County Waterford

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    • Day 12

      Kinsale and Ardmore

      June 13, 2022 in Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 61 °F

      After the weekend, we ventured over to explore Kinsale, a small coastal town, maybe 1 1/2 hr drive from Dungarvan. As with all drives, the last 10-20 km is nail biting. Oh well, getting used to the idea. Traveling on weekdays helps though. Certainly less traffic coming toward us! Kinsale is another coastal town, very similar to Annapolis in MD. Narrow, cobble streets, and shops everywhere. Unfortunately, the restaurant we wanted to have lunch at was closed on Monday. So sad, great location and have heard the food is amazing. Second choice was the Cliff House in Ardmore - another beach town. We did not hike the cliffs today but lunch on the patio over looking the cliffs and the water was a nice choice. Driving back down the cliffs? Yeah- can’t describe. Thank goodness it wasn’t the weekend!
      Every good trip that lasts this long requires some chores. Today was laundry day. We’ve been washing some things out by hand but it was time. By the way, Underarmour shirts wash up nice in sink and dry overnight. Got the big washer, so we put everything in together. Oh, laundromat is in the parking lot of the gas station. Yeah. Out in public for anyone driving by…….
      Off to the Beara peninsula to town of Goleen tomorrow. Staying at Herons Cove, our first B and B. Address? The Harbor!
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    • Day 11


      June 5, 2022 in Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      hier hatte ich kurzfristig während der Reise ne Unterkunft "hinverlegt" ohne zu wissen, daß es gute Unterkünfte auch in doofen Orten geben kann: wer Brighton in England kennt - hier isses auch so, nur kleiner ....kurz geschaut, gut gegessen, lecker Cappuccino und nun im Zimmer, ausspannen, aufwärmen und ggf. Jacke oder Hose oder oder trockenfönen .....Read more

    • Day 11

      naß bis auf die Haut

      June 5, 2022 in Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      aufgrund des Wetterberichtes, der für den ganzen Tag Regen angekündigt hat, gegen 9.30 aus dem B&B in Kinsale los, den WAW hinter mir gab grad nur Sprühtropfen ....nach ca. 10, 15 min. fing der Starkregen an - um zur kleinen Fähre über den River Barrow in Ballyhack zu kommen, lotste mich mein Navi über Single-Tracks in abgelegenen Gegenden, die nur mäßige Geschwindigkeit zuließen. Helmvisir zu: siehste nix, wegen Regen auf dem Visir - Visir auf: Tropfen auf der Brille, der Regen peitscht ins Gesicht ....nach ca. 30 min. dann etwas breitere Straßen. Aber der Regen ist längst von den Jackenärmel in die Handschuhstulpen gelaufen - nasse Hände und Finger ... nun gut: es gibt ne Griffheizung, wenigstens etwas.
      Von der Hose drückte der Regen unter die Jacke ....Bauch, Beine, Po: naß.
      Dazu der Fahrtwind und 12° Temperatur bibbert so vor sich hin .....
      Je näher ich nach ca. 1,5 Std. Tramore kam, ließe der Regen nach und der Fahrtwind konnte beginnen, die Jacke von außen zu tocknen (zum Glück haben Jacke, Hose, Stiefel, und eigentlich auch die Handschuhe ne Regenmembran - aber was heißt das schon, bei diesen Verhältnissen.)
      In der Unterkunft in Tramore erstmal Klamotten aus und zum Trocknen auf diverse Bügel, die Handschuhe ausgestopft - und dann endlich ne heiße Dusche......
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    • Day 15

      Geoffs of John Street

      June 8, 2016 in Ireland ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Stopped in for food and a pint. We were sent here by the bartender at Tullys Bar. The food was great, as usual, Joyce had the shepherds pie, and I had the spicy lamb burger (unfortunately the burger had feta cheese). We have yet to find bad food on this trip! The weather continues to be warm and dry, and it appears as though it will be until we leave. So much for experiencing typical Irish weather.Read more

    • Day 14

      Doch noch mal an der Küste

      September 10, 2017 in Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Logbucheintrag von Michael: Nach einem ausgiebigen Frühstück sind wir um 10 gestartet und nochmal zum Hore Abbey gefahren, was auch am Rande von Cashel liegt. Auto abgestellt und als wir die 100 Meter dahin absolviert hatten, fing es natürlich an zu regnen. Ein Dach war Gott sei Dank noch da und so konnten wir wenigstens etwas trocken die alten Mauern anschauen. Das Thermometer zeigte 14°C und so fuhren wir über eine Bergstraße nach Lismore und dann weiter an die Küste nach Ardmore. 13:45 Uhr sind wir in Ring angekommen und gönnten uns ein Baguette und ein Eis. Das lustige an dem Eis war, dass es ein Stück war, also Löffel raus und rein damit. Der nächste Stop sollte der Mahon Wasserfall sein. Bei schönstem Wetter fuhren wir auf einem Panoramaweg entlang, bis zum Parkplatz des Wasserfalls. Das Wetter zog sich etwas zu, also lieber mal die Regensachen angezogen. Der Weg zum Wasserfall war ne gute viertel Stunde und auf halbem Weg fing es leicht an zu regnen, wie immer quer, denn Regen ohne Wind geht anscheinend in Irland nicht. Aus Nieseln wurde Regen und aus Wind wurde Sturm, aber wir wollten da jetzt hin, also weiter. Kurz vorher brachen wir dann doch ab, weil wir zum einen durch waren und der Wind so sehr peitschte und zum anderen wir eh kein Bild machen konnten wegen dem Regen. Also zurück zum Auto, wo es dann wenigstens aufgehört hatte zu regnen, sodass wir uns im trockenen umziehen konnten. Und dann kam natürlich die Sonne wieder raus. Wir wußten noch nicht so richtig wo es uns zum schlafen hin verschlägt, aber wir fuhren erstmal Richtung Küste, um am Ende in Tramore zu landen. Ein Zimmer war schnell gefunden und danach ging es die Stadt erkunden. Erst essen und dann die Pubs testen. War ein netter Abend mit ein wenig Livemusik und ein paar Gesprächen mit Einheimischen. Alles in allem sehr gelungen.Read more

