San Cristoforo Channel

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    • Day 23

      Bridge of Sighs

      October 9, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Finally have experienced the Bridge of Sighs.
      The prisoners were reputed to have crossed this bridge on the way to prison from court.
      The prisoners had quite large cells though although the doors were huge!
      Very impressed with how preserved it all this.
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    • Day 7

      Last day in Venice!

      January 20, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 3 °C

      Ahhh today the weather was nicer! We spent most of the day just walking around the parts of Venice we didn’t really see much. We visited the San Marco Square which had a bunch of cool restaurants and shops, and this is where I had some spaghetti and clams! (Side thought - it is surprisingly rare to see spaghetti bolognaise anywhere in Italy but spaghetti with clams are EVERYWHERE) after a bit more walking and shopping it was time to go to Vivaldi’s church to see the famous 4 Seasons! Wowee that was special. I’ve never experienced something like that, where the venue felt so important, and the audience felt so moved. Might just have to ditch jazz. After that, we got some last minute snacks at the supermarket and headed home. ZzzzzRead more

    • Day 4

      Cibi e bevande (Venezia)

      April 13, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

      Ich glaube, man kann in Venedig gar nicht schlecht essen. Es ist in Italien! Die einzigen Unterschiede liegen wohl im Preis und der Größe der Portionen 😃 Tipps zum Essen gehen findet ihr unter „Dies und das“😊Read more

    • Day 72

      Venice by Gondola

      July 13, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Today was another highlight. We had a boat trip into Piazza San Marco, then a couple of hours to walk around and see the sights - the Doges Palace, Bridge of Sighs, the Rialto Bridge and shops with shoes and handbags worth a small fortune.

      A gondola cruise through the canals and under the Bridge of Sighs finished the morning off in a special way.
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    • Day 36 - Venice

      August 14, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Today we leave Verona and head for Venice. The hotel came with a breakfast so we had breakfast at the hotel, packed and headed to the car.

      Katie had subtly suggested I needed a hair cut, I had to agree! We went on the hunt for a barber shop - a lot were closed, the first one I walked into, I asked if they spoke English and got laughed at… safe to say I didn’t get my hair cut there. Finally found one in town, The Istanbul Barbers… Very Italian! There was a language barrier but google translate helped and they gave me espresso, Katie believes it’s the shortest I’ve ever gone and was shocked upon seeing it.

      After the haircut we got in the car, filled up with petrol at a really cheap self pump servo and made our way to the autostrada to get to Venice.
      On exiting the Autostrada there was a que to pay and of course our ticket didn’t work so we had to press the assistance button - easily resolved.

      We found the car parking lot I had booked, only to get the main guy signally we weren’t allowed in. Luckily I had a booking and explained this but he was still a little bit rude about it. Though we were lucky to find a park inside, as it was jam packed full, we brought bus tickets off the attendant and made our way into Venice.

      After the bus ride we walked to the accomodation in the blistering heat, we were both sweaty messes once we had got there. We had showers and started to use the washing machine.

      We went for a walk to find a bite to eat and see some sites. We got to the more touristy populated area and found a bakery that sold per grams focaccia pizza, so we ordered that. There was a slight mix up and our card got charged twice so he asked us kindly instead of giving money back he’ll give us more in stock. So we got Katie a coke, me a beer and a few pastries. Upon leaving and walking to a spot to sit on the grand canal, Katie had a seagull come down on her head and steal a bit of the focaccia - these seagulls are massive compared to back home! So we moved quickly to sit down and eat.’

      After that ordeal we went off to see some sites, we walked down to the famous Librería Acqua Alta, a cozy offbeat bookstore apparently. There was masses of people, no cats, a weird lady taking your picture on the staircase made out of books, that can’t take a photo to save herself and more people. So we left quickly! Just down the alley is Palazzo Tetto, a picturesque building surround on three sides of it by canals.
      We venture to San Marco so Katie could see the masses of people… was quieter than I expected but still busy. We were both a bit tired so decided to head back to the accomodation.

      I went to get some supplies from the grocery store for lunch, ended up on deciding to cook dinner as we both couldn’t be stuffed - Basil Ravioli with Bolognese sauce and a salad, with a side of wine from the castle we saw in Tuscany. I also brought some 99cent gelato from the supermarket - superb!

