Fisherman's Bastion

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    • Day 40

      Budapest: Buda Castle … Kürtőskalács

      October 17, 2024 in Hungary ⋅ ☁️ 55 °F

      When the group left Matthias Church, Mui and I stayed behind … advising Valeria that we would be making our own way back to the Rinda. This had been our plan all along. It worked out well and I was able to wander around the different parts of the church at leisure and take photos from different vantage points.

      When we left the church, it was around 11:30a. Time to try a local pastry known as the chimney cake.

      We followed our noses — there was a sweet, cinnamon infused aroma wafting on the air — to a nearby café/bakery and found what we were looking for there.

      Kürtőskalács is the name by which this pastry is known in Hungary. The sweet dough is wrapped around a cylindrical baking spit, rolled in sugar, and placed over a charcoal fire … though if the baking is being done inside, then electricity has to be used to fuel the fire. Finally, when the chimney cake takes on a golden brown hue, the baker adds a coating. That done, the pastry is slipped off the spit … steam rising from it … much like smoke does from a chimney. Hence the name.

      The bakery we went to had an outdoor set up, so our chimney cake — oversized and easily shareable by two people — was baked over a charcoal fire. When it was ready to be coated, we opted for the traditional cinnamon. And then we sat down as a small table outside and started tearing into our special treat. The outside of the pastry is supposed to be crispy. Ours was crispy-ish. The inside, which is supposed to be soft and a little doughy, was too thick and perhaps a little undercooked. It definitely did not unfurl apart like it was supposed to do. Nothing wrong with the taste, though.

      We’ll try our luck again tomorrow
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    • Day 40

      Budapest: Buda Castle … The Bastion

      October 17, 2024 in Hungary ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

      One of the landmarks of the Buda Castle District is the Fisherman’s Bastion … Halaszbastya in Hungarian. It is located behind Matthias Church. We knew from its location that it probably offered some amazing views of the city. Thus, we headed there after our snack break.

      Here, we were greeted by a statue of St Stephen, which we had noticed earlier when we were visiting the church.. Stephen I was the first king of Hungary … the founder of the state. He was canonized 45 years after his death in 1038. As such he is considered the country’s spiritual patron. The day celebrated as his feast day is also the State Foundation Day.

      In light of how far back the history of the Castle District goes, it is surprising that the statue has only been installed since 1906. Nonetheless, it is an impressive, well-executed statue with beautiful detail work despite — or perhaps because of — the interventions to the sculptor’s original design. The result … St Stephen is on horseback — not on the throne — with the Holy Crown on his head. Also, because Emperor Franz Joseph objected to the spear that was placed in the king’s hand, it was changed to a double-cross. While some may have found the decorations of the saddle cover distracting when the statue was unveiled, I thought it was a lovely piece of craftsmanship.

      Stopping at the sales window near the statue, we purchased tickets to go up for a wander along the top of the Fisherman’s Bastion. This was perhaps unnecessary since the views are just as easy to see for free elsewhere around the viewing terrace. But I liked the idea of checking out the towers and turrets, and as I was hoping, it proved to be a good vantage point for photographing Matthias Church. The admission was under $2pp so it wasn’t a huge expense anyway.

      Considering the bastion’s neo-Romanesque style, one might be forgiven for thinking that it is quite an old structure. After all, this was one of the styles popular during Medieval times. In fact, it was’t until 1895-1902 that the bastion was constructed as a scenic lookout terrace on the base of the castle walls. Like so many other structures in the Castle District, the bastion was damaged during WWII. It was restored, of course.

      The seven towers of the bastion represent the seven Hungarian chieftains who brought their tribes to present day Hungary in 895. As a matter of history, without these tribes, there might not have been a State of Hungary. It is said, that the bastion is named for the guild of fishermen who historically lived below the castle walls … in an area known as “Fishtown” or “Watertown.” They were responsible for defending that section of the city walls during medieval times. While the guild might be the generally accepted namesake of the bastion, there is apparently no real proof that is the case.

      As we slowly strolled the bastion pathway, we enjoyed the panoramic views of Buda and Pest laid out below us … the Danube meandering between the two like a café au lait ribbon. Spectacular.
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    • Day 3

      Letzer Tag

      January 12, 2020 in Hungary ⋅ ☀️ 3 °C

      2. Tag, die letzten Stunden in Budapest 🇭🇺😉, haben noch ein Spaziergang durch die Stadt gemacht, Fisherman's Bastion 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 haben wir besucht und die Zeit zusammen genossen 😍, wie waren nur über den Wochenenden da, aber war einen wunderschönen Zeit.Read more

    • Day 3


      June 24, 2023 in Hungary ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Nicht nur mein Lieblingsmotiv für Fotoaufnahmen, sondern auch mein Lieblingsort ist – wie auch schon beim letzten Besuch vor ca. 20 Jahren – die Fischerbastei ( Perfekt um abends auf der Mauer sitzend auf die Donau und gegenüberliegende Stadt mit dem Parlamentsgebäude hinabzublicken.
      Ja, es ist touristisch total überlaufen. Aber wenn man morgens früh startet, hat man den Burgberg fast für sich allein (vor 08:00 Uhr ist empfehlenswert). Außerdem, so zumindest meine Erfahrung – wird da auch noch nicht kassiert, wenn man auf der Außenmauer der Bastei rumlaufen will. Jedoch ist die Aussicht auf die Stadt aufgrund der Lichtverhältnisse (Sonne im Rücken) am Abend deutlich besser. Weshalb ich auch zweimal hochgelaufen bin.
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    • Day 14

      Buda castle and more walking!

