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    • Day 3

      Everybody was Corfu fighting (hyah!!)

      July 12 in Greece ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      Somebody call John Travolta!! Cos we wanna save some horses 😏🤠. Jkjk it’s cos we are in GREECE BABAYYYY!!!!!! You may in fact be wondering “but why are the gods returning to greece?” If you have read the title. Well in fact, that is us. We are that full of ourselves. This blog is gonna be full of gen z stuff that only the cool kids will get and if you don’t understand it’s because you are too old and shouldn’t be on the internet anyways boomer, it’s past your bedtime. Jkjk we are open to all audiences as we are also super inclusive plus we need the views. We are mainly writing this because dad refrained from including our funny funny jokes so we thought the world needs to hear them.
      So. On the plane here leg was reading “better than the movies” which it in fact was not. Liv was watching “revenge of others” which she finished and said it was “Schmackin’”. Ruby was watching Nuprsats. She said it was “Schlackin’”. Ru also took a pic of Leg waking from a deep slumber and tis funnyyyy. We then took a hire car to our ✨destination✨. We proceeded to munch some bussin’ food in the tavern where we were served by a kid who we will call Lil’ Ginger Lad. Bro was far from home (home being hell because gingers have no souls. Jkjk) We then returned and snozzled (did we tho? Heh)
      The next snazzy day we awakened ourselves to enjoy breakfast in the tavern. Nothin much happened then we came back then we chilled for a while and then we went to Ipsos. (Honorary mention to dads chuckle worthy blog, Ipsos Factos, top tier 10/10 comedy, would smash.) Leg got a pair of Gucci sunnies and implores me not to mention that they are counterfeit, so I won’t. We also saw a great “view” 😏 bro was a snack. He was giving main character vibes iykyk. We then went to the beach each let’s go get away, Leg tried to drown Ru and mum was casually getting receipts. Anyways the swim slayed the boots down. We then bopped along to another beach each let’s go get away but twas decidedly less boppin’ and thusly we did not partake in natation. We came home (honorary mention to our swaggy comedy including “my soggy little footsies” “salted caramel yum yum yum” and “This is Howie Duwett down in PueRTo RiCo” and went to town. No literally we went to the town but it wasn’t giving, so we returned to the trusty tavern to be served by Lil’ Ginger Lad. Btw leg is gonna marry him and they will have ginger babies which will be hunted by ruby’s chainsaw children. Honorary mention to some boppin’ jokes such as “dolamdes stuffed with rice and the remains of a cow” which caused ru and dad to laugh profusely, which allegra described as a “hearty chuckle” and was promptly mocked by Big D who dissed her because earlier we had mocked him for saying “homogenous”. To be fair, he said “homogenous” so bro was def tweakin’. Also during the dinner Tate said “a really normal regular dude, but, you know, a fox “ which made Ru and dad giggle to no end. Anyways the night passed the vibe check but it had to end so we returned to the hq and once more snozzled in peace, dreaming about dirty dancing, dungeons and dragons, and deadly dingos.

      Time for our honorary mention and minute of silence for our fallen comrade. Lil’ Genius. How art thee in this fine day, is the sun shining? Are you flying too close to leg’s gyatt? Are you keeping up the drip? How is the lil’ berry with the big gyatt? Stay kawaii my lil sandwich. Peace right out.

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