Aquae Caeretanae

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    • Day 194

      Santa marinella

      October 4, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      We left Technomar a week after our return to Italy and Take Five. We restocked, did washing, relaxed, got bitten by Mozzies and replaced the generator battery. The first night back on the hook was spent in the bay, a stones throw North of the river entrance in what will some day, so says our guide book be Porto Turistico Faro Di Fiumicino all they’ve done far is put in the breakwater. It was a bit rolly as the wind didn’t do as forecast but it was OK. The problem was that that evening I started with head cold, one minute fine next very snotty so bad nights sleep. Next morning we headed across the bay to our current location Santa Marinella I slept most of the way but we got ashore for a slow walk and coffee and as I had started on the magic little green cold tablets from Greece I felt a bit better. Forecast was for strong northerly winds all night and most of today so we decided to do two nights here but the wind dropped at 1am (cold still keeping me awake) so know the time exactly, and has been very peaceful today. However I can now here a brass band so we might heard ashore we see whats happening.Read more

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