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    • Day 2

      Erkundung Speyer

      December 9, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Nach einer ruhigen Nacht trafen wir uns heute morgen auf eine kurze Joggingrunde. Mit grossem Hunger durften wir dann das fantastische Frühstücksbuffet auf unserem Schiff der Thurgau Prestige geniessen. Den restlichen Vormittag nutzten wir dann um das schöne Städtchen Speyer zu erkunden. Das Highlight war an dieser Stelle sicher der Speyerer Dom. Dieser zählt nicht nur zu den drei romanischen Kaiserdomen in Deutschland sondern ist nach der Zerstörung der Abtei Cluny auch die grösste erhaltene romanische Kirche der Welt. Auch ein kurzer Spaziergang auf dem wunderschönen Weihnachtsmarkt durfte nicht fehlen.Read more

    • Day 7

      Dark Raider Day im Technik Museum Speyer

      September 23, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Dark Raider Day....per Zufall gerade an diesem Tag an dem wir zu Besuch sind.
      Ich glaube wir sind im falschen Film.
      Hunderte von 5 - 70 Jahre in komischen Gewändern. Absolut nicht meine Welt.
      Trotzdem ein unterhaltsamer Tag.
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    • Day 6

      De terugreis naar Nederland

      August 8, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Na een redelijke nacht, met onderbrekingen waarbij ik stretch oefeningen heb gedaan, heb ik genoten van een zeer luxe ontbijt. De honing die je er kon krijgen was nog op de honingraat. Zeer bijzonder. Zelf geniet ik nog het meest van een Engels ontbijt: scrambled eggs met spek/ham. Als toetje een gevulde croissant met pudding. Mmmm.
      Vergeet ik bijna te vertellen dat ik niet op de lijst stond voor het ontbijt! Ze hadden mij dubbel geboekt en de kamers verwisseld! Gelukkig is dat wel goed gekomen. Om
      9.00 uur zat ik in de auto. Nog even langs het eerste hotel om mijn achtergelaten spullen op te halen.
      De eerste 3 uur heb ik alleen maar door de bergen gereisd. Wat een genot! Daarna de Brennerpas! Blijft leuk.
      Toen de snelweg. Wat een drama. Files, wegwerkzaamheden, heel veel vrachtwagens en nog meer campers en caravans!
      De reis zou 7 uur duren, maar ik heb er zeker 10 uur over gedaan. Wel met de nodige stops.
      Kom ik uiteindelijk aan in Speyer, Duitsland, waar ik een tussenstop had gereageerd in een hippie caravan. Hippie is het zeker. De foto’s spreken voor zich. Het is op een industrieterrein. Ik mag gebruik maken van een toilet 100 meter bij mij vandaan in een soort loods. Naast mij wordt een soortement van container verhuurd aan een moeder en dochter uit Tenerife. Gelukkig sta ik dus niet alleen op dit terrein. Er zijn overigens wel andere bewoners in de buurt waaronder de eigenaar van de caravan. Alleen heb ik hem nog niet ontmoet. Alleen zijn ongeveer 13 jarige zoon die mij ontving. Weer een onverwacht avontuur 😊

      Tot slot: morgen reis ik af naar Nederland. Het einde van deze trip.
      Zal ik ooit zo’n wandeling weer boeken? Nee. Daar ben ik nu wel achter gekomen. Het vergt teveel van mij lichamelijk. Dat heb ik een volgende keer er niet meer voor over. Had ik het willen missen deze reis? Ook dat niet. Voor geen goud ter wereld. Daarvoor heeft het mij teveel gebracht.
      Ga nu op zoek naar wandelingen waar ik lekker ontspannend van mag genieten tijdens het wandelen zelf. Er is nog zoveel meer….
      Niet dat ik een uitdaging uit de weg ga, maar wel fysiek haalbaarder.

      Ik wil jullie allemaal bedanken dat jullie met mij deze reis gevolgd hebben. Ik heb mij daardoor nooit alleen gevoeld. Het was alsof jullie meeliepen 💋
      Op naar het volgende avontuur 😊
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    • Day 15

      Oct 4 - Speyer

      October 4, 2019 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      We sailed all night and arrived in Mannheim around breakfast time. This will be a technical stop - just long enough for the day trippers to board the buses. The ship will then sail to Germersheim - the buses will drop us off there and we will sail onto Kehl.