      We had a quiet evening ready for all the walking we will do tomorrow.
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    • Day 12

      Nochmal nach Venedig

      September 18, 2024 in Italy ⋅ 🌬 21 °C

      Heute ging es trotz Regen noch einmal nach Venedig. Immerhin sind noch das eine oder andere Collateralie der Biennale offen. Nur die Eingänge zu finden war schwer oder aber es war einfach zu 🙈. Alles in allem ist Venedig immer eine Reise wert ob Regen oder Sonnenschein.Read more

    • Venice

      October 6, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C


      We only had 1 day and 2 nights in Venice but it was enough to soak up the magic. It is the only place where you can really wander around and not have to check the map to see where you ended up.

      Tomorrow Paris!
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    • Day 10

      Libreria Acqua Alta

      September 23, 2019 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Ganz versteckt und etwas abseits der üblichen Touristenpfade liegt die vollgestopfte Buchhandlung Libreria Acqua Alta (übersetzt Buchladen Hochwasser). Überall werden Bücher uns bis unter die Decke gestapelt. Im Hof gibt es sogar eine Treppe, die komplett aus alten Büchern besteht. Als wäre man in einem Harry Potter Roman gelandet.Read more

    • Day 10


      February 18, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Si una encuesta preguntara a la gente cuáles son las ciudades más románticas del mundo muy seguramente saldría Venecia en las primeras posiciones. Venecia se ha ganado por derecho propio este título y es que el encanto que destilan sus puentes y canales la han convertido en uno de los destinos más visitados del mundo. Situada en el noreste de Italia, la ciudad se erige sobre un conjunto de islas a orillas del Mar Adriático. Un paseo en góndola por sus canales, ya sea solo o en compañía, es una experiencia mágica para descubrir los rincones más bonitos de la capital del Véneto.

      Venecia cuenta además con un rico patrimonio cultural y arquitectónico en el que destaca por encima de todo la Plaza de San Marcos. Esta preciosa plaza embelesa al visitante con su diseño, que cautivó al mismísimo Napoleón, que la definió como "el salón más bello de Europa". La basílica que se encuentra en la plaza es un auténtico prodigio de la arquitectura bizantina. En frente, se alza el famoso campanille, símbolo inequívoco de la ciudad que actúa como campanario de la basílica. Cruzar el encantador Puente Rialto y perderse entre las calles de Venecia, recorriendo el Gran Canal a bordo de la mítica góndola o sintiendo la arena bajo los pies en la playa del Lido.

      La Galería de la Academia, los mercados de la ciudad o la bella iglesia barroca de Santa Maria della Salute son algunos de los enclaves que merece la pena admirar, así como la isla de Torcello, el lugar donde se originó la diócesis que daría a Venecia el estatus de ciudad. Transitada por mercaderes, recorrida por enamorados y amada por todo el que la ve, Venecia tiene lugares más escondidos, como puede ser el barrio de Cannaregio, el Ghetto (barrio judío) o la isla San Michele, y es el punto de partida para conocer la región del Véneto, con ciudades como Treviso o Possagno. Sin duda, lo mejor para poder disfrutar de todo el potencial de Venecia es pernoctar en ella. De lo contrario, la visita no solo será mucho más corta, sino que además se cobrará una tasa que entra en vigor en enero de 2023 y que se aplicará a aquellos que no se alojen entre sus bellos canales.

      Se espera que esta medida, que tiene sus partidarios y detractores, dé un respiro al turismo masificado de la ciudad, del que el visitante se puede escabullir escogiendo fechas menos señaladas, esquivando las horas punta u optando por conocer lugares menos frecuentados de la ciudad. Estos planes alternativos pasan por sitios como un hospital con fachada renacentista y acabados de Tintoretto o el cementerio histórico de la isla de San Michele, sin olvidar grandes zonas verdes, canales donde se suceden los restaurantes, palacios y edificios como la Università Ca’Foscari.
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    • Day 2

      Alta Acqua Libreria

      June 25, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

      Alta Acqua Libreria - High Water Library. I stumbled on this super charming bookstore! The store keeps books in tubs and small boats because when it rains heavy, the store sometimes floods.

      I obvs had to get my Venice book here 🐱Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Canale San Cristoforo, Kanal San Cristoforo, San Cristoforo Channel, Canal San Cristoforo

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