Budapest Castle Hill Funicular

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    • Day 43–45

      Budapest (part 1)

      January 20 in Hungary ⋅ ☁️ -2 °C

      Budapest!! I never knew it was formerly 'Buda' and 'Pest' on opposite sides of the Danube River.
      Wow, of all the places that were never considered on my bucket list, I love it! 😍.
      Today we went to the castle district and visited the 'Rock Hospital', which was very interesting, ( no photos allowed). Then on to the old Jewish area with the very quirky ruins bar 'Szimpla Kert 'Read more

    • Day 405

      Buda, Budapest Hungary

      June 17, 2023 in Hungary ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      This post should accompany our Pest post. To recap a little, Budapest was originally two separate cities. Buda sits on the western bank of the Danube that splits the two halves. We didn't get over to the Buda side as much as we would have liked. We did visit the Castle District of Buda. This medieval fortress houses the Fisherman's Bastion (a defensive wall), Matthias Church, Buda Castle, and a few other sites.

      We were extremely lucky to be led around the Castle District by the Parditka family. Their oldest daughter, Emese, is studying history and tourism at university, we were given the grand tour.

      Fisherman's Bastion is the only part of the wall of the Castle District in place today. When we were telling in Transylvania we saw similarly name towers in Brasov, Sighisoara, and Sibu. It goes to show the similar history they share. Back in medieval times, walls of Buda were maintained by the trade skill Guilds. So the Fisherman's Guild was in charge of maintaining this segment of wall. This isn't original though. It was reconstructed, when Matthias Church was reconstructed, in the 1920s.

      Matthias Church is a gorgeous church. Dave and Emily have probably seen the prettiest churches in europe at this point. This has to be a top 15 most beautiful INTERIOR of a church. Every square inch of its interior was painted with beautiful designs and stories of local saints. It honestly took our breath away.

      Buda Castle itself is a museum now and we didn't manage to go inside today. The surrounding area filled with arches, fountains, and statues.

      All in all, it's a top old city of Europe. Definately worth a visit!
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    • Day 578


      October 3, 2023 in Hungary ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Alle Schränke zu? ✔️ Fenster geschlossen? ✔️ Gas zu? ✔️ Keile weg? ✔️ Nächster Halt? Budapest. 🥳
      Nach einem traditionellem Halt bei Lidl, vier Stunden Fahrt, Mitsingen zu DJ Philipp’s Musik und anderen Campern zuwinken, landeten wir in Budapest. Das „Beinehochlegen“ während der Fahrt hat sich Chantal abgewöhnt, da sie per Zufall ein abschreckendes Röntgenbild gesehen hat.
      Budapest gefiel uns auf Anhieb. Nach zwei Tagen hat Philipp’s Schwester Melanie angerufen und kam uns am nächsten Tag ganz spontan besuchen. Wir freuten uns riesig und wechselten von unserem Stellplatz auf einen gemütlichen Campingplatz. Wir quatschten erst Mal ausgiebig und überraschten ihre Eltern mit einem Anruf. 😊 Dann fuhren wir mit der Bahn in die Stadt und zeigten Melanie die berühmtesten Bars in Budapest: Die Ruinenbars. Mit wenig Geld, aber viel Kreativität wurden 2001 Abrisshäuser von jungen Studenten auf Vordermann gebracht. Möbel vom Sperrmüll, Kunst und allerlei Deko (darunter zum Beispiel Discokugeln und eine Badewanne) geben zusammen ein interessantes Gesamtbild und sind Kult geworden.
      An den darauffolgenden zwei Tagen haben wir uns gemeinsam die schöne Stadt angesehen, sind am Donauufer entlang spaziert und haben das sonnige Wetter genossen. Ausserdem haben wir Spiele gespielt und haben beim Spiel „Kuhhandel“ so lange gelacht, bis wir Bauchkrämpfe hatten.
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    • Day 70

      Hiking and Christmas Markets

      November 8, 2019 in Hungary ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      This morning we travelled to the Buda hills to go on a walk to enjoy some of the last fall colors. Our last week is calling for rain, so we are trying to get out as much as possible while we can. One of the most popular spots in Budapest to go hiking is a place called Normafa which is in the Buda Hills. It is amazing that such an expanse of forest and hills lies within the city and is so accessible. Normafa is about a 30 minute metro or tram ride and then a transfer to a bus, which is half the fun. We have found the public transit to be super easy to use in Budapest, but be warned, you always need a ticket because the stations are monitored quite closely and we have read the fines are quite high. Because the Buda hills are within Budapest, they are enjoyed by the locals. The hills also have lots of benches to sit on and enjoy the surrounding scenery as well as multiple playgrounds.

      During our hike we walked along well marked walking trails up to Elizabeth Tower which on a clear day, offers nice views of Budapest. Unfortunately, it was foggy when we walked up, but you could still see some of Budapest in the distance. We again noticed an outdoor running track and are continually amazed at how Budapest encourages people to venture outdoors. Neve says that the top of the hike at the Elizabeth Tower was so cold because of the wind.


