Sachsenhausen concentration camp

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    • Day 13

      Gedenkstätte und Museum Sachsenhausen

      July 26 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Die KZ ‚Gedenkstätte und Museum Sachsenhausen’ ist nur schwer verdaulich. Hier wird uns die Grausamkeit dieser dunklen Vergangenheit vor Augen geführt. Die Bilder, Berichte, Orte, Bauten und Filmaufnahmen wühlen auf, machen betroffen und schockieren uns. Wir diskutieren noch lange. Sind wir heute weiter? Würden wir anders handeln? Wie gehen wir mit Minderheiten um?Read more

    • Day 3

      Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp

      December 11, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 30 °F

      Today was cold, eerie, and windy, with a constant flurry. Normally, I would say it was a miserable day but today I can only be grateful for the amazing life I live and those who fought to defend a right to that life. Today we visited Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp. 

      We arrived by train on the same tracks that prisoners would almost a hundred years ago. There was no bus or nice car to drive us, just the same rough streets that so many had taken, through the small town, to the entrance of the camp about a mile away. People sat in their houses, warm, watching us walk by just as many people sat in those same houses watching prisoners walking by on their way to almost certain death. 

      Sachsenhausen is a unique camp. It was one of the first in the SS concentration camp system and was considered a model camp. Every aspect of it was meticulously designed to be efficient. While it isn’t as well known as camps like Dachau and Auschwitz, Sachsenhausen served as the headquarters and training ground for the SS concentration camp system. After the end of World War II, Sachsenhausen was taken over by the USSR where it continued to be used for several more years as a concentration camp. 

      After completing the 20-minute walk, we arrived at the entrance road. We were greeted by three models that showed the scale of the camp at its height during WWII. Most of it had been leveled by the GDR but what remained was extremely powerful. It was a long stone path that stretched along one side of the perfectly triangular prison camp. To the right was a brightly colored hall for the concentration camp workers and to the left a tall stone wall with towers guarding it. 

      After the short walk, a simple iron gate appeared on our left which was the entrance to the camp. Every prisoner who entered Sachsenhausen walked through that same gate. After passing through the gate we entered a beautiful wooded area with a couple of buildings. This area was for the commanders and would have been beautifully decorated. This section was renowned for its flower gardens and overall beauty. This would be the prisoners' last sight before entering the harsh reality of the camp. 

      As we approached the tall inner guard tower of the prisoners' camp it was clear how everything would change. The size and depth of the camp were overwhelming. From up in the guard tower, we could see every inch of the camp as it was designed when being built. Every building was perfectly laid out in rows of semicircles stretching all the way to the tip of the triangle. Immediately in front of us was the roll call area. As we stood there listening to a recording about the area, we were shivering from the lack of sun and blistering wind. We looked at each other, bundled up for the winter yet shivering, and could not fathom how anyone could stand out here for hours on end for roll call and other activities. Through the gates of the tower, we could see the beauty of the inner section that would have been just out of reach for prisoners less than a hundred years before us.

      Wrapping around the wall that formed the triangle was several layers of security which prisoners coined “Death-Strip”. This consisted of barbed wire, an electric fence, followed by a stone wall. But even more deadly was about 3 feet of beautifully laid gravel. Any prisoner, who took one step on the gravel, would be shot instantly with no questions asked. From the roll call area, we could see the empty rectangles laid out in perfect symmetry where over 50 barracks would have stood. Today most of them had been leveled, but a couple still remained. 

      As we walked over to the barracks, it was clear the ground was not even and contained lots of strips of different types of gravel in stone. These walkways were used as testing grounds where prisoners would be forced to walk 30 km a day to test out new types of boots and materials for soldiers. Inside the tight barracks we the original bunks, bathrooms, and washrooms. They were tiny and we couldn’t fathom how hundreds of people were crammed into these tiny quarters, yet many would consider this the place of relief from the manual labor.

      Inside the prisoners camp was a prison that had 80 cells. Each of the cells was equipped with covers for the windows that would deprive any light from entering. Some prisoners were held in the darkness of solitary confinement for months at a time. While walking the grounds we also toured the prison kitchen, laundry facilities, and performance hall, where prisoners who had talents would come to perform for their captors in the hope of extra rations. 

      Towards the end of our journey through the grounds, we came upon an area next to the industrial yards in which the prisoners worked. Around the corner, hidden from view was a trench lined with wood full of holes. This was the execution trench, where thousands of prisoners were shot and killed by the SS and USSR. Sachsenhausen did not have gas chambers until the very end of the war when a very small one was constructed for special cases, so the trench was the main method of execution for those that didn’t die from other causes. Right next to it was the crematorium that was built on-site. It started with one burner but three more were added to keep up with the backlog of bodies. 

      As were walking, mounds of ground were everywhere labeled “Ashes of Prisoners”. These mounds consisted of thousands of prisoners' ashes that had mixed together and buried throughout the compound. 

