Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium

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    • Day 9


      September 9, 2022 in India ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      Chennai, la capitale du Tamil Nadu, possède quelque chose de plus agréable que les autres villes que j'ai pu visiter jusqu'ici. On y trouve moins de circulation, moins de bruit, des trottoirs en plus grand nombre et même certaines ruelles praticables uniquement à pied. De plus, Chennai se situe le long de la mer, celle du golfe du Bengale. Malgré la polution, j'ai été brièvement nager dans cette mer chaude et mouvementée qui serait propice au surf me dit-on. Néanmoins, la ville ne possède pas un patrimoine exceptionnel, seulement quelques temples hindous et une église néo-gothique de qualité moyenne. Quant à mon hostel, celui-ci se situe en face d'une mosquée depuis laquelle se fait entendre les appels à la prière.Read more

    • Day 108


      April 1, 2018 in India ⋅ ⛅ 86 °F

      Notes from Chennai (formerly called Madras)

      India note # 1: India loves bureaucracy. As a former British colony, India fell in love with forms and stamps and approval letters and multiple documents, and layers and layers of supervision. Even after completing an exhausting application for visas last summer before the cruise even started, four of the staterooms onboard failed to receive an e-landing card from India immigration. Ours was one of the four. So we were told that we would simply have our visas hand-processed.


      At immigration station number 1, the uniformed immigration official didn’t know what to do with us, so he called his boss. The boss didn’t know what to do with us, so he called his boss. This boss couldn’t get his scanner to work and Glenda was kind enough to start trying to tell him what he needed to do to fix it. I don’t think he spoke English, but that didn’t stop Glenda. She kept at it.

      I avoided the temptation to ask her politely to shut up, because even if the boss had been able to get his scanner to work, it would not do us any good. The problem was that we did not have a landing card that could be scanned—even if equipment were working properly.

      I whispered, or I tried to whisper, “Glenda, for God’s sake, don’t start trying to play Nancy Drew right now!” He looked at Glenda funny, then asked me, “Who is Nancy Drew? That is not the name on this visa!” He finally stamped our document, signed it and sent us to the next station, telling us that there would be no problem.

      Yeah. Right.

      “Move here. No, here. Stand in line here. Now stop. Wait here. Now move over there. Wait. Now get in this line.” This whole process, complete with multiple bosses, was repeated 3 more times. Four times in all. The last boss was a big, heavy guy with a big black mustache, a sharp looking military uniform and 3 stars on his shoulder boards. I figured he must be a Lieutenant General. At some point in the process, it got funny. Glenda started laughing—not just tittering, but guffawing out loud. Hooting. I shushed her, and she laughed louder. I turned red and tried desperately to get her quiet, as visions of a hot, humid Indian prison danced in my head. She laughed so hard she had tears in her eyes. People were looking at us. I was dripping sweat and felt like I was about to die until I glanced up and saw that Lieutenant General Moustache was getting tickled too. I think they all thought that Glenda had, well, a problem. He stamped our landing cards, patted me on the shoulder while shaking his head, and we were on our way.

      The good news is that we get to do this 3 more times, once in Cochin, once in Goa, and once in Mumbai, because we still don’t have the right landing card.

      India note # 2: Cows are cool. If you die and come back as a cow in India, you wander around in people’s yards and the folks pat you on the rump and give you stuff to eat. They won’t kill you or eat you because you’re sacred. Altogether, not a bad deal. Just don’t come back as a cow in America. Cows don’t have as strong a labor union there.

      India note # 3: (Church wonk warning): St. Thomas is here. One of the main reasons I wanted to come to India was that I hoped to see some evidence of the Apostle Thomas (remember “doubting Thomas”?). I have known since seminary of a very strong oral tradition linking St. Thomas with India and the so-called Mar Thoma Church. The tradition holds that he arrived here in 52 AD and brought Christianity to India. I had hoped to see some traces of Thomas, but didn’t really expect to find any. Certainly Thomas was not high on the hit parade of any of my shipmates. However, five minutes after our bus left the port and entered downtown Chennai, we passed a big, white Catholic cathedral. Our guide pointed it out and said that it contains the grave of the Apostle Thomas. Bingo. For me, everything else we do in India is frosting on the cake. For me Thomas was the cake.

      India Note # 4: There is some really old stuff here. We drove to the seaside town of Mahabalipuram to see not just one, but a collection of Hindu temples that go back to the sixth century AD. This is genuinely old stuff—some of the oldest Hindu iconography in existence. We actually walked inside the Holy of Holies of the so-called Shore temple. Though the temple has been deconsecrated, I think there are still some venerable old spirits who call this place home. Oh yes, it just happens to be located on the seaside site of a first century port which appears on some old Roman maps.

      India note # 5: You gotta honk your horn constantly when you drive because there are no traffic lights. By the way, they drive on the wrong side of the road here. And there are lots of scooters carrying 3 or 4 people. But it’s cool. It works.

      India note # 6: (For adults only) Hawkers are very persistent. As you walk from the bus to—anywhere—some very nice, wonderful, but very poor people will walk alongside you, trying to sell you little statues of Buddha or Krishna, little necklaces or drawings or trinkets. They will always say that they sculpted or painted or wove the object themselves. Maybe they did, but I doubt it. One huckster of limited English skills, approached Glenda with a set of heavy cardboard circles, each beautifully painted and lacquered. If you folded the top down each showed a lovely picture of a different bird or animal. If you folded the bottom up, it showed one of the 245 sexual positions of the Kamasutra, some of which could be performed only by a contortionist. Glenda wasn’t sure that the salesman understood her English, but she looked him in the eye, put her hand on his shoulder and said in her sweetest Southern drawl, “Honey, I’m 66 years old, have a hip replacement and arthritis. Now, really, what do you think I’m going to do with this?”

      India note # 7: The people here are really nice. Over 90% are Hindus, which means that they are relaxed, non-violent vegetarians. Well, they are relaxed and non-violent once they stop driving and honking their horns. They smile at you, and they wave at your bus as you pass. Even the kids. Yeah, the beggars and the hawkers can be a bit aggressive, but they’re just trying to make a living too. I saw some young men at the temple. They saw my camera and I saw theirs, so we just smiled, then took each other’s photos, then laughed and waved as we parted. In spite of all the crowding and poverty, I think I like this place. It’s certainly not America, but for the people here it all somehow works.
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    • Day 4


      March 12, 2024 in India ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Klein tussenstopje van een namiddag en nachtje om morgen de trein naar Mysore te nemen. Drukke drukke stad 😅

    • Day 81

      Last stop - Chennai

      August 8, 2018 in India ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

      An overnight bus brought us to Chennai, which would be our last stop in India. We happened to arrive the day after a very famous Tamil Nadu politician died, so we had the strange pleasure of seeing this usually buzzing city with very little traffic and activity in the streets (which I assume is quite rare in Indian cities), as all shops, restaurants, services were closed for the day. We visited the beach at Chennai, took the very new and clean metro, did some shopping the next day and Lila tried on the very over the top party dresses.Read more

    • Day 83

      Lessons of gratitude

      August 10, 2018 in India ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Today we leave India and fly to Sri Lanka, after about 7 weeks in total visiting a small part of such a huge and diverse country. This trip we have been trying to speak with Lila about gratitude and being thankful for the experiences we have as well as the ability to do so. India is such an interesting and beautiful country, but at the same time can be extremely intense and raw, both for the places and people you meet. It's a place where you are face to face with the realities of living in a society that can be unjust and unequal purely dependent on what family and where you were born. Being a female is a huge disadvantage, someone told us that people cry when they have a baby girl, knowing what a hard life this child will have.
      However we are told that things are changing and we are always amazed at the capacity of people here to do so much with not a lot. People have amazing determination, persistence and capacity...anything and everything is possible in India!
      We leave India and Lila is sick with a stomach thing. We are lucky we live in a place with safe drinking water and generally safe food. As well as pretty good access to health care.
      Thank you India, we are very thankful for the experiences we have had here :).
      Special thanks to Dov n Agar villages, Armitesh, Smita, Carla, Sashwat, the chai walas, Ganges river, doctors n pharmacists, the shoe cobbler in Delhi, Jaipur.
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    • Day 61

