Day 2: Aosta to Châtillon

Today was a long one (30.6 km) and the hardest walk I've done in a long time. I don't mind admitting that I'm sore all over. I literally took the scenic route - there were so many amazing things toRead more
Today was a long one (30.6 km) and the hardest walk I've done in a long time. I don't mind admitting that I'm sore all over. I literally took the scenic route - there were so many amazing things toRead more
A lot went wrong today.
We knew the sun would be blistering so we left at 4H45 for an 18-mile trudge. The way out of Aosta was nice, and we enjoyed the vineyards, etc. However, we made a coupleRead more
Nach dem Frühstück im dunklen Bed and breakfast sind wir im kühlen Wetter los marschiert -die ganze Nacht und den Morgen hatte es geregnet, eine wahre Wohltat. Dann fiel das viele auf und ab undRead more
Starting walking again after a rest is always hard, but today is a 30 km route. Leaving Aosta we head out under the Arch of Augustus and cross another Roman bridge. The mountains in the distance areRead more
Anstrengendster Tag mit insgesamt 35km. Schlechte Beschilderung, oft verlaufen (7km), viele Steigungen, zugewachsene oder nicht vorhandene Wege (musste über Gartenzäune, Bahngleisen und FelsenRead more
Spaziergang (via Francigena) und letzter Abend mit Esther und Vale
You might also know this place by the following names:
Chatillon, Châtillon
Traveler Really fantastic photos Carmel, especially the snow capped mountains.
Carmel Carlsen I know! I can't stop taking sooooo many photos of them.
Traveler Stunning scenery. Remember to let your body ease into your days of walking
Carmel Carlsen I will Jenny. I'm pacing myself and taking plenty of rests