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    • Day 118

      Aba Wasserfall

      February 23, 2024 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Fast hätten wir den Gedanken, den Aba Wasserfall zu sehen, wieder verworfen......
      Denn eigentlich wollten wir durch die Aba Schlucht wandern, stellten jedoch fest, dass man diese nur mit Kletterausrüstung bezwingen kann.
      Marco wollte trotzdem hinfahren. Schon die Fahrt durch das Hinterland war unfassbar schön. Blauer Himmel, saftig grüne Wiesen und viele kleine Oliven Plantagen, dazwischen immer wieder Mandelbäume in voller Blüte und die Wiesen übersäht von kleinen gelben Blumen. Dahinter die Zweitausender mit frischem Schnee auf den Gipfeln. Einfach wunderschön. Wir spazierten über einen angelegten Weg zum Aussichtspunkt. Scheinbar ist der Weg in der Saison sehr frequentiert....
      Der Wasserfall ist im Moment trocken, da die Schneeschmelze in den Bergen noch nicht eingesetzt hat, doch die Aussicht auf die Schlucht und den kleinen Ort unten am Meer war atemberaubend schön. Wir genossen es, den Ort ganz alleine für uns zu haben. Marco traute sich auch über den Zaun und setzte sich auf die Klippen und ich stieg noch etwas höher. Es erinnerte mich an den Preikestolen in Norwegen. Ich weiß ja nicht, was sie sich davon versprachen, doch über uns kreisten plötzlich die Geier. 😅
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    • Day 20

      Microclimate, Ambas Gorge, Aba Waterfall

      November 21, 2024 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Here in Tris Ekklisies there is a pronounced microclimate. The sun burns on the steep mountains and warms them up, the wind usually comes from the sea. There are hardly any clouds here, the sun almost always shines, even if the weather in the next village inland is cloudy.

      The warm and humid sea air here has no time to condensate and form clouds, it is immediately pushed up the steep mountain into the Ambras Gorge.

      There it pushes up the cliffs and forms clouds at the top of the mountain that continue into the Asterousia-Mountains, mountain villages and the Messara plain. There aren't many, they're freaking out, but there it has some and none in Tris Ekklisies. 🤩 In addition, it has a few degrees more, due to the mountains warmed up by the sun.

      We went there to watch the spectacle. You can see the imposing gorge and Tris Ekklisies from above.

      The Ambas Gorge begins at a small plateau near the village of Paranymfi (710 m altitude) and ends at the beach of Tris Ekklisies. It is a 4 km long and beautiful gorge with many narrow passages accessible only by experienced hikers. You have to overcome more than 20 vertical places with rope, the largest of which is 45m. You can visit the simpler part of the gorge from Tris Ekklisies.

      The main feature of the gorge is the Aba waterfall with a height of 145m. He is rarely seen, only if it has rained a lot beforehand. He is one of the 10 largest waterfalls in Greece and falls down several stages.

      But see yourself how the clouds build up and the last handles of the hiking path, for the waterfall there wasn’t enough rain yet.
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    • Day 15

      Manolis' gem

      November 18, 2023 in Greece ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Manolis has built a little gem between two very small villages, each with no more than 10-15 people living in it. It's called Sunny Hill Café and reminds me a lot of our fire kitchen.

      Manolis is 28 years old, born here and returned here after working in England for a few years. Within two years he build his café with a lot of love, work, ideas, wood and heart.

      From my apartment I pass it straight after the serpentines and just stopped by. Manolis conjured up all sorts of little things for us, like tapas, and we chatted for a while.

      Little by little a few farmers from the villages appeared and suddenly we were sitting in the middle of the loud and very funny Friday evening event of the two small villages. The vegetable man was also there and invited us to a raki.

      The true Greeks rocked the evening and I followed the spectacle with a happy heart and good mood, impressed by the large wooden crosses that one guy wore around his neck, the thick Greek peasant boots and the voice like a buzz saw.

      The oven was booming, everyone was sitting in a circle and Manolis was standing at the stove and kept conjuring up treats that he distributed on the tables.

      What a wonderful evening, what hospitality, what great people! ❤️❤️❤️
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    • Day 8

      Asterousia Mountains

      November 9, 2024 in Greece ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      To get to Tris Ekklisies, I have to drive through the Asterousia Mountains. This is a barren mountain range with only small villages and chapels everywhere. The mountain range separates the Messara Plain from the Libyan Sea.

      Roughly speaking, the low mountain range is located in the south of the island in the Heraklion regional district, east of the beach of Matala. The mountain range reaches a height of up to 1231 m with Mount Kofinas.

      There are many gorges in the mountain range, the most important being the Agiofarango, named after the monasticism that was practiced in the past in the countless small caves along both sides of it. To the east of the mountain range is the palm forest of Agios Nikitas with Theophrastus palms (Cretan date palm); it is considered the third largest palm forest in Crete.

      The area of ​​Asterousia, which covers an area of ​​27.27 square kilometres from Agiofarango to Kokkinos Pyrgos, has been included in the Natura 2000 network because the area is of ecological and archaeological importance.

      I love driving from the plain through the mountains and then looking out over the sea from above and seeing Tris Ekklisies below. 😍

      I will make you a short film of the serpentines soon. 🤗
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    • Day 2

      Aba Wasserfall

      May 8, 2022 in Greece ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Erster Stop war der Aba-Waterfall. Gar nicht so leicht zufinden und als wir uns auf dem vermeintlichen Weg einem Schäferhund entgegen sahen, traten wir rasch den Rückzug an.
      Nachdem wir aber das richtige Törchen geöffnet hatten, konnten wir den 2 höchsten Wasserfall Griechenlands bestaunen inklusive mehrer Geier.Read more

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    Amýgdalos, Amygdalos, Αμύγδαλος

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