Munich was awesome but ready to cruise on.... On the AmaLea for the next 7 days down the Danube to Budapest. Greeted with champagne and a rose from the captain then an Oktoberfest celebration withRead more
Munich was awesome but ready to cruise on.... On the AmaLea for the next 7 days down the Danube to Budapest. Greeted with champagne and a rose from the captain then an Oktoberfest celebration withRead more
Erste Roadtrip-Anekdote: für den geplanten Fahrerwechsel wählen wir die erste Ausfahrtmöglichkeit in Deutschland, weil vor der Grenze versäumt, und erwischen prompt eine polizeiliche Prüfstelle.Read more
Woke up in Passau, Germany with our first bit of rain this whole trip. I needed a good excuse to take it slow and the rain worked in my favor. I had originally signed up for a castle hike but optedRead more
By the time I got to bed I was so tired and my photos were on my phone and this app is on my tablet... anyway here's a fun recap of Tuesday night's fun. We had a lovely cocktail hour with Viking pastRead more
Nach einer eher lauten Nacht⚽️ 🇦🇹😔 starteten wir den Tag im Café Glockenspiel mit einem kleinen Frühstück🥐 ☕️
Der Weg führte uns dann der Donau entlang bis nach Obermühl.Read more
Mit einem kleinen Frühstück in der Bäckerei im Städtchen Vilshofen starteten wir die Etappe über ca. 80 km. Leider waren hier in Bayern viele Wege nahe an der Donau gesperrt, immer wieder musstenRead more
Este comboio noturno foi literalmente um scam. As luzes eram blinding, as portas apitavam como se anunciassem a chegada de D. Sebastião e as cadeiras enfim.
Nem com a droguinha para dormir isto deuRead more
11th August 2017
Hi kid. I've attached some interior photos of the boat. Quiet nice but after being on a big cruise boat this is really different. Mostly old people on this boat...lot older. SometimeRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Vilshofen an der Donau
Traveler Klostergarten ohne Kräuter? Wahrscheinlich auch hier' ''Fachkräftemangel'' - beziehungsweise Brüder/Schwesternmangel.
Traveler Was ist das: Sunteiseb? 🤔
Traveler Da drin ist sicher eine super Akkustik!