      An Extra Long Day To Myanmar

      January 18, 2019 in India ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Today is our final day in Chennai and as we hadn't had a real bed in a while and check out at the hotel wasn't till 12pm we made the most of it and just lounged about, got our bags airport ready and then checked out. We had a few hours to kill but hoebstly there isn't anything to see or do in Chennai so we just ate a biryani, went to a juice place where I had a fruit salad and Will had a date and vanilla ice cream shake and we just sat and read for a while until we were falling asleep at our seat. We went to the airport early so that we could just sit there instead. There were various methods we could have taken but we decided to take the 1 year old metro line. Yesterday Imran told us that is still really clean, efficient and new because the locals don't want to take it, instead they all take the slightly cheaper local buses or trains. We didn't quite believe him as let's be honest no transport is actually empty in India... But wow, it actually was. When going down the esculator there was only the two of us until another family arrived a couple of minutes later.

      In half an hour we arrived at Chennai Airport with plenty of hours to spare, so we grabbed something to eat and then checked in. Luckily we ate before as once on the other side the choice was very limited and more expensive than in the UK!

      The flight was fine and we soon arrived in Bangkok at 2:30am where we found some chairs to sleep on before deciding our next move. To be honest I had some of the best sleep in a long time on the chairs. In the evening we have our flight to Yangon so we were contemplating going into town to sightsee but to be honest neither of us enjoyed Bangkok last time enough to go do a 2 hour return journey in,so we read our books ate and rested.

      At about 3pm we got the shuttle bus to DM Airport and it was loooong, but luckily AC'd.

      On arrival we charged our phones, had dinner and waited for the flight. When going to our gate it was absolute carnage. It was sweaty, hot and just a sauna of people with every square of floors and chairs covered with people. Air Asia had a few delayed flights... We went straight back up to the main section and found a seat there until last minute. Due to other delays ours was also delayed but luckly only by 20 mins.

      By the time we were in the air it was time to begin the descent with only an hour and 10 mins flight. And what a change. We had 20 mins to get through immigration, get cash and get to the bus stop for the last bus. Normally we would know it was impossible but we went for it anyway. Within 10 mins we were through!! We asked locals where the bus was and even a taxi driver and within 1 min we were waiting for the local bus. No scamming, nothing, just really smiley helpful people. We then jumped on a really modern bus with aircon and a local pointed put sights along the way. He was so sweet and even told the bus driver where we needed to get off so that he would stop for us. Within the hour we were checked checked in to our hostel and in bed. Absolutely amazing start to Yangon and our journey in Myanmar. Fingers crossed it stays this way, it could be our best month yet!
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    • Day 95


      July 27, 2019 in India ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Goodbye Africa-hello Asia.
      Endlich gehts auf einen neuen Kontinent. Afrika war anstrengend, unischer und mit viel Pech bestückt. Madagaskar jetzt zum Schluss hat es nicht besser gemacht- es war eher ein Reinfall (vor allem finanziell gesehen,aber auch mit der organisierten Tour hatten wir Pech...)

      Das erste Land auf dem asiatischen Kontinent ist Indien. Indien-das Land das wie eine dritte Heimat für mich geworden ist.
      Der erste Stopp ist Chennai im Bundesstaat Tamil Nadu. Auch wenn es nicht Kerala ist, habe ich mich direkt wohlgefühlt- irgendwo roch es nach Räucherstäbchen, das ständige Hupen, freundliche Personen, die nicht unbedingt Geld für eine Auskunft haben wollen: willkommen in Indien.
      Wir besorgen uns eine Sim-Karte, was für indische Verhältnisse diesmal erstaunlich einfach war (vor 4 Jahren habe ich 3-4 Wochen gebraucht) und noch indische Kleidung für die morgige Hochzeit. Auch dem ersten hinduistischen Tempel statten wir einen Besuch ab.

      Ich freue mich auf alles was in den nächsten Wochen kommt- erst mein Projekt besuchen, dann zum Taj Mahal und dann eine Rundreise durch Südostasien- Asien ist (noch?!) mein Lieblingskontinent!

