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    • Day 40

      Erst Grün, dann Blau

      November 9, 2023 in India ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Ich sitze jetzt seit 20 Stunden in diesem Zug.
      Irgendwie fühle ich mich wie ein Schmorbraten:-).
      In der Nacht werde ich wach, weil ich mich umdrehen möchte, aber irgendwie eingeklemmt bin.
      Ein Inder hatte sich auf mein Haar gesetzt und wollte auch auf meiner Liege sitzen bleiben. Erst wurde ich laut, weil ich mich so erschrocken habe, dann fragte ich, warum er nicht an meinen Füßen sitzt.
      Er zeigte nach unten, dort lag ein anderer Inder auf dem Fußboden.
      Ich drehte mich um und ließ ihn dort sitzen.
      Der Schaffner sagte gerade zu mir, ich wäre die einzige weiße Frau im ganzen Zug...33 Abteile..Alle anderen Europäer fliegen von Kalkutta nach Chennai...2,5 Stunden. Ich bin halt nicht die Anderen. :-)
      Als ich aufwachte war es noch dunkel, aber dann ging die Sonne auf. Seit Stunden sehe ich auf grüne Felder und Palmen.
      Ich sauge das Grün in mir auf!!!
      Ich werde ruhiger und kann wieder tiefer atmen.
      Dann sehe ich das Meer!
      Mehr brauche ich für die nächsten Tage nicht!!
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    • Day 14

      Chausath Yogini

      October 10, 2019 in India ⋅ 34 °C

      建于9世纪的开敞式小神庙(发音“chorsat jorgini”)非常宁静,位于布巴内什瓦尔以南15公里处的稻田中间,供奉女瑜珈修行者(yoginis),是印度仅存的4座同类神庙的一座。神庙比一座小村小屋大不了多少,有64(瑜格尼)幅女瑜珈修行者雕刻,她们各自站在坐骑(vaharna;通常是动物形式)顶端。

    • Raghurajpur

      November 11, 2019 in India ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Heritage village supported by the Indian government. In this car, the village is traditional artisans an traditional dancers (see another post). Each house is an artisan family. From here the government pays for them to travel to many festivals around the country so that the traditional arts are present, thus expanding their market.
      The first two pictures look at traditional painting. Third is an engraved banana leaf showing the Buddha. Last is one of the village streets.
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    • Gotipua Dance

      November 11, 2019 in India ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Traditional dance. These are all male dancers. They were accompanied by a harmonium and drum, with a singer sometimes. Unfortunately, I can't post a video. I hope these pictures do justice to these dancers who have performed internationally.Read more

    • Day 7

      Day 7

      September 14, 2017 ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

      Today was an awesome day of rest. We are in Babanashour at the GNI headquarters. Woke up late and went to the central market. I was in shopping heaven!!!! Then came back for a late lunch and sat on the roof of the GNI building taking in the sounds, smells and sights of the India countryside. Dr. Faiz Rahman joined us today and took us for curry at a small restaurant a 10 min walk away. Up at 5 am tomorrow for a 10 hour bus ride to the Barrie Dream Centre. So nice to have had a day of rest.Read more

    • Day 3

      Day 3

      September 10, 2017 in India ⋅ 🌙 29 °C

      I finally slept most of the night at GNI headquarters in Babanashour. Attended church, ate lunch and drove to Katcut to the Dream Centre there. It was pouring but once it stopped when we arrived but despite the rain we took the kids outside for a few games. Then Cheyenne, Susan and I did nails on the 70 girls who live there, and the guys played Soccer with the boys. (Indian girls don't play soccer). Some of the girls grabbed my arm and gave me an amazing henna tattoo :) Then they danced for us, and then we danced with them.. again for what seemed like an eternity. So amazing to have met these
      kids. The older girls I talked to are planning to attend university for nursing and medicine. These kids are safe and happy. And again, I'm humbled and amazed.
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    • Day 7

      Day 6

      September 14, 2017 in India ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Ate breakfast in our hotel ... and drank a decent cup of coffee :). Travelled 2 hours to the district of Bhadrak to visit another D.C. called Tihidi. We were met at the road by the kids and walked on a dirt road through rice fields to the orphanage. The orphanage surrounded a court yard complete with a water well and goats. The kids performed dances for us, the we played games, soccer and did the girls nails. Hugged and laughed tons. The girls bombarded me with their names which I tried to remember ....I managed a few but difficult as they say their first and last name together and I'm never sure where one ends and the next begins. But as usual the children were gracious with me and ..... I met some older girls who are taking nursing at a local college. GNI pays for their education until grad school. All the kids I asked had dreams for their futures- IT, military, teacher,comp engineering... dreams that most Indian kids living in poverty wouldn't dare to dream. Our guide Rama who is now the assistant director of GNI grew up in one of the orphanages after his mothers death and fathers subsequent incarceration. He now has an MSW and told me the kids in his village drop out of school early to work. He is now studying law:)
      We left late afternoon and took the back way on foot and needed to walk through a few village yards and they graciously let us pass.
      The ride home was long through the rain but we finally managed to arrive at GNI headquarters... and crashed. Looking forward to the INDIAN MARKET tomorrow!!!
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    • Day 2

      Day 2

      September 9, 2017 in India ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Woke up in Delhi and flew to Babanashour. Drove to the GNI headquarters then off to visit our first orphanage 90 min away in Puri.... formula one in a motorized rickshaw!! The kids were waiting for us and we walked them to the Indian Ocean to play games on the beach..... then came back and ... we danced for hours. I'm still in awe of what I just witnessed. 68 girls whose life's belongings fit in a small box... so full of joy...not to mention some great dance moves! Feeling blessed 😌Read more

    • Day 5

      Chausath Yogini Temple, Bhubaneswar

      October 2, 2024 in India ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      The 64 Yogini Temple in Bhubaneswar, also known as Chausath Yogini Temple, is a fascinating piece of Indian history and architecture. Located in Hirapur, about 20 kilometers from Bhubaneswar, this temple is one of the few well-preserved yogini temples in India.

      History and Significance
      The temple is believed to have been built by Queen Hiradevi of the Bramha dynasty in the 9th century. It's dedicated to the worship of 64 yoginis, female figures with divine powers, and is considered a religious power hub (shakti peethas) in Hindu mythology.

      The temple's design is unique, with a circular structure and no roof, allowing the sky to serve as the ceiling. The inner sanctum houses 56 of the original 64 yogini statues, each with distinct hairstyles and facial expressions, carved from black chlorite rock. The main statue in the center is of Goddess Durga, the demon slayer.

      Key Features
      - Tantric Shrine: The temple has a hypaethral (roofless) architecture, symbolizing the connection with nature and cosmic forces .
      - Yogini Statues: Each yogini statue has a unique animal vehicle, representing their divine powers.
      - Ganesha Statue: A rare feminine form of Ganesha is found here, making it a one-of-a-kind depiction in the country
      - Nav Devi Sculptures: The outer walls feature engraved sculptures of the nine holy goddesses in victory mudras
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