Complesso monumentale di Carminiello ai Mannesi

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    • Day 92–94

      Neapel und die Hand Gottes 😎

      November 17 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      Emilio betreibt einen wunderschönen Stellplatz (Ranch). Alles was man als Camper benötigt war vorhanden. Sogar das Lagerfeuer am Abend brachte ein warmes Gefühl ums Herz. Das Duschen mit dem Blick der Pferde war aber schon komisