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- May 28, 2023, 12:43 PM
- ☁️ 14 °C
- Altitude: 2,897 m
- GuatemalaDepartamento de ChimaltenangoLa Soledad14°31’29” N 90°52’41” W
Volcano hike
May 28, 2023 in Guatemala ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C
🇨🇭: Da isch strengste was i jeh gmacht han. Die wanderig het üs anderst usenand gnoh!!
Omg i bin unterwegs echt mehrmols gstorbe. Lustige isch no das mir am vortag kleider zum wäsche geh hend, damit mirs am Obet wieder hend und zum wandere. Doof nur das die Frau gseit het, es heg chli Problem und mir bechömets erst morn. Geil also zu spot und mir hend kei warmi sache debi. Is Basecamp gohts nähli fast uf 4000m ufe, aso es wird chalt. I han ned mol socke gha, pulli und geschweige denn eh Jacke.
Zum Glück von nem Dütsche (wo mir in nem andere Hostel kenneglernt hend) chöne Socke und Jacke uslehne😂 für Domi hets ehn Pulli geh. Also erst mol richtig ahstrengend gsi zum det ufe, aber nach 6h hemmers zum basecamp gschaft. Hend unterwegs no de Rucksack mit einem tuschet well üsen viel zu schwer gsi isch, mir hend sache für 2 Persone in 1 Rucksack packt. Lustig denn üsen Guide het gseit mir seget die schnellst Gruppe gsi wo mir jeh gha hend. Denn hend sich alli erst mol i dem Zelt in schlofsack ihgmummelet und chli vor sich hiidöst. Bis es denn zum Znacht eh Heissi Schoggi und Spaghetti geh het. I glaub zu dem Zitpunkt het i alles gesse solangs nur warm gsi wör😂💪🏻 nochdem hemmers chli am lagerfüüir chillt und Marshmellows grillt mega chillig gsi. Bis mir denn geschlofe sind, aso hends versurcht de Bode isch richtig hart gsi. Mir hettet am 3 Morge nomel 2h marsch gha für de Sunneufgang, aber es het so gregnet und Nebel gha do simmer ned gange. Am 5ii simmer denn ufgstande hend zmorge gesse und hend üs uf de Abstieg vorbereitet. Mehrmols fast uf d‘fresse gheit aber heil dunne ah cho. So fertig mitem Lebe gad hahaha aber sehr cooli Gruppe gsi. Jetzt nur no gedusche und ahne liege.
🇺🇸: the hardest thing i ever do in my life. This hike was intense. I think i died on this hike more then once. The funniest thing we gave our clothes to be washed the day before so we had something to wear on the hike. only they didn't finish on time and we had nothing. I didn't have a jacket or even socks and it's getting cold at 4000m😂
We are really lucky and I could borrow socks and a jacket from a german dude, we met in a hostel before (Domi even got a sweater)
We then made the mistake and took 1 backpack for 2 people and it was much too heavy with all our stuff. And we were lucky again and were able to swap the backpack with one of our group. After 6h of really hard hiking we finally made it to our basecamp. The funny thing is the guide told us we was the fastest group he ever had. Then everyone from us take a short nap hahaha we was so tired. We was 7 people in a tent for 12 people. For dinner our guide makes some hot chocolate and cook spaghetti. At that moment I would have eaten anything that was warm😂 then we spend some time around the campfire and make some marshmellows. Was really nice and we had a lot of fun. Then we gonna try to sleep, but the ground was so hard, you couldn‘t sleep good. And we also had to wake up at 3am for a 2h hike to see the sunrise. But at this time it rains so hard and there was so much fog, you haven‘t see anything. So we stand up at 5am for breakfast and going down. almost fell over several times but I made it all the way down! What a feeling, but i‘m so done right know hahaha we was a nice group but i just want to take a shower and lay down.Read more
Traveler Ä tolli Begleitig hend er!!
Traveler Ja mega, cooli Gruppe gsi