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    • Day 408

      Hausboottour in Kerala, Indien

      November 13, 2019 in India ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Die ersten sanften Strahlen der Sonne scheinen in das Boot. Aus dem Bett blicken wir auf den ruhigen Fluss und sehen in weiter Ferne niedliche Häuschen zwischen den Palmen mit ihren chinesisch angehauchten Dächern. Aus einem höre ich leise wundervoll klingende Blockflötengeräusche. Wie herrlich! 😊 Ganz langsam erwacht alles zum Leben und ein neuer Tag bricht an. ☀️

      Unser neues Zuhause für zwei Tage ist ein schnuckeliges Hausboot in Kerala im Sünden Indiens. Die Natur ist wunderschön und es ist einfach nur total entspannend. 😊 Beim Frühstücken kommt ein Rabe angeflogen und klaut Svens Omelett vom Teller. 😂 Zack weg ist es. 😄

      Vorbeikommende Inder möchten Selfies mit uns machen, Kinder winken und schicken uns Küsse mit ihren Händen. Alle freuen sich und sind interessiert wo man herkommt und wie man heißt. Touristen sind hier nicht oft gesehen. ☺️ In den anderen Booten sind hauptsächlich Inder.

      Den Namen Nadja finden sie in vielen Ländern sehr gut und freuen sich darüber, was echt süß ist und mich freut. Aus Sven wird bei der Aussprache meistens Seven, was alle sehr witzig finden und immer zu Lachern führt. Ein Mann der wie eine Zahl heißt. 😄 Sind hier auch in Seven's Haeven. 🤩😄
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    • Day 32

      Alleppey and the Kerala Backwaters

      February 6, 2020 in India ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      I awoke at about 7am, after having an ok first night sleep last night! I threw some clothes on and went outside to see if anything was going on, but the only thing around was the hostel puppy. I went back to the room to wake Tom so we could get ready for our backwaters trip today. We were up and ready for 8am as instructed and waited around at the hostel (with no communication of course). There were 7 of us from the hostel doing the Canoe trip today so we were confident that it would be a good day. Eventually a guy walked through the hostel gates telling us to all follow him, to which we all got up and did exactly that, followed him. He lead us to his TukTuk, where he (without communicating) left us on the side of the road whilst he drove down the road with an empty TukTuk....what was happening? He shortly returned, followed by another TukTuk. The group of 7 split off into the two TukTuks and we made our way to the ferry port where we were issued onto a ferry with all the other white people and some locals. After around 1 hour on the ferry we arrived at our “station” and each got off and were directed to a house where we would be having breakfast.

      The house was very simple (unlike so many of its neighbours) being made from the frame and plasterboard alone, with no plaster or paint to brighten the place up at all. We were served our breakfast of bread and curry with Masala tea and then made our way to board our canoes. It was 6 to a canoe, we were grouped with a couple from Israel and an older couple from France and we managed to get the front seats somehow! We slowly passed through the waterways passing by some beautiful houses and some very basic and saw wives washing clothes in the water, people bathing in the water, washing their pots and pans in the water and fishing with small homemade stick rods. It was very quiet and peaceful with the occasional engine boat passing us. We did this for around 2 hours and then the sun starting blazing down on us and now being at the front didn’t feel like too much of a blessing... we dipped our hands into the water in efforts to cool ourselves down but that wasn’t really working, as we were appreciating the occasional breeze that would pass. At one point I dangled my hand into the water where he obviously felt something stroke past his hand causing him to freak out and shake the entire boat by doing was just a plant, but safe to say I’d never moved so quick! We were dropped off at a shop and bought some snacks, we each had a samosa, a savoury donut thing that we didn’t know the name of and a banana and were quickly back on our canoe to go back to the house where we had breakfast this morning. It was boiling hot, nkt helped by the lack of breeze and the very slow pace we were being canoed along at. When we eventually got back to the plasterboard house, we were served rice with a variation of different curries for lunch and it just kept coming! After lunch we had tea and then went to get the ferry back to the town - all in all a great trip for £10!