    • Day 20

      Between Buses

      August 12, 2016 in Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Got 30 minutes between buses in Waterford, so took a peek aroud the old Viking town, which I am sad to report has mostly been turned into a shopping center. I did step into a lovely church, with a beautiful set of organ pipes. The bit of Wayerford I've seen may not be beautiful, but it was nice to stretch my legs and get a cup of tea regardless.Read more

    • Day 19

      Waterford Crystal

      September 6, 2015 in Ireland ⋅ ☀️ 48 °F

      This morning we toured the Waterford Crystal factory. The company went into bankruptcy about five years ago. However, the town council, not wanting the tradition of workmanship to die out, bought the name, hired some of the employees and built a workshop where crystal can still be bought. We pass through Kilkenny, home of the Butlers. It is a lovely medieval town with the old Anglo-Norman castle. Butler became Duke of Ormond. One of Obama's ancestors was Bishop of Ormond. The Port of New Ross has replica of one of the coffin ships from Irish famine. One fifth of all passengers died. SS Dunbrodie. Kennedy's ancestry left from New Ross. Kennedys still have a strong family connection with the Ryans. Kennedy family house open in Dungustown (name ?)Read more

    • Day 18

      Arrival in Waterford

      September 5, 2015 in Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 61 °F

      Waterford is very proud of its Viking heritage. We drove to Dooley's Hotel in Waterford, arriving at 5:00 pm. Two other tour coaches had just arrived and the lobby looked like a circus. We will have the walking tour at 6:00 pm, and dinner here in the hotel at 7:30 pm. David told us of one Thomas Francis Meagher (pronounced Mahr) who fought in Waterford's rebellion in the 1840's, designed the Irish tricolor, was arrested and sent to Tasmania, made his way to California, then to New York, became Chief of Police, organized a unit that fought for the Union in the Civil War, became Governor of Montana, and was later presented to Queen Victoria as one of her former prisoners. The Queen was not amused. Before supper guide Jack led us on a walking tour of Waterford. It is a Viking town with one building, Reginald's tower going back to the year 1002. It is the oldest building in continuous use in Britain. There is a replica of a Viking vessel there. A shopping center downtown is built upon the site of a Viking village that was extensively excavated before construction resumed. We also saw the ruins of the Dominican monastery. The Catholic Church here is the oldest in Ireland, built in 1798. The English King and the Pope, who had been enemies since Henry VIII suddenly discovered that the French Revolution posed a common threat, and they became allies against it. The King thereafter allowed Catholic churches to be built. Good conversation at supper with Lance and Jerry about the pervasive intrusion of government into the private lives of citizens. We all agreed that there is no longer any privacy for anyone in a developed nation. Incidentally, as I was writing these travel notes tonight I realized that today marks my fiftieth anniversary as a Christian. I made a sincere profession of faith at Northside Baptist Church on September 5, 1965, the day before I started school at Harding High in Charlotte.Read more

    • Day 13

      Greenway Bike Trail

      August 30, 2018 in Ireland ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      I rode from Waterford to Kilmathomas. About 23k. Since I started at 1.00 it left it a bit late to try and get to Dungae in unless I rode like mad. In my old age I decided to stop, have a nice lunch in a small cafe and walk about. Then a shuttle back to Waterford to catch the bus back to Dublin. The shuttle driver gave a good history of the workhouse where the bike rental place was located. Nice building with a horrible famine history. New life it in now though so that is good.Read more

    • Day 38

      Waterford & Baltimore day 38 Wed 30 May

      May 30, 2018 in Ireland ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Thick curtains so we woke at 8.40am at the Newpark Hotel Kilkenny. Huge breakfast from 9.10am then tried to sort out Saturday’s accommodation at Renvyle as the bed and breakfast advised they are not honoring the prepaid booking. Finally got away after 11am and drove to Waterford and commenced following the R675 towards Dungavan County Waterford, looking for the Waterford Greenway old railway cycling and walking trail to a local tunnel and viaduct. Purchased strawberries and took photos on the way to Durrow. The sign on the cycleway at the Durrow carpark was wrong so we walked for six kilometres when all we needed to do in that direction was walk one kilometre plus an additional three kilometres in the other. Drove to Casey’s at Baltimore at the extreme southwest end of Ireland. Arrived after 6.30pm and walked to the harbour entrance Beacon. Dinner in a pub looking at the beautiful large protected natural harbour.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Waterford, County Waterford, Port Láirge

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