      Indien geht richtig traditionell und hinduistisch los. Am Sonntag (28.07.2019) sind wir nämlich auf die Hochzeit von Basti's Masterarbeitskollege eingeladen. Er (Ram) ist Inder, kommt gebürtig aus Chennai, sie (Stephanie) ist Deutsche. Eine kirchliche Hochzeit in Deutschland wurde schon Ende Juni gefeiert, jetzt folgt die indische Hochzeit für die indische Familie. Auffällig ist sofort die kleine Menschenanzahl (40)- auf einer indischen Hochzeit finden sich meist so 1000 Menschen zusammen- was es allerdings auch schön familiär macht und für uns auch leichter in die Gruppe reinzukommen. Es waren echt super coole und nette Leute da mit denen wir uns richtig gut verstanden haben.
      Vor der eigentlichen Trauzeremonie mussten sich die beiden erst einmal mit Blumenketten “einfangen“ und die Braut den Hochzeitssari überreicht bekommen.
      Bei der Zeremonie gab es viele Bräuche/Traditionen die aufeinander folgten. Nicht mal die Inder selber wissen, wofür das gut ist- lassen es aber geduldig über sich ergehen. Erst werden gemeinsam Blumen in das “ewige“ Feuer geworfen, dann hängt der Mann der Frau die Ehekette um (in Inden trägt man keine Ringe). Natürlich werden auch Punkte verteilt- der rote farbige Punkt an der Stirn bedeutet verheiratet. Zusätzlich zur Ehekette werden der Braut Zehenringe angebracht, die ebenfalls zum Ausdruck bringen, dass man verheiratet ist.
      Um den beiden Glück zu wünschen wurden sie dann auch noch von uns Gästen mit Reis beworfen.
      Nachmittags wurden dann typisch indische Hochzeitsspiele gespielt: die beiden mussten sich gegenseitig “hübsch“ machen, sich vorsingen und um eine Kokosnuss kämpfen, um einige Beispiele zu nennen.
      Dann gab es eine traditionelle Geschenkübergabe: jeder musste einzeln zum Brautpaar und sein Geschenk überreichen. Zum Beweis wurde dann ein Foto geschossen.
      Am Ende der Feierlichkeiten gab es dann für die Gäste ein kleines Give-Away zurück.
      Es war ein wunderschöner Tag- traumhafte Location direkt am Meer, viel indisches Essen, hinduistische Bräuche und tolle Menschen...
      Ein super Start für das Abenteuer Indien!

      Am letzten Tag in Chennai lassen wir es gemütlich angehen, benutzen zum ersten Mal den Bus und schauen uns eine “europäische“ Shoppingmall an. Es gab dort wirklich fast nur europäische Läden (H&M, Nike, Adidas, Forever 21,...) mit europäischen Preisen.
      Sonst hat Chennai nicht wirklich viel zu bieten- eine indische Großsstadt mit lautem und chaotischem Verkehr eben :).
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    • Day 1


      January 29, 2018 in India ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Opt for KPN Travels while travelling from Madurai to Chennai: A bus trip!

      As soon as I came up with sudden plans to visit my childhood friend who was getting married in Chennai, I quickly booked online KPN Travels bus tickets from This online bus-booking portal allows choosing your ideal bus type offered by KPN Travels, as I did.
      Madurai is reputed for its Meenakshi Temple and the mythological history that is passed on by generations. I came to Madurai just to visit this ancient temple. I opted for a KPN Multi Axle AC Volvo Seater bus that took me to Chennai. My journey by road went on for 8 hours and the bus gave one rest stop.

      I boarded the bus from MATTUTHAVANI OMNI BUS STAND in Madurai at 10am and reached Chennai at 6:30pm. My idea for Chennai was to attend the wedding party, yet being the first visit in Chennai I wanted to explore its places of interest.

      I boarded the bus from MATTUTHAVANI OMNI BUS STAND in Madurai at 10am and reached Chennai at 6:30pm. My thought for Chennai was to go to the wedding party, yet being the first visit in Chennai I wanted to investigate the places of interests. Chennai being the capital city of Tamil Nadu is loaded with extraordinary attractions like the Marina Beach and the Golden Beach. The other remarkable spots to see are Covelong, Edward Elliot's shoreline, Queens Land and some more. This dynamic city is specked with significant bus transport stations, which is a justifiable reason behind individuals to go by buses. Individuals willing to set out from Madurai to Chennai usually decide on a bus as this route in Southern India are largely served by KPN Travels, one of the reputed transport organizations in India.

      My friend was waiting at the Koyambedu bus stop in Chennai; I was meeting her almost after 5 years. The sentiment of meeting an old school amigo after a long time was baffling!
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