      Today’s options were to go to Heidelberg which we have visited before and will be seeing next weekend or to go to Speyer to the Technical Museum there. We chose Speyer. Originally, we would have been going to Hockenheim to the Formula 1 racing track. Doug is a huge F1 fan and was looking forward to that, however, the track was closed today for a special event. Speyer was a good substitute.

      Our guide was Nathalie. She told us some interesting things about Mannheim which is located at the junction of the Rhine and Neckar Rivers. The city is home to major corporations including Daimler, John Deere, Caterpillar, ABB, Fuchs Petrolub, IBM, Roche, Reckitt Benckiser, Unilever, Phoenix Group, Siemens, and several other well-known companies.

      Mannheim is know for several important inventions. Karl Drais built the first bicycle here in 1817. It was here in 1886 that Karl Benz invented the automobile. His wife, Bertha Benz, took the first road trip in a car. She drove 104 kms with her two young sons to visit relatives in Pforzeim, so ladies, we’ve been driving longer than men have! Julius Hatry built the world’ first rocket plane here in 1929.

      The Technical Museum in Speyer is Doug’s idea of a great museum. It is chocked full of motorcycles, cars, trucks, fire engines, planes, helicopters, locomotives, boats and even a submarine that we were able to walk through. There were mechanical organs to add some culture to the place. We gawked and enjoyed the exhibits for a couple hours, and even braved the light rain outside to climb up into planes.

      Then we took a quick walk to Speyer Cathedral, more properly known as the Imperial Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption and St. Stephen. Begun in 1030, the cathedral is built of red sandstone. It has gone through rebuilding several times and is now a mix of Romanesque, Gothic and Baroque styles. In 1981, the cathedral was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List of culturally important sites as "a major monument of Romanesque art in the German Empire”. Oddly, it has very little stained glass - my personal favourite in churches.

      We got back to the ship about 1:30 p.m. It sailed shortly afterwards. Today’s lunch had a Bavarian theme - traditional Bavarian food, pretzels, lots of beer, oom-pah music playing and the waiters were all wearing German hats. Tonight is the Farewell Gala dinner. On the menu are lobster, Chateaubriand beef tenderloin and Baked Alaska!! This ship is a floating food trap!!

      Before we get to that dinner feast, Andreea will give us the instructions for disembarkation on Monday morning. (We will all be at a classical music concert tomorrow night.) We are staying with the cruise, albeit by bus, to explore Switzerland for a couple of days. Most others that we have spoken to are heading home on Monday. It’s a real feat of logistics to get everyone where they need to be after one of these cruises.

      Tomorrow's destination - Strasbourg, France - fifth country of this tour.
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    • Day 27

      Nur 1 mal Regen… immer

      July 27, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Ist etwas übertrieben 30 Minuten vor Speyer lockten verführerische Aufhellungen Schon auf der Tourismus Information öffneten sich erneut die Schleusen. Ich bin nun wenig ausserhalb im Hotel. Heute also nur 42 Kilometer.Eröffne noch einen Wettbewerb.: Schweizerdeutsche Worte für Regen pisse seiche Schütte Schiffe sträzeRead more

    • Day 45

      Fünf Fotos-Rhine Cruise Day 3

      May 28, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      We both had a bit of a restless night after passing through several locks during the night. Generally, the passage is rather smooth, but there were a few abrupt bumps and some bright lights that woke us up intermittently. We think we passed through about three locks during the night before our arrival this morning in Strasbourg, France.

      A coach and tour guide had been arranged for passengers to get into the city, but we opted instead to tour Strasbourg at our own pace. We benefitted from a presentation the night before to learn of the main attractions to the city, and we opted to find our own transportation. After a failed attempt to secure a taxi, we managed to get an Uber into the heart of the city.

      Strasbourg sits about two miles to the west of the Rhine. The city was originally a Celtic village, and was under the Roman Empire for a period of time. In a grossly abbreviated summary, Strasbourg was back and forth under German and French rule over the centuries.

      The city holds international recognition as the host of the European Parliament for over the last forty years. The main section of the city is circled by the Ill River, which divides and surrounds the Grand Île (Big Island) on which the old town and most of the city’s famous buildings are located.

      It was a beautiful, crisp sunny morning as we made our way to the Strasbourg Cathedrale de Notre Dame. It's considered to be a very fine representation of Gothic Architecture and for several centuries it was the tallest structure in Europe. The cathedral is quite majestic and unusual as it has only one steeple. The red sandstone really causes it to stand out, and the c stained glass work is amazing.

      We were fascinated by the Astronomical Clock at the cathedral which resulted from the combined efforts of artists, mathematicians and technicians. Swiss clockmakers, sculptors, painters and automaton designers. The animation of the clock is quite amazing and includes daily feasts of Saints, phases of the moon, position of planets and animations of the apostles. Here's one of many links you can find of the 1842 clock in action:

      When we left the cathedral, we headed over to Place (plaza) Guttenberg Place that honors the inventor of the printing press. On the monument were several engraved murals. One in particular highlighted various famous authors.

      In this statue.,Gutenberg is depicted holding a page of the Scriptures on which one can read the line "and there was light" in French.

      As we left the plaza, we headed over to La Petite France, the historic center of Strasbourg. We loved the canals, bridges and cobblestone streets with canals and locks dividing up this area. The homes and businesses were well kept and beautiful.

      After our visit, we hopped on an Uber to return to our boat, and we were both happy that we had decided to visit Strasbourg without the inherent constraints of a tour.

      We rested the remainder of the afternoon, and we passed through the last lock of our journey. It was quite large snd impressive. A bit later we arrived in Speyer, Germany where we are moored for the night.

      After dinner, we enjoyed the performance of a violinist from Ukraine. We learned that she is returning to Ukraine to reunite with her husband after fleeing the country. She ended her performance with a rendition of Elton John's "Can You Feel the Love Tonight?". That was one of my father's favorite songs, and it was an emotional moment thinking about how much he would have loved it, and she modeled hope and resilience of the Ukranian people. We wish her a safe journey home and peace to all Ukrainians.

      It was a lovely day. Best to you all, friends and family.
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    • Day 5

      Speyer and cruising onto Rudesheim

      May 13, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Woke up in Speyer, only one guide appeared for our 9:00 walking tour, the other apparently couldn’t find where we were moored. No coaches today, 15 minutes walk along the river path then through a park brought us to the impressive cathedral, claimed to be the largest Romanesque church still in existence a marked contrast in style to the gothic architecture we have previously seen. Although the town was developed by the romans as part of their defence line against the German tribes there is little sign of any Roman remains, the few bits found are in the museum ( closed today). Main claim for fame is when one of the leading centres of the Holy Roman Empire. “Imperial Diets” as they were known were held here to perform important acts like the election of Emperors, but probably one of the most significant was the trial and excommunication of Martin Luther. The subsequent “protestation” in Speyer causing the schism in the church and the reformation. One of the pictures is of a large “bowl” in the front of the cathedral, the tradition is that upon election the bishop fills this with wine for the townsfolk. Back on the boat for lunchtime we are now heading north to Rudesheim where we arrive during dinner this evening, but we are no seeing signs of the shoreline changing as the tree lined beaches give way to large industrial ( look like chemical type plants) with commercial barges there to collect the products or deliver materials. One of the barges that passed us must have had around 150 containers on board.Read more

    • Day 8

      7. Etappe

      June 14, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Heute morgen sind wir in Karlsruhe gestartet. Ziel ist das 50 km entfernte Speyer. Wir wollen einigen Körperteile etwas Erholung gönnen. Sehr schöne Etappe mit vielen schattigen Passagen abseits viel befahrener Straßen. Um 13:00 Uhr waren wir am Ziel und haben danach die Stadt erkundet.Read more

    • Day 366


      August 31, 2019 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Die Zeit rennt davon, ständig ist was los.
      Wir haben von Samstag bis Dienstag sehr lange am Camper gearbeitet.
      Marcus entwickelt übernatürliche Kräfte und baut in unmenschlicher Ausdauer ein improvisiertes Bett, ein "Klo to go" und verlegt nebenbei noch die gesamte Elektrik. Steffi kümmert sich nebst kleineren Hilfsdiensten um Gepäck und Reiseroute.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Speyer, EDRY

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