this guy in Wanda and bring him home but Ellie said I’m not allowed to abduct any Germans.
      The bill came to €108 which does seem expensive, that’s £90 but everything over here seems to cost more and he did tell me the prices of everything as he was doing it, the cable was £23, straightening the hanger £15 and bleeding the brakes £10, and he fixed the bike right in front of me so I don’t feel conned. That’s my birthday money gone and it’s not even my birthday yet.
      It was now almost midday so we went to a free car outside a school and left Wanda there while we headed into the walled town of Rothenburg.
      Rothenburg Ob Der Tauber is a walled town best known for its medieval architecture and probably more famous for its Christmas museum. We were completely blown away at how beautiful the streets were and it’s not just one street, it’s all of them. This place is truly authentic. Timber framed, chocolate box houses along ancient cobbled streets with flowers and hanging ivy draping from them, it really was a spectacle and how we had imagined all German towns would look like for some reason.
      We took a slow walk up the main drag looking at all the different shops that sold food, Christmas decorations, medieval armour, shoes, jackets, glassware there was everything and it all looked in keep with it’s surroundings.
      Our first buy was a local dish of SchneeBalloon or snowballs in English. These are fried broken pastry wrapped in a flavoured icing. They actually tasted like real butter shortbread coated in a flavoured icing. I had caramel flavour and Ellie had a hazelnut one. They were scrumptious.
      After eating we wandered around the whole of Rothenburg looking at all of the tiny little streets and shops and then we went back to the main drag and brought Bratwurst Sausage with sauerkraut in rolls. We have only ever had cold sauerkraut before but this stuff was hot and delicious, finally we had, had some real genuine German food.
      At 3pm we headed back to Wanda, via the ramparts of the walled town they seemed to go on forever, by the time we did get back we had walked over 6 miles around Rothenburg and thoroughly enjoyed it. I was going to head back in after 5:30 when the shops had closed to get some photos but I decided against that and opted to drive down a little further to another free park up in the town of Feuchtwangen. This is one of the smaller towns on the Romantic Road but does offer a free Aire but it only has 7 spaces. We arrived at 4pm and there were only 2 spaces left.
      We backed in and it seems like a nice Aire next to a park with tennis courts, it’s clean enough but not long after arriving a dog started barking and it’s been barking for the best part of 2 hours so we might need earplugs tonight.
      At 6pm Ellie started cooking Pork Chasseur for dinner and it was a well needed meal as we’d just had junk food all day. The rain had just started to fall again although not to hard yet so we closed the curtains and blinds and settled in for the night.
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    • Day 3

      Rothenburg Medieval Town Wall & Gates

      June 14, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      Whoa this is an amazing place! The wall dates from 1142, there are 46 towers, and you can walk the 2 miles of wall that once protected this stunning town! It was bombed at the end of WW2, but the US Assistant Secy of War had grown up with paintings of Rothenburg - his mother had visited and often talked about it. He ordered that artillery not be used. They took a white flag out to meet the Nazis and asked them to leave and spare the town. The German commander agreed, defying Hitler's orders to fight to the end. 32% of the town had been bombed, but not the old city center. After the war, people from around the world donated money to help restore the town. Their names are all along the walkway of the wall.Read more

    • Day 4

      La stanchezza incombe

      August 13, 2018 in Germany ⋅ 23 °C

      Abbiamo deciso di fermarci un giorno in più.... Avevamo bisogno di riposarci e così abbiamo scelto di rimanere in questo splendido paese .... Abbiamo visitato il museo delle torture, dove le donzelle sono potute entrare, visto passare la macchina del Natale, assaggiato i dolci tipici del posto e fatto una lunga passeggiata sulle mura....Read more

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    Rothenburg ob der Tauber-Wildbad

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