Budapest XIII. kerület

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    • Day 7


      May 11 in Hungary ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Széchenyi Bath, the largest thermal spring bath complex in Budapest was a treat...went thru castle entrance and park to the spa entrance...that was wrong but so elaborate with all the mosaic tiled ceilings.

      The other stuff was tour guide views etc...i liked the view thru arches of the large parliament building.
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    • Day 21


      September 21, 2022 in Hungary ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Bevor wir Budapest verlassen müssen wir noch in ein Thermalbad

      Das Széchenyi-Heilbad wurde 1913 erbaut. Es hat außen und innen viele verschiedene Becken mit unterschiedlichen Temperaturen. Zusätzlich gibt es überall verschiedene Saunen.

      Überall hören wir verschiedene Sprachen und wir sind nicht uptodate: heute zu Tage trägt Frau Handy und Sonnenbrille beim schwimmen.
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    • Day 265

      Ice skating, basilica, thermal bath

      January 27 in Hungary ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Our last few days in Budapest have been great! On Tuesday we went back to the massive outdoor ice rink I found near the heroes square. It was so cool ice skating outside in the cold, the rink was just a carpark theyd covered with ice but it was so big that it kinda felt like we were doing it on an actual frozen lake. Spencer didn't take to it too easily and spent most of the time wobbling around in the corner. I watched a bunch of ice hockey players skating, they were going so fast and then stopping so aggressively that it sprayed ice everywhere. I wanted to do it so badly and spent the entire time trying but I never quite got it, I think its coz the hire skates were too blunt so they kinda bog down instead of shaving the ice when you turn sideways.

      The next day we went to a harry potter themed restaurant near our house. We had to wait a week to get a reservation and there has always been a huge line out the front so we were quite excited to check it out. It was a pretty cool night all in all, normal food in a decorated room, some of the drinks had dry ice in them which was pretty cool.

      We also discovered hungarian pizza this week which is delicious (but quite heavy and oily). The base is deep fried like a donut and then they add toppings to that. The toppings aren't melted which made me a little sceptical but it totally worked and it was delicious! I got chilli con carne on mine and spencer got "traditional toppings" which just ended up being ham and cheese.

      The novelty of classical churches and cathedrals has completely worn off for us now and as a result we've kind of adopted a "no paying to see them from the inside" policy for the rest of the trip, but the St Stephens Basilica is right across the street from our house and we walked past it so much that we eventually relented and went to check it out. It was very grand and shiny as expected, im always gobsmacked by how high the roofs are in these places.

      Our last activity was going to visit the thermal baths. We were initially pretty underwhelmed by the whole thing because it cost $45 to get in and it was literally just a warm public pool. I was ready to leave after an hour but it was so expensive we felt obligated to stay, we ended up getting a few morning beers and just sat back n took it all in. The baths did look really cool with the yellow, classical buildings and the Greek style pillars and all the steam coming up from the water. I'm glad we stayed for as long as we did because I ended up really developing an appreciation for just floating around n being warm. I wasn't bored at all by the end and I felt amazing. The highlight of the day was definitely the sauna and ice bath, we spent ages alternating between those.

      I forgot to say this earlier but ive been really surprised by how nice the pastries have been in Budapest, they're always so crispy and flakey, even the ones from the supermarket bakeries.
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    • Day 194

      Szechenyi Baths

      December 30, 2019 in Hungary ⋅ 🌙 -1 °C

      An entire day spent soaking in the thermal waters of the Szechenyi Baths. Planned from 1868, completed in 1913, the spa is a neo-Baroque landmark and feat of water engineering. There are a series of indoor pools of varying temperatures, saunas and 2 large outdoor pools where the water temp was around 30 degrees whilst the outdoor temp was hovering around 3-5 degrees. The steam rising up from the surface of the water gives everything a magical quality and that sunset just topped the day off perfectly.Read more

