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    • Day 8

      Nattika Beach Resort - ein Traum

      July 30, 2019 in India ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Inzwischen bin ich den 7. Tag hier und es fühlt sich alles richtig an.
      1. Das Wetter ist gut. Jeden Tag Sonnenschein, ab und zu Wolken oder ein kurzer Regenschauer. Die Tage vor meiner Ankunft hat es 6 Tage durch geregnet.
      2. Das Essen ist hervorragend!! Ich vermisse weder Fleisch noch Alkohol.
      3. Die Ayurveda Treatments sind allesamt entspannend, von kundigen Händen ausgeführt und mir geht es richtig gut dabei.
      4. Alle sind mega freundlich und man fühlt sich jede Minute wertgeschätzt, Essenspläne und Behandlungen sind wirklich individuell und auf den Körper und all seine Wehwehchen abgestimmt, mit dem Ziel, Besserung zu schaffen.
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    • Day 9


      July 31, 2019 in India ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Eben zum zweiten Mal im “Städtchen” gewesen. Habe mir für wenig Geld eine Brille machen lassen - in 🔴, aber ohne ⚪️ 😂. Danach noch etwas shoppen, vor allem Schals 🧣, auch als Mitbringsel 😉
      Unheimlich tolle Textilgeschäfte.... so farbenfroh!
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    • Day 14


      August 5, 2019 in India ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

      Da es ja eigentlich hier Regenzeit ist, habe ich bisher echt Glück mit dem Wetter. Jeden Tag mehr oder weniger Sonnenschein, nur die eine oder andere Nacht mal Regen. Heute sah das aber anders aus 🤷🏻‍♀️ Allerdings waren die kleinen Seen auch nach 2-3 Stunden versickert 😊
      Und Kokosnussernte war heute im Ressort 😋
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    • Day 3

      Thrissur and small surprise

      November 29, 2017 in India ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      So, the train is arriving to the train station, but, Jan doesn't know about it! Never trust google in India. I checked the distance and according to google it supposed to be 1 hour more it sounded good to me also because of train's delay. So when I arrived to train station in 20min nobody can be surprised that I was just lying on my bed and doing nothing... After a sec I checked the position, asked the guy and yeah I was really fast outside! Well, adventure in the morning...
      So, at first, breakfast time... The recommended coffee house! Amazing masala dosa and fresh cup of black coffee. It was really good! But still here in India, always Chai addicted... And funny think in the end, when I received the bill the bug come out from papers...
      So Thrissur, there are not many interesting places around, it's not like famous city. They have one temple in the middle only for Hindu, at least there's really nice park around which can be (and it was) use for nap. There are also couple of nice churches worth to visit but in total it takes only one morning. The temple itself is in the middle of big roundabout, which has something between 3-8 car lines so as an adventure is quite interesting to cross it in Indian style.
      The most surprising thing about Thrissur and Kerala was (for me) that when I was standing on sidewalk and waiting to cross the road, suddenly all cars stopped in one line and waited until we cross the road! Never happened to me before! For example in Chennai there is always a bus which is trying to go through you if you're crossing the road.
      Anyway, it's time to make surprise and visit Arsha Yoga house. To get there I took a bus to the junction and walk to the beach. Actually, the walk was really short because some guy lift me up on motorbike, really nice.
      And I'm here. Ashram is on the beach, it's like a paradise. I spent whole evening with playing with little girl and talking in Czech! Really nice after couple of days. And as a karma yoga I was helping serve a dinner - good feeling.
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    • Day 5

      Yoga and festival in drum rhythm

      December 1, 2017 in India ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Only thing what I'm not missing is a sound of alarm around 5:45 am. But it's time for yoga! However we're good team with my Canadian roommate and after spending couple of minutes with encouragement we're on our yoga mat in the yoga hall.
      Since my Karma yoga is serving a food, immediately after lecture, it's time to prepare place for breakfast and serve food to the others. I know that I shouldn't be expected any rewards for my Karma yoga but local food Puttu for breakfast was amazing. Kind of reward. Never had it before and they said it's possible to get it only in families...
      Well, I'd like to find some time for a relax but little Gayatri has a different opinion and the rest of the afternoon is filled with games and performances which I have to attend to. But it's nice! Energy in children is inspiring.
      During the lunch the plan is settled. In the evening we're going to visit Sri Krishna temple in Guruvayur where is a festival. Amazing rhythm of drums and trumpets... sadly we're not allowed to visit a temple. But nevertheless we met the elephants and the rest of the evening we spent with tea, shopping and "hands art". On the way back we met another performance. Group of guys sitting in front of the temple and, also, singing and playing amazing rhythms on drums. The music is full of energy! I was stuck in one place for 30minutes and just listen. Interesting thing is that Indian as a super loud country, they don't clap with their hands after performances. Just quietly sitting. Also I realized their passion about festival and music, they're totally inside themselves while playing... aand time to bed, the storm is coming, we don't have electricity so what else to do.
      Last morning in this paradise. Also with yoga lesson, only this time I was the only one "tourist" there, the others are still sleeping! I just had to serve the last food for the others and it's time to go again.
      Thanks to Arsha yoga for nice two days!
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