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    • Day 21


      March 19, 2024 in India ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Bien arrivée à pushkar. Une ville avec un lac sacré donc beaucoup de cérémonie dont certaines tonitruante.
      Ajoutons à cela l'approche de holi la fête des couleurs et du printemps, ajoutons à cela 2000 pèlerins par jour .
      Etc .. bref j'ai trouvé un hôtel confortable avec une belle chambre et une sdb presque européene .
      La vidéo est prise depuis le toit Terrasse restaurant. Au dessus duquel les singes font un sacré bazar même la nuit.
      Je m'y pose quelques jours pour récupérer et ramasser mes lombaires suite à un voyage en bus bien assez éprouvant.
      Notez que pour trois euros ,six heures de bus et trois cent km c'est pas du luxe évidemment mais ça vaut le détour. Par contre une fois mais pas deux ! Comme le bus de nuit en boîte..

      La prochaine fois je prendrai un bus haut de gamme et j'espère un jour un train mais ça.... ça demande une compréhension du système ferroviaire indien non en core acquise par mon belge cerveau.
      De pushkar ci dessous j'ai bien peu d'images. C'est blindé de marchands et d'humains en pèlerinage autant dire que même si j'observe beaucoup je ne vais pas prendre en photo des magasins échoppes et gens en prière ou ablutions...
      Prochaine étape Jaipur le 23. Capitale de l'état du Rajasthan il paraît qu'il faut préparer son esprit au tumulte permanent car c'est une grosse ville. Donc je me prépare et je fais mes petites lessives en admirant le lac ...ya pire !
      A bientôt 😌✋🌅
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    • Day 25

      24.Tag Pushkar

      July 16, 2024 in India ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Heute ging es zum Brahma- und zum Savitritempel auf dem Berg neben Pushkar.
      Während der Brahmatempel gegenüber 1987 weitestgehend unverändert ist, zeigt der Blick vom Savitritempel, zu dem jetzt eine Seilbahn führt, auf Pushkar, dass deutlich mehr Fläche bebaut wurde. Allerdings ist alles auch deutlich grüner, so dass einem die Kamele in der Stadt und der große Kamelmarkt im November fehlplatziert vorkommen.
      Interessant ist auch der Mengenvergleich in dem das Farbepulver für die Bidis 1987 und heute angeboten wird
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    • Day 9


      November 10, 2024 in India ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Crazy Camel fun! The craziest busiest place we've been so far. A festival of camels, they decorate them, dance them and sell them!
      The Motorcycle is prince after the camels who are king. No pedestrians have no place here 😂
      But started the day walking up to Sivtri 's temple, the wife of Brahma - 6am start but worth it.
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    • Day 11–16


      November 19, 2024 in India ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Easy times in pushkar! Little town in rajasthan! There is not that much to do here except enjoy the beautiful ghats (steps leading down to the lake) and local life, eat great food, visit a couple of temples and do some shopping!

      And that’s what I did for a couple of days! :)
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    • Day 50

      Pushkar and the infamous Delhi Belly

      February 24, 2020 in India ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      I didn’t get much sleep last night, it was very cold and I was unprepared for that and the India guys who had the beds around us were (of course) loud and obnoxious throughout the night. However, the train got to Ajmer 35 minutes early (without any notification). It was the classic case of get off then figure it out. We’d heard about a bus to Pushkar but had no idea where it went from. With various Tuktuk drivers offering us lifts costing the equivalent of two nights’ accommodation, we decided to walk the 2km to the bus station - quite nice after being cooped up on the train for 6 hours. We got to the bus station and asked where the bus to Pushkar was, one person told us it was the one leaving right now but we didn’t trust it so I went to the station master and asked...bus 22 it was then. We got on and waited for a driver to turn up. Meanwhile we tried to listen in on conversations to confirm of this was to Pushkar. After I demolished half my Oreos which I hadn’t eaten as I felt awful the previous night, we were on our way.

      The bus journey was only 14km and only cost us the equivalent of 16pence each and it seemed to stop for people wherever they wanted which was perfect as our hostel was a little walk from the Pushkar bus station. I got up and motioned to the conductor that we wanted to get off, after a while she blew her whistle and we were dropped just 500m from the hostel...result! We got there, groggy and in desperate need of sleep and as it was only 07:30 and check in was at 13:00 we headed to the rooftop in search of a makeshift bed for a few hours. In truth, we both slept until midday and we only woke because the sun started to bear down on us! We got up, checked in and then set out to have a look at Pushkar. I was still feeling pretty terrible with very frequent trips to the toilet, so we packed the loo roll just in case - the joys of India. On the way to town was a thali place we’d been recommended, only 50 rupees. Tom grabbed one and I just had our bottle of water. It was a massive thali, and obviously amazing value. I grabbed some bananas for the walk round town and we made our way to Pushkar Lake, or the holy lake.

      Pushkar is a prominent pilgrimage town where devout Hindus should visit at least once in their lifetime. We were both pleasantly surprised by this place, with a population of only 21,000 it was by far the smallest place we’d been in India, and it was refreshingly quiet and lacked the constant hassling we got in Mumbai and Udaipur. We chilled round the lake, which is a strict no shoes or socks zone - although cows can walk around all day and shit where they like. The town of Pushkar curls around the holy lake, which was said to have appeared when Brahma dropped a lotus flower...not sure if we believed that but it was pretty nonetheless. We found a shaded spot where there were a few pool with kids playing and the locals having their daily rituals. We had a few people come up to us and try some sort of scam where they give you a petal and then ask for money, and we also had a guy who started saying over and over “I am Indian” and then he stood right in front of me and blocked my view. Even though the town was clean for India, we still watched in awe as people came down to the lake, had a bath and then filled up their water bottles for later. From where we were sat we could see that the water wasn’t clear...these guys must have stomachs of steel!! After a while we went for a little walk and checked out some of the market street and a few other places we’d been recommended including a pizzeria and a falafel place. After seeing the pizza place, we’d decided there and then that we’d treat ourselves tonight and go for it! As we were both up for taking it easy, we headed back to the hostel as we knew they had hot water showers - a rarity in all of India it seems.

      On the way back the sudden urge to go to the toilet hit me in the worst way...I took a gamble on a fart and realised I needed to get to a western toilet in the next two minutes or I’d have to resort to the street! I grabbed the bag off Tom, which had to loo roll in, and ran back to the hostel and made it just in time. We showered and watched the sunset from our roof terrace and then headed back into town for our first western meal since leaving home. The pizza place was a little haven from the craziness of roadside eating tonight, it was a beautiful courtyard with mellow music and a cool buzz about it. We ordered a good old margarita and a pepper onion pizza. We were even more excited when the table next to us had a pizza looked bloody good. Ours arrived and we halved both to make two 50:50 pizzas and we savoured every mouthful...not much more can be said about this except that we splashed out and it only cost £3 each! Being very satisfied, we ambled back to the hostel, me stepping in a huge cow poo on the way back, chilled on the rooftop listening to music and writing the blog before hitting the extremely comfy beds for a well deserved rest, provided the Indian wedding happening nearby didn’t keep us up.
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    • Day 52

      Pushkar day #3

      February 26, 2020 in India ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Tom woke up at around 830 and I was still asleep so Very kindly he left me to it whilst I lazed in my bed for a little while...the beds were almost too comfy to leave. After a while I got up, used the hot showers and we chilled out in the room and then on the balcony, looking into our route for Nepal and booking some bits for India too. The music in the streets weals certainly still going, in fact this morning it was directly below our hostel. It was around 13:30 before we actually left the hostel today but, you certainly need those days when you’re travelling to just rest up a bit, especially when you’re not feeling too well.

      We went to the 50 rupee thali place for lunch, but again I couldn’t eat a thing so sat and watched Tom devour his meal. Tom very kindly gave me a scrap of chapati and some plain rice - making me feel like a stray dog - but this was all I could stomach. We wandered to the other side of the lake and came across a troop of big monkeys going about their business. We arrived to where the Brahma temple was - the only one in the world apparently. It was a big pink temple but no photos were allowed inside and we also had to leave our bags in a storage locker for free. It was pretty, but not as spectacular as the ones in Hampi or even on our day exploring north it Udaipur, so we left pretty quick and decided we’d go and find a bum bag to hold our things for during the Holi festivities. We looked around with some guy insisting his bag was real Diesel branded but I’m pretty sure diesel was spelt wrong. We eventually found one which would do the job and bartered it down to 300 rupees. I was still feeling pretty awful, so we headed back via the Sikh Temple where we had to wear funny little headscarves before going in. It was dead quiet and actually a beautiful temple made of white marble. We went back for some more chill time on our beautiful rooftop and we looked further into the Nepal route.

      We headed back out to town for dinner and I grabbed myself another falafel wrap as I was still not too keen on curry, but it still wouldn’t fix me!! Tom grabbed yet another thali on the way back to the hostel and we just got ourselves a hot shower and an early night again - these beds were amazing!!!
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    • Day 4


      March 1, 2023 in India ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Heute ging es früh auf nach Pushkar - 6,5 Stunden. Anders als in Deutschland gab es keine Verspätungen und sogar Frühstück, Mittag und Getränke - das habe ich allerdings komplett verschlafen - die Inder haben schon verstanden, dass ich Wert auf Schlaf lege.
      In Pushkar waren wir im Tempel, am Holi See und sind über den Markt gegangen. Der Unterschied zu Delhi ist wirklich krass, es ist viel ruhiger und nicht so stressig.
      Bei der Kameltour habe ich mich wie ein Affe im Zoo gefühlt, die Einheimischen machen Fotos und Videos von den Touris - das war leider nicht so schön. Ansonsten gab es wieder leckeres Essen und ich bin nicht gestorben, weil es zu scharf war.
      Morgen früh geht's zum Sonnenaufgang auf den Berg. Habe wohl die Frühaufsteher-Tour gebucht .
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    • Day 23


      September 29, 2024 in India ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      הקסם שלך
      לא טמון בָּךְ
      הוא טמון באנשים שנועדו להיות חלק מהדרך
      שנותנים מקום לכל שגעון ושריטה
      רק תבוא
      והעיקר שתיהיה אתה
      לעולם לא להתנצל
      על מי שאתה
      חזק חזק
      לאלון הקטן
      אור כוכבים
      ומלא קרם הגנה וספרי יתושים.
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    • Day 156


      January 3, 2020 in India ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Pushkar was the first stop, being the three of us, in a Hindu holy city. The daily rituals include to wash themselves in the holy water of the ponds and pray for the health of their families. Brahman people help with the so called "Pooja" asking for a donation.

      The atmosphere on the streets of Pushkar and nearby the lakeside temples (so called "Ghats") is very special. Here it's only allowed to walk barefoot. With tons of cow dung everywhere it was an exciting adventure. One of our highlights was to watch the sunset from a rooftop with a view to the lake. Thanks to the famous Lungi Dance I finally learned some Bollywood moves in a dance academy :)
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    • Day 10

      Pushkar pt. 1

      February 23, 2023 in India

      דור אסף אותי מהרכבת ישר לחומוסיה.
      אשכרההה אכלתי סביחחחח!!! ואחרי זה שניצל תירס, ופתיתים, ושקשוקה, ואיזה כיף להרגיש בבית.
      ושוב להרגיש לא שייכת.
      ושוב לקבל חיוך ולהרגיש שזה נכון לי.
      ושוב ושוב ושוב זה לופ כזה של השבוע הראשון שקשה להבין מה בכלל קרה לי עד עכשיו ומה הולך לקרות.
      אבל אני עכשיו יודעת להגיד שזה היה כל כך נכון.
      יצרתי, שרשרת, צמיד, לוכד חלומות, לולו כי אם לא עשית לא היית.
      התמכרתי לשקיעות.
      התמכרתי למאלי טאלי, כי איפה עוד אפשר לשבת שבע שעות בלי להרגיש.
      הקצב איטי אבל הייתי צריכה אותו כזה. אני לא ממהרת לשום מקום.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Pushkar, পুষ্কর, Πουσκάρ, Púshkar, પુષ્કર, פושקר, पुष्कर, Puskár, पुस्कर, ਪੁਸ਼ਕਰ, Puszkar, پشکر, Пушкар, पुष्करनगरम्, புஷ்கர், పుష్కర్, 普斯赫卡尔

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