      As our day came to an end something had been made clear to us throughout the process. Most of the buildings were gone. There were statues and memorials throughout the site, but they seemed off. The prisoners looked happy in many. This was because the original memorial to this ground had been made by the GDR, German Democratic Republic. It was clear the GDR wanted to hide a lot of the history that had occurred on the site and reshape the memorial to benefit the government at that time. In fact, the ground went on to be used for many ceremonies and banquets for the GDR during the late 20th century until the fall of that government. 

      The memorial today tries to piece together what is left from the different eras: SS, USSR, and GDR control but shows the power of what propaganda can do. As the sun set, we walked out of the gates with freedom. As the snow began to fall, we began to retrace our steps back to the station where it all began. Outside the entrance of the camp, the street split in two. To the right was a sign which signified the road from Sachsenhausen, which started the path to one of the many death marches. A lot of these prisoners, who were detained for characteristics and religion, never got to walk out of that gate. Many that did, took the split in the road to the right, to start their march to continued misery and hurt. We got to take the road to the left, to freedom, to life, to safety, to peace. Within an hour we were back at the hotel, in the warmth, with as much food and water as we wanted. How grateful we ought to be.
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    • Day 52

      Berlin - Sachsenhausen

      September 21, 2015 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      After the slightly saddening walking tour yesterday, we decided to go full on losing-faith-in-humanity mode with a tour of Sachsenhausen concentration camp. This was one of the main concentration camps used by the Nazis, but you don't hear about it as much as others because instead of being liberated by the Allies, it was liberated and reused by the Soviets for their own political prisoners. The former administration for all concentration camps and the SS training buildings were nearby too.

      Sachsenhausen was a sort of experimental camp, where, in addition to various "medical experiments" testing the various limits of human bodies (oxygen deprivation, freezing, drugs, ...), they experimented with more efficient ways to lay out the camp (fanning out from a central point so a mounted machine gunner could see everywhere), and ways of killing people (an elaborate fake health check-up so they could efficiently shoot non-resisting people and minimise traumatising the shooter).

      I think it was the methodical planning and efficiency for murdering and torturing people that really got to me after a while. It was kind of disturbing, but will definitely be something I remember and appreciate having seen.
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    • Day 5


      March 10, 2019 in Germany ⋅ 🌧 6 °C

      First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out
      Because I was not a socialist.

      Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out
      Because I was not a trade unionist.

      Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out
      Because I was not a Jew.

      Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

      - Niemöller - Protestant Priest and prisoner at Sachsenhausen
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    • Day 3

      Dag 3, Sachsenhausen

      May 4, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Nog steeds is het mooi weer. Vandaag bezoeken we Sachsenhausen, het voormalige werkkamp. Indrukwekkend en bijzonder dat we hier op 4 mei zijn. We gaan met de Sbahn en de bus heen. Rond de klok van half 2 vertrekken we weer richting ons hotel. Hier pakken we de fiets en gaan we richting Eastside gallery. We wandelen langs de muur en springen weer op de fiets om te gaan eten. Het was een goede keuze van Peter. We staan nog even stil bij de dodenherdenking om 8 uur en houden het dan voor gezien, drinken in het hotel nog een borrel en duiken ons bed in. De activiteiten beginnen zijn tol te eisen... we zijn moe!Read more

    • Day 5

      Giorno 5 - Sachsenhausen

      August 16, 2018 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Da Alexanderplatz prendiamo l’S1 che ci porta direttamente nel paese di Orianenburg a circa 50 minuti da Berlino. All’uscita della stazione c’è l’autobus 804 che porta al campo di concentramento di Sachsenhausen, ma fate attenzione a non perderlo perché non passa frequentemente. Il campo si può raggiungere anche a piedi (circa 20 minuti).

      Non occorre dire quanto forte sia l’impatto emotivo della visita. L’ingresso è gratuito, l’audio-guida costa 3 euro, ma le spiegazioni sono molto importanti, altrimenti si rischia di non capire cosa si ha di fronte.

      Una volta tornati a Berlino ci rilassiamo facendo una lunga passeggiata nel Großer Tiergarten il parco più esteso all’interno della città dove i berlinesi praticano sport all’aperto e passeggiano tra i boschi ed i numerosi giardini dedicati ai Reali. Passiamo accanto alla Colonna della Vittoria e proseguiamo verso il Cafè Am Neuen See, dove ci fermiamo a bere una birra sul lago. Un posto davvero romantico dove è anche possibile noleggiare delle barche a remi.
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    • Day 4

      KZ Sachsenhausen

      August 30, 2016 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Absolut empfehlenswert ist die Gedenkstätte Sachsenhausen. Für nur 3 Euro gab es ein Audiogerät, das mich für mehrere Stunden durch das Gelände führte.

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    Sachsenhausen concentration camp

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