      Instead of getting a Tuktuk back to the hostel we decided to stay in the town for a little while and walk back to the hostel. I wanted to find some flip flops and a bag, and I wanted to look for a vest...we both failed in our hunt but instead found some good snacks! The nut-man served us warm peanuts and some sort of wasabi peas, which were delicious and cheap! On the walk we were separately intercepted by a few groups of school kids who found whatever we said hilarious! We eventually got back to our hostel, and chilled out for the rest of the evening.
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    • Day 7


      November 7, 2023 in India

      // Jungelbuch

      Am Abend findet sich eine hungrige Gruppe im Hostel zusammen und wir gehen "richtig indisch" essen. Das war ein tolles Erlebnis: Keiner versteht die Speisekarte, alle matschen mit den Fingern querbeet in einem der 10 Teller herum die uns gebracht werden. Gespräche werden quer durch den Raum geführt, außer unserer Touritruppe nur Inder, die sich zum Glück nicht an uns zu stören scheinen.
      Wir tauschen uns aus, erzählen von den bisherigen Erlebnissen in Indien und den zukünftigen Plänen. Es fühlt sich sehr nach Gemeinschaft an.

      Am nächsten Tag nehmen wir in einer ähnlichen Konstellation an einer Kanutour durch die Backwaters teil. Eine Gastfamilie bereitet Frühstück und Mittagessen für uns zu, wir erhalten einen tollen Einblick in das einheimische Leben. In einem kleinen Kanu paddeln wir durch die Kanäle. Ich komme aus dem Staunen gar nicht mehr raus, ich finde kein besseres Wort als "Jungelbuch" um die Umgebung zu beschreiben. Die Familien in den Häuschen zu beiden Seiten bewirtschaften die angrenzenden Reisfelder, an jedem Zuhause wurden Stufen in den Kanal gebaut. Hier spielt sich das halbe Leben ab: Frauen putzen Gemüse, nehmen Fisch aus, waschen die Wäsche. Männer betreiben Körperpflege, gehen zum oder kommen vom Fischfang... Kleine Katzen begrüßen die Fischer aufdringlich und verlangen ihren Wegezoll.
      Und wir paddeln gemütlich daran vorbei, Kameras gezückt. Klar bin ich froh so nah an das ,,echte Leben der Bewohner" ran zu kommen, aber es fühlt sich auch stark nach Stören der Privatsphäre an ... Als ob jemand direkt vor meinem Badezimmerfenster vorbeilaufen würde während ich mir verschlafen die Zähne putze.

      Der indische Guide/Gastgeber ist ein spaßiger Kerl, beim Warten auf die Fähre singt er uns ein wunderschönes Wiegenlied und lustigerweise schlafen wir tatsächlich erschöpft ein, als wir in der Fähre Platz genommen haben.
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    • Day 65–68

      Aleppey - Canoeing

      November 27, 2023 in India ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Met my friends and travel buddies Tanja and Rene from Germany in Aleppey. They just started their world trip. We have 3 days together and wanna explore the Backwaters by canoe and scooter.

      The Backwaters…
      „The undisputed highlight of a trip to Kerala is travelling through the 900km network of waterways that fringe the coast and trickle inland. Long before the advent of roads, these waters were the slippery highways of Kerala, and many villagers still use paddle-power as their main form of transport. Trips through the backwaters traverse palm-fringed lakes studded with cantilevered Chinese fishing nets, and wind their way along narrow, shady canals where coir (coconut fibre), copra (dried coconut kernels) and cashews are loaded onto boats. Along the way are isolated villages where farming life continues as it has for eons.“
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    • Day 27

      Alleppey cruise

      January 19, 2024 in India ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      We did a stop on land and bought some king shrimps which the crew were happy to cook for us. What a feast! washed down with some local beer we ceratainly ate well.
      The kids insisted on giving Mum a massage. Mum eventually relented though they did go a little crazy!
      It is quite spectacular crusining the backwaters, definitely one of the highlights of thr trip
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    • Day 48


      November 17, 2023 in India ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

      Schau einfach....

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