    • Day 3

      2nd Full Day Budapest

      May 15 in Hungary ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Well what an interesting day...
      Highlight was going to the thermal spa.
      Had a lovely hour cruise on the Danube. Then we got very lost following the Budapest Go app. We are staying in the 7th district but landed up in the 15th! Fortunatley, we discovered the bus stop was outside a very quirky outdoor pub (see pictures that include toadstools). We were rather chilly by 7.45 pm in our shorts and tee shirts. The picture includes Nicky a lovely Hungarian lady with little English who ordered a taxi for us to get us home. All's well that ends well.Read more

    • Day 173


      August 8, 2023 in Hungary ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      After a massive nap this morning, we headed out for brunch at Lions Lounge and then hopped on the metro to Szechenyi Baths. We unknowingly bought the wrong ticket (which cost more than the ticket we were supposed to have) and were stopped and fined 24,000HUF (the equivalent to about NZ$110) by metro staff just for having the wrong ticket! It was absolutely ridiculous that there is no leniency for having the wrong ticket (especially one that costs more) or making the an honest mistake. We definitely will not be taking the metro in Budapest again, while we like this city so far, it has certainly made us feel unwelcome. After the metro mishap, we spent a few hours at Szechenyi Baths, and then wandered to several supermarkets to find something simple for dinner. This turned into a 2 hour trip as none of the major supermarkets had any of the food we needed. Maybe we are just tired, or maybe we have had a relatively good run until now, but today was one of those days where nothing went our way and everything felt hard. Maybe we will feel better tomorrow.Read more

    • Day 20

      Szechenyi take 2

      January 1, 2020 in Hungary ⋅ ☀️ 4 °C

      Lou and I stayed up all night with the aim to roll straight through to the baths at 6am, but just as we were about to leave (after 3 hours of dancing in the kitchen to stay awake, and everyone else dropping off, including Rich at 5am, succumbing to napping on the kitchen floor) a last minute google revealed they only opened at 11am on New Year's Day - foiled!! We kipped for a few hours then got our bath.Read more

    • Day 18

      Sunrise Szechenyi

      December 30, 2019 in Hungary ⋅ ☀️ -3 °C

      A strategically early start this morning, arriving at Szechenyi baths at 7am in a bid to outrun the bulk of other tourists - it worked! The baths are the biggest in the city and very much plural - lots of different temperatures you're meant to cycle through.

      When you go in, you get changed in a little cabin with a clever locking system so it can be used from both ends - it has two doors, you walk in one end, flip a plank over to jam both, and when you're ready, walk out the other. You put your stuff in a locker then have a shower, and go explore.

      We gunned it for the two outdoor pools as we knew they'd be most likely to fill up later, and did our time in the indoor ones (full of locals, mainly old fat men) towards the end of our two hour stay.

      No pictures of inside the pools because we left our phones in the lockers but it was a new experience for sure, particularly being in a steamy 38 degree pool in - 2 outside, walking on ice to get in. Loved it.
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    • Day 3

      Széchenyi Thermal Baths

      January 2, 2023 in Hungary ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      This is one of my favourite places in Europe, they're the biggest european thermal baths with its 15 indoor baths and 3 grand outdoor pool.
      Perfect time and place for relaxing.
      I suggest coming here in winter to appreciate the cold/warm effect made by the cold air and the warm thermal water.Read more

    • Day 4

      Das Széchenyi Thermal Bad

      December 4, 2023 in Hungary ⋅ ☁️ 0 °C

      Highlight des Tages ist jedoch das Széchenyi-Heilbad, man betritt es durch eine imposante Eingangshalle mit reich verzierten Decken und Wänden. Aufgrund seiner Ausmaße ist es das größte seiner Art in Europa. Es wurde nach dem Staatsmann Graf István Széchenyi benannt.

      Am am 15. November 1868 begannen die Bohrungen nach Thermalwasser und endeten erst im Januar 1878 in einer Tiefe von 970,48 Metern.

      1881 wurde das erste Badehauses auf der Nádor-Insel eröffnet. Die Kosten beliefen sich auf 28.485 Forint und 57 Krajcár. Mit Inbetriebnahme der ersten Budapester U-Bahn-Linie im Jahr 1896, deren Endstation direkt beim Bad lag und auch nach diesem benannt war, verbesserte sich die Erreichbarkeit deutlich.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Budapest XIII. kerület, Budapest XIII. keruelet

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