      Then in the afternoon we went to a christmas market🎄 that is around a five minute walk from our apartment. At the christmas market there were a lot of wooden stands. Each of the wooden stands sells different items. There was a whole section for food. I saw stuffed cabbage rolls, sausages and other types of meat, soups, bread, cand ooked peppers. Each of the food items were in huge vats. There were a lot of people in the food section waiting to eat the food that smelled really good. There were stands selling all sorts of homemade items such as wooden doll houses that folded up into a box. You could pick little dolls and pets such as dogs to go into the dollhouse. They were really cute! There were a lot of stands which sold items such as honey, food, cookies, truffles,christmas ornaments and scented hanging ornaments; they smelled so good. Sophie and I each got a truffle. It was delicious! The tuffles had marzipan inside. Yum! We are going to visit the Christmas market again and are going to get some soap from the honey stall. It smells really good. I really liked the scented hanging ornaments; they were made out of oranges, cinnamon sticks, dried basil leaves and some stuff that I don’t know the name of, but they smelled delicious. The streets at the Christmas Market are decorated with lit up christmas ornaments, which are so beautiful. I think Hungarians really like Christmas!! the Christmas market also has a big Lindt chocolate store that hands out free samples. So good. They have a mini advent calendar that I hope my mom buys for us but we would need to trek it up to Everest since we will be there in early December.

      When we go to Vienna next week, we get to go to a different Christmas market each day. I can’t wait!
      Neve 🎅🐧
      _ _ _
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    • Day 4

      Last day in Budapest!

      February 25, 2020 in Hungary ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Oh my gosh! The short trip is finished... Oggi giro in minibus ( facciamo proprio i turisti doc) a Buda. Rivisitiamo per l'ultima volta la città fortificata e saliamo in cima alla Torre Magdalena, non senza fatica! È ciò che resta dopo le infinite invasioni che Budapest ha subito, dopo la fondazione da parte dei Romani. I Turchi godono appieno della loro fama da... mamma li Turchi. Second World War ha fatto il resto.
      In aeroporto solita trafila, qualche mascherina😷. Però dopo aver saputo che eravamo italiani, a noi hanno fatto togliere anche le scarpe 🙁. Ci era successo anche a Dublino 10 anni fa😠. Ci consola e rappacifica uno stupendo tramonto sopra le nuvole, fotografato dall'aereo!
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    • Day 3

      Este Budapesten

      March 8, 2020 in Hungary ⋅ ⛅ 43 °F

      After walking down the hillside from Buda Castle, we split some risotto and a BBQ pulled goose burger for dinner. Then we snagged some pics of Hungarian Parliament across the Danube and then took a shot at figuring out the Budapest transit system—the oldest electric metro system in continental Europe! Did you know that the communists built most of their Metro stations deep enough to serve as nuclear shelters during the cold war? These things go DEEP.

      We took the metro to Cafe Gerbaud—a 161-year old dessert cafe (older than California!) for some sweet treats. This cafe used to be the place to go for Austro-Hungarian socialites to dine during the Habsburg empire. Somehow, it survived two world wars, Nazi occupation, and the death-grip of communism. And they have a pretty good chocolate cake to boot!
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    • Day 5

      Burgbesichtigung am Abend

      April 21, 2023 in Hungary ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Super interessante Stadt. Sehr viel zu entdecken und auch irgendwie nicht so anstrengend wie andere Großstädte. Vielleicht liegts aber auch am guten Wetter 🙂 Heute erstmal ein bisschen weiter planen und vielleicht mal in ein Museum reinschauen. Und n bisschen ausruhen...Read more

    • Day 2


      June 23, 2023 in Hungary ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Einer der Gründe, warum ich an diesem Wochenende nach Budapest reiste war, dass dort das diesjährige europäische Harley-Davidson-Treffen stattfand ( Auch für nicht-Biker wie mich durchaus eindrucksvoll, wenn tausende dieser „Iron Horses“ durch eine Stadt fahren. Vor knapp 10 Jahren durfte ich das schon einmal erleben. Damals im Rahmen eines JGA in Barcelona. Jedoch wussten wir da nicht, dass dieses Treffen stattfindet. In Budapest waren die Zweiräder – so meine Wahrnehmung – noch viel präsenter als damals in Barcelona. Kein Hotel oder Gehsteig, wo nicht ein paar der Motorräder standen.Read more

    • Day 12

      Pest - Donau - Buda

      July 31, 2023 in Hungary ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Die Stadt ist bisschen überlaufen von zu vielen Australiern und Deutschen, aber der Balkan Flair ist noch da, gemischt mit Österraiichischen Bauten. Das Beste in den bisherigen und auch in PestBuda sind auf jedenfall die alten Straßenbahnen, wo man seinen Kopf noch aus den Fenstern rausstecken kann und sich dann immer ducken muss wenn ein auto oder schild kommt. Der Baumkuchen da ist sensationell und zwar nicht zu abzockerischen Weihnachtsmarktpreisen!Read more

    • Day 8

      Budapest City

      August 14, 2023 in Hungary ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Budapest du bist schön. Mit zu heissen Temperaturen waren wir dann doch nicht super motiviert alle Sehenswürdigkeiten abzuklappern. Aber es hat gereicht den Groove der Stadt zu spüren und wie Ramona so schön sagt "schöne Kunst die in Budapest überall rumliegt" zu betrachten. Eine Reise auf Budapest ist auf jeden Fall sehr empfehlenswert.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Budapest Castle Hill Funicular, Funicular de Budapest, Budavári Sikló

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