      July 12, 2023 in Hungary ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      So Jaxon and I got sick! We were so unwell that we hadn't left the apartment and after a chat with Lorant and a kind offer, we decided to extend our stay and crash on their couch!

      We've really enjoyed the extended days and time with Lorant.

      We had a day with Lorant walking around the city and surrounding areas. This is such a beautiful place ❤️
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    • Day 11

      Marriage photo mayhem.

      July 31, 2023 in Hungary ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Agonised, the previous night, over when to go up to the Fisherman's Bastion. When would the sun be in the best place, when would it be quietest, when would the queues for the funicular be the most humane. Didn't really decide but did read that before 9 they didn't charge & really early it can be quite quiet - like sunrise early - big ask but I was awake at 5. Free & quiet were big selling points. Could be up and back in time for breakie. The decision was made. In addition it was pleasantly cool. Lots of steps up though but the views were stunning, that's if you could get to them through the raft of wedding photos going on. Couldn't quite get my head round it. Was it before the wedding - if so I presume they don't subscribe to the unlucky seeing the bride thing. If they do then it must be after & by that token at 6 it is well after. Anyway probably photo bombed a few. The top levels were free at this time but on going up an irate restauranteur gave 10 tonnes - gave a little back but neither really understood. Moved onto the other top tier where he couldn't see. Again had to put up with Oriental photo perfection but at least there was only 1 couple rather than multiple. Back down for breakie.Read more

    • Day 4

      Konditorei Ruszwurm seit 1827

      December 4, 2023 in Hungary ⋅ ☀️ -1 °C

      Gestern gab es hier eine riesige Schlange, doch heute haben wir Glück und bekommen gleich einen Tisch in der geschichtsträchtigen Konditorei Ruszwurm, gleich neben der Mathiaskirche. Hier scheint die Zeit stehen geblieben zu sein. Die besonders schöne Konditorei wurde von Konditor Franz Schwabl im Jahre 1827 gegründet. Im Enterieur befinden sich auch noch heute der vom berühmten Budaer Tischlermeister Krautsieder aus Kirschholz hergestellte Verkaufsschrank und die aus Zeiten von Kaiser Franz I. stammende runde Wanduhr über dem prachtvollen Schrank. Eine der Spezialitäten war die weit über die Landesgrenzen bekannte Linzerschnitte, die nach einem der bevorzugten Gäste, dem ehemaligen Helden des Freiheitskampfes von 1848 benannt wurde. Von 1884 bis 1922 wurde die Konditorei bis zur Enteignung durch den Staat fortgeführt.
      Nachdem die Konditorei 6 Jahre lang geschlossen war, wurde sie am 20. August 1960 neu eröffnet.
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    • Day 4

      Die Fischerbastei

      December 4, 2023 in Hungary ⋅ ☀️ -2 °C

      Unser Aufenthalt neigt sich allmählich dem Ende, wir haben unser letztes Frühstück genossen, sind ausgecheckt und haben unsere kleine Rucksäcke zur Aufbewahrung im Hotel gelassen. Wir wollen uns heute zunächst genauer auf dem Burgberg umschauen und später nochmals Thermalbad gehen.

      Da führt kein Weg an der Fischerbastei vorbei (ungarisch Halászbástya), sie ist ein von Frigyes Schulek von 1895 bis 1902 errichtetes, neoromanisches Monument, mit besonderer Ausstrahlung. Es erhebt sich auf dem Burgberg an der Stelle des mittelalterlichen Fischmarkts von Buda. Der Name stammt von einer Fischergilde, für die das Monument errichtet wurde. Diese hatte im Mittelalter diesen Abschnitt der Stadtmauer zu verteidigen. Das skurrile Bauwerk, das mit seinen konischen Türmen an die Zelte der Magyaren erinnern soll, ist eine romantische Aussichtsterrasse auf Donau und Pest.
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    • Day 6

      Fishermans Bastion

      March 16, 2024 in Hungary ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Fishermans Bastion is not about fishermen, but more about celebrating the millennial anniversary of the arrival of the 7 tribal chieftains who led their people to settle in present day Hungary. The year was 895. I find it interesting that one of the tribes was of Asian descent, from Mongolia. It was rebuilt between 1895 and 1902 during one of the more peaceful times of Hungarian history.Read more

    • Day 3

      Tag 3 - Abreise

      March 29, 2024 in Hungary ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      🌟 Heute war unser letzter Tag in Budapest. Wir besuchten die atemberaubende Fischerbastei und ließen uns von ihrer Schönheit verzaubern. 🏰 Danach machten wir uns auf den Weg zu unserem nächsten Ziel - Wien! 🚆 Neue Abenteuer warten auf uns! 🌍Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Fisherman's Bastion, Bastión de los Pescadores, Halászbástya

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