Budapest (part 1)

Budapest!! I never knew it was formerly 'Buda' and 'Pest' on opposite sides of the Danube River.
Wow, of all the places that were never considered on my bucket list, I love it! 😍.
Today we went toRead more
Budapest!! I never knew it was formerly 'Buda' and 'Pest' on opposite sides of the Danube River.
Wow, of all the places that were never considered on my bucket list, I love it! 😍.
Today we went toRead more
This post should accompany our Pest post. To recap a little, Budapest was originally two separate cities. Buda sits on the western bank of the Danube that splits the two halves. We didn't get over toRead more
This morning we travelled to the Buda hills to go on a walk to enjoy some of the last fall colors. Our last week is calling for rain, so we are trying to get out as much as possible while we can. OneRead more
Oh my gosh! The short trip is finished... Oggi giro in minibus ( facciamo proprio i turisti doc) a Buda. Rivisitiamo per l'ultima volta la città fortificata e saliamo in cima alla Torre Magdalena,Read more
After walking down the hillside from Buda Castle, we split some risotto and a BBQ pulled goose burger for dinner. Then we snagged some pics of Hungarian Parliament across the Danube and then took aRead more
Super interessante Stadt. Sehr viel zu entdecken und auch irgendwie nicht so anstrengend wie andere Großstädte. Vielleicht liegts aber auch am guten Wetter 🙂 Heute erstmal ein bisschen weiterRead more
Einer der Gründe, warum ich an diesem Wochenende nach Budapest reiste war, dass dort das diesjährige europäische Harley-Davidson-Treffen stattfand ( Auch fürRead more
Die Stadt ist bisschen überlaufen von zu vielen Australiern und Deutschen, aber der Balkan Flair ist noch da, gemischt mit Österraiichischen Bauten. Das Beste in den bisherigen und auch in PestBudaRead more
Budapest du bist schön. Mit zu heissen Temperaturen waren wir dann doch nicht super motiviert alle Sehenswürdigkeiten abzuklappern. Aber es hat gereicht den Groove der Stadt zu spüren und wieRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Budapest Castle Hill Funicular, Funicular de Budapest, Budavári Sikló
Traveler Ohh I’ve always wanted to go there, so good!
Traveler It's well worth it 😊
Traveler So many Chapels!… I think religion is deep with you!😊😂
Traveler It's because I come from that little chapel town. I need to compare !
Traveler 😂