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    • Day 23


      January 7 in India ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Kanchipuram est une des 7 villes sacrées de l’hindouisme, elle est connue comme la citée aux milles temples, également célèbre pour ses ateliers de tisserands .
      Nous visitons le Varadharaja Perumal temple avec ses 100 piliers, tous différents et chacun sculpté d’une seule pièce. Ce temple date du XVIeme siècle, les sculptures sont grandioses, on peut y voir d’innombrables scènes du kamasutra.
      Nous avons visiter un atelier de tisserand, les artisans travaillent sur des métiers Jacquard qui ont 100 ans, un savoir faire unique.
      Nous visitons ensuite le Kailasanatha, un temple hindouiste dédié à Shiva et réputé pour être le plus beau temple de la ville . Ce temple a été construit au début du VIIIeme siècle à l'initiative du roi (Pallava). Très belle visite où nous avons rencontré des gens adorables
      Pour terminer nous avons visité le temple de Kanchi Kamashi, consacré à la déesse Parvati, la déesse suprême du shaktisme. Le shaktisme est l'une des nombreuses dénominations hindoues (sampradayas) majeures dans lesquelles la réalité métaphysique, ou la divinité primordiale est considérée métaphoriquement comme étant une femme.
      Tous ces temples sont empruntés d’une spiritualité joyeuse, ce qui est très agréable.
      Une première journée très réussie, pleine de découverte; des mets qui nous ont été servis au restaurant, de la manière singulière de manger avec ses doigts, de la gentillesse des gens dans la rue, et de découvrir que peu de personnes parlent anglais.
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    • Day 24

      8 Janvier Vers Mahabalipuram

      January 8 in India ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Ce matin départ vers Mahabalipuram. Petit déjeuner mystère comme hier, on identifie peut être 70% de ce que l’on mange. Pas de café ni de thé car ils sont mélangés à du lait et du sucre.
      La ville était un port très actif aux VIIIeme et IXeme siècles sous la dynastie Pallava, et notamment sous le roi Narasimhavarman II.
      Le groupe de monuments de Mahabalipuram est classé patrimoine mondial par l’Unesco.
      En chemin nous visitons le temple Arulmigu Vedagiriswarar, dédié à Shiva. Pour le visiter il faut venir à bout des quelques 573 marches pieds nus.
      Une fois arrivée sur la terrasse du temple on a une magnifique vue imprenable sur la ville et ses environs.
      Le groupe monumental et particulièrement les sculptures monolithique sont majestueuses . Ce sont d’ailleurs des artisans de la dynastie Pallava qui ont travaillés à Angkor .
      Nous avons trouvé un guide qui nous a fait découvrir les significations de ces bas reliefs.
      En fin de visite nous découvrons avec stupéfaction le butter ball de Krishna un immense rocher de 250T en équilibre sur une minuscule base de 1,2m de diamètre.
      Après un bon repas en bord de mer nous terminons cette journée par une promenade en ville
      Le soir nous dinnons dans un petit resto en face de notre hôtel, je commande une bière, le serveur part l’acheter au supermarché et me la porte 30 min plus tard, le temps de bien la refroidir. This is the charm of India 😉
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    • Day 14

      Elephants & more....

      February 10, 2024 in India ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Anne has Dengue fever (picked up in Bali) & has gone to hospital to be on a drip & have her platelets monitored. She has improved quite a bit, but she will spend a second night there & hopefully be back with us tomorrow. Edie is fine & has been a trooper. By some miracle the Dad of Edie's friend organised for them to ride one of Amma's elephants yesterday, with her blessing. Amazing, as this is rarely allowed. The girls had a wonderful time & the mahouts were very kind & gentle. After visiting Mum this morning we went back into hectic Vellore for lunch. It is a sprawling, bustling city, the administrative capital of the region. The Vellore region is the largest exporter of finished leather goods in the country. It is also home to Vellore Fort, a large 16th century fort built by the Emperors of Vijayanagara. The fort was at one time the imperial capital of the Aravidu Dynasty of the Vijayanagara Empire. It is known for its grand ramparts, wide moat and robust masonry. The first significant military rebellion against British rule, the Vellore Mutiny, erupted at this fort in 1806. A relaxing stroll around the temple when we got back, though it was very busy due to it being Sunday.Read more

    • Day 8

      To India

      February 4, 2024 in India ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      It was hard to leave Lost but exciting also. A long day travelling, via Singapore, then a 2 hour + car drive in the early hours to reach Sri Narayni Peedam. Located in Tamil Nadu state at Ariyur, near Vellore, this ashram is an oasis amongst the colour & movement that is India & home to the famous Golden Temple & seat of The Divine Mother. In order to completely understand the how & why of this place I recommend you have a look at the website.

      It will be my home for the next 2 weeks. I like it here despite feeling as though I am on a film set! However, not quite the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel!! Our rooms are spartan but very clean with everything we need & all requests are swiftly dealt with. There is a dining room where we can go for included meals & the "Divine Cafe" is nearby.
      There are devotees of Amma here of all ages from every corner of the globe. Some come for a week, others months or years. Activities have been slightly curtailed as Anne has been quite sick since we arrived. High fever, (slowly coming down) & flu symptoms but she has been checked out at the hospital & we have been told to wait a few days. Fingers crossed. So I have just been exploring, sometimes with Edie & chatting with some very interesting people. Daily ayurvedic treatments will ensure I come home a new woman. I've also been witnessing the poojas conducted by Amma each night which is considered very auspicious. These are quite fascinating ceremonies of worship to the Hindi goddess Narayani. You can see them on the Sripuram Sri Narayani Peedam Facebook page. I am getting used to life here - not eating with my left hand (usually there are forks), not forgetting to wear my scarf, learning slowly about the food & the meaning of the head wobble! Waking to the sound of chanting is a lovely start to the day.
      Unfortunately, no photos are allowed on the Temple grounds, so I have stolen them from a book. When there is no chanting there is devotional music piped everywhere. Sometimes discordant with loud trumpety noises & lots of drumming. You get used to it!!
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    • Day 13

      A trip to Vellore

      February 9, 2024 in India ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Edie & I went to Vellore in a tuk tuk to buy her some India appropriate clothes. A fun 10km ride amidst the organised chaos! Also, some photos of pooja (devotional ceremony) in the original Peedam temple which was built before the Golden Temple. Days are quite busy, lots to do here! Edie made friends with a little girl yesterday, so that was nice. I took them to see the horses & the elephants after pooja last night. One horse, a cow & an elephant had just come back from being blessed at the Golden Temple, which is a daily ceremony. We'll try to get to that one tonight. Poor Anne is much the same. Off for blood tests this morning. 🫰Read more

    • Day 19


      February 15, 2024 in India ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Not much happening this morning, so I decided to set off to the Vellore flower market by tuk tuk. We pulled up to what might have been it, but everything was shut & covered up. The tuk tuk driver was clearly out of ideas, so I asked the nearby fruit vendor & off we went again. He pulled up at the corner of what looked to be a long market street selling just about anything you might want. He said, "Go down, left, right, flower market. I wait here!" So I set off; the only European in the whole place. I did as instructed & had to ask for further directions & ended up in a very narrow, covered market which wove its way on & on. I was terrified of getting lost & felt overwhelmed & a bit intimidated. So I turned back buying some rambutan, grapes & a couple of scarves as some retail therapy. It was a fascinating trip, but I was glad to be deposited back to the hotel. 😅Read more

    • Day 1

      Da Chennai a Tirupati

      April 1, 2024 in India ⋅ ☀️ 39 °C

      Nella lunga attesa/supplizio a Chennai avevamo già deciso di andare Tirupati, un viaggetto di circa 5h di treno.
      Non riuscendo da app a registrarci sul sito delle ferrovie ( ci riuscirò solo qualche sera dopo dal PC), facciamo la coda per i biglietti e prendiamo due biglietti unreserved per il prezzone di 140 rupie e tentiamo la suerte.
      Sul treno una coppia indiana gentilissima ci aiuta a trovare posto e scopriamo che anche loro sono senza prenotazione 😅.
      Un sadu ci chiede da mangiare e rimane stranito quando diamo una mela.
      Arriviamo a Tirupati alle 19 del 1 aprile, siamo in piedi dalle 5 del giorno prima.
      Il giorno prima ancora ho lavorato fino alle 20, abbiamo mangiato una pizza Torinese in un paese nella periferia di Madrid e guidato 2h fino ad un carico scarico crollando poi alle due di notte notte dopo aver messo in ordine tutto il van.
      Le poche ore di sonno rimaste le passeremo a lottare con l'impasto di quella pizza presa per fretta e disperazione per la corsa pre-partenza.
      Siamo in sostanza ufficialmente stracotti, puzzolenti, senza dormire da quasi 3gg e senza mangiare.
      Con le ultime forze cerchiamo di prenotare con airbnb un posto per crollare e ne troviamo uno semi decente in un quartiere povero di Tirupati.
      Arrivare all'hotel ci dà modo di vedere molto di questi quartieri.
      Lanciamo gli zaini in camera, usciamo a cenare (ero così stanco che non ricordo la cena!), doccia e crolliamo letteralmente!
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    • Day 11


      September 11, 2022 in India ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Dans le bus vers Kanchipuram, ville connue pour être un centre religieux important, j'ai pu rencontrer Tamil. Jeune marié de 26 ans, celui-ci rejoignait sa femme et sa belle-famille au temple pour procéder à des offrandes à la déesse Shakti, épouse d'Indra. Tamil m'a rapidement invité à dinner et à dormir chez lui à Chenglepet.Read more

    • Day 3

      Giornata in viaggio

      April 3, 2024 in India ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

      Abbiamo preso un bus da Tirupati che ci ha portati a Bangalore. Durante il tragitto rime richieste di foto e pranzo in una specie di stazione di servizio dove abbiamo provato (non senza nessuna difficoltà per ordinare) il primo biryani vegetariano. A Bangalore abbiamo fatto un giro nei dintorni della stazione e visto un po' di vita notturna. Abbiamo poi preso il nostro primo bus notturno dopo un casino per trovarlo alla fermata.Read more

    • Day 5


      August 17, 2019 in India ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Proseguiamo il viaggio da oggi ci accompagnerà un driver fino al 4 settembre, una figata, ci sentiamo dei principini, si perde un po' il fascino della vera avventura, ma è molto meno stancante, abbiamo provato con gli autobus ma a differenza della Birmania sono scassati, senza aria condizionata affollattissimi e lentissimi così abbiamo optato per la scelta più comoda. Siamo arrivati in quella che è stata la capitale della dinastia dei Pallava famosa oggi per i suoi numerosi templi.
      La vera chicca è stata la visita di un tempio, non turistico, il tempio Trilokyanatha di Thiruparthikundram costruito durante il regno della dinastia Pallava durante l'VIII secolo. Il tempio è gestito da una vecchina molto molto tipica, fiduciaria ereditaria, che detiene le chiavi del tempio e dedica la sua vita alla salvaguardia e alla custodia del tempio. Abbiamo la possibilità di entrare e siamo rapiti da una straordinaria bellezza , un patio completamente decorato da pitture straordinariamente conservate, costellato da colonne scolpite e decorate.
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