County Limerick

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    • Day 3

      Limerick - Inch Beach

      October 16, 2023 in Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      In Limerick gab es heute morgen original irischen "Black and White Pudding ",
      ähnlich wie Grützwurst und Blutwurst gebraten; gewöhnungsbedürftig aber essbar.

      Auf unserer heutigen Tour auf dem Slea Head Drive auf der Dingle Halbinsel , hatten wir einzigartige Ausblicke und wieder tolles Wetter.

      Jetzt sind wir für zwei Nächte am Inch Beach in einem mega B&B.
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    • Day 7

      Last full day in Ireland

      May 27, 2024 in Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      On our trip back to Dublin, we made a pitstop in Newcastle and visited Desmond Castle. We also walked by the Famine Way statues in Dublin, commemorating the journey of Ireland's peoples through the potato famine.Read more

    • Day 3

      Dag 3

      September 7, 2024 in Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Dag 3:

      Vandaag bezochten we de wekelijkse "milkmarket" in Limerick city, wat eigenlijk gewoon een gezellig sfeervol marktje is zoals we het gewoon zijn.

      Na de milkmarket was het tijd om de campus en zijn vele gigantische sportvelden te bezichtigen door een kort loopje rond de campus te doen.
      Findpenguins laat me maar 2 videos uploaden, dus hiervan zal je niet veel zien ;p
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    • Day 8

      Adare Manor ♥️

      November 14, 2019 in Ireland ⋅ ☀️ 5 °C

      We spent the last two nights living it up at Adare Manor, complete with way too much food, estate walks, chess, clay pigeon shooting, and a lot of relaxation. This place is stunning and we lucked out and had two beautifully sunny days to explore the grounds (840 acres!).

      Adare Manor was built in 1832 by the Dunraven family (Earl of Dunraven that is) and over the more recent years turned into a luxury hotel and golf course (planned home for the Ryder cup 2026!). It is full of charm and cute nooks and crannies to hang out in, such as the cute cozy cocktail bar in the basement, or the drawing room complete with chess and shelves of books. And each room had a fire going!

      We spent our time lounging in the room, complete with fancy automated blinds and Avenger movies :) we were also lucky enough to get to go clay pigeon shooting! Which believe or not, we were pretty good at! Our instructor was fantastic and we spent the hour learning the best way to hold the double barrel shotgun and the different types of sport shooting events (and trying them out ourselves!) A lot of fun!

      Also along the grounds we got to check out the walled gardens, the river along the golf course, faerie Forest, and the sweetest pet resting place ♥️

      We capped off our second night with a dinner at the oak room! Oh my so much food, so good. It just received a Michelin star and it did not disappoint! Here was our many many courses:
      1. Welcome champagne
      2. Canapies: oyster with a zingy sauce, truffle goat cheese puffs (there is a fancy name for this but I don't remember!), and ??
      3. Beet salad with horseradish ice cream
      4. Raviolo with some tasty cream sauce
      5. Scallop
      6. Monk fish with caviar
      7. Duck with lentils and potatoes (main course at #7?!)
      8. Cheese plate - hand selected from 14 different cheeses, with truffle infused honey 😭
      9. Plum ice cream
      10. More dessert: macaroon, Adare chocolates, and frozen lollipop
      11. Seriously even more dessert - anniversary chocolate cake
      12. Food coma forever, good night 💤
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    • Day 18

      On the road to Dingle

      February 19, 2020 in Ireland ⋅ 🌧 48 °F

      We stopped for coffee in Moneygall where there is a fine local tribute to President Obama whose 2nd great grandparents are from there.
      President Obama’s visit to Moneygall is well chronicled and he and President Kennedy and
      President Clinton who helped with the peace talks to end the Irish Troubles, are highly liked here.
      This time of year is road
      construction and repair before the tourism season starts up again in late April.
      We continue to marvel at how well people navigate on roads that can be challenging. Joerg loves driving here !
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    • Day 7

      Into each life some rain must fall...

      September 20, 2018 in Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Alll day, with no respite. Made touring very difficult, and most disappointing for the much anticipated Rock of Cashel, which is such an impressive site, but, alas, the rain kept us from the full experience. We took the 45-minute tour and were so miserable, we opted not to explore any further. We also skipped our planned Cahir Castle tour, but did tour the Swiss Cottage which the owners of Cahir Castle had built to enjoy simpler life (think Marie Antoinette's hamlet at Versailles).
      The Irish "tink" (not think), and it "tunders" (not thunders), and things are "lovely," and they want to know how "ye" are; they are warm and hospitable.
      Ireland has been good. (But, I "tink" me heart still remains firmly in Tuscany and France.)
      Blessed more than I deserve and am glad I've seen Ireland (and we conquered the driving!)
      NYC, here we come!!!
      (The fourth picture is taken from entering Cashel, and seeing the Rock of Cashel in the distance over the town, but I'm afraid the rain hinders being able to see it, and certainly to appreciate it!)
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    • Day 9

      Sightseeing in Adare

      June 27, 2019 in Ireland ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

      After a filling and tasty lunch, we set out to explore Adare for a bit.

      When I picked Adare as the waypoint for today’s drive, it was because I wanted to see the thatched cottages in the village. Turns out that two of the cottages, built on the orders of the Countess of Dunraven, burned down in 2015 and the others house restaurants and shops. They weren’t the charming cottages I’d been envisioning. Oh well.

      I was also hoping to check out the ruins of a couple of monasteries. Turns out that in place of two of the ruins there are churches now — the Trinitarian Abbey, where the monastery by the same name once stood, and the Church of St Nicholas, built on the grounds of the Augustinian Friary. Both churches have beautiful stained glass windows, so at least we had a chance to see them.

      The third ruins — those of the Franciscan Friary — are indeed ruins, but they are only accessible from the grounds of Adare Manor … not open to the public, but can be seen on a tour. Since we had some exciting plans for later in the day, we didn’t have time for a tour unfortunately.

      But I at least got a shot of Desmond Castle reflected on the River Maigue before we left Adare ... even if it met taking my life in my hands to do so!
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    • Day 12


      May 29, 2019 in Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Heute haben wir einen Tag in Limerick verbracht, das dortige King John's Castle besichtigt und im ältesten Pub Limericks gegessen. Abends haben wir doch tatsächlich zwei deutsche Mädels vom Dingle Way wieder getroffen und mit ihnen den Abend bei Irish Folk und Bier ausklingen lassen.Read more

    • Day 8

      Foynes Flying Boat Museum

      October 10, 2018 in Ireland ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      Killorglin was a nice place to visit and the hospitality at Rivers Edge Guest House was great. However, it was time to move on.

      Whilst in Limerick a few days ago, we came across information about the Foynes Flying Boat Museum. We couldn’t get there at the time but we thought it a good place to visit when next nearby. And so was the case.

      There were 6 years of flying boat service in and out of Foynes, 1939-1945, and then it was over. The Boeing 314s were, I suppose, at the end of the evolutionary tree, and by 1946 land based planes had taken over.

      The thought of flying from America to Ireland and having both sleeping quarters AND a 14-seat dining room, whilst in the air, must have seemed almost implausible at the time. Nevertheless, that was what was promised and provided. Naturally, it was limited to those with serious money, such as politicians, high ranking armed forces personnel, and film stars such as Maureen O’Hara.

      From there we headed off to do a bit more of the Atlantic Way. We travelled on the ferry from Tarbert Port and then drove on the Atlantic Way as far as Spanish Point before we ran out of time and headed to our bed for the night, in the Rowan Tree Hostel in Ennis.

      This is our first night in a youth hostel and first impressions were very good. We walked up to the local supermarket, bought some provisions and had a relaxing dinner. Robyn had a bad experience with Scrabble and gave up early on!
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    • Day 4

      Adare, Ireland

      April 26, 2018 in Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      In de namiddag bezochten we Adare, een klein historisch dorpje met een aantal traditionele huisjes en een indrukwekkend kasteel. We kregen ook uitle over de geschiedenis van het stadje door Lady Dungraven, een grappige dame die veel wist over haar familiegeschiedenis.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    County Limerick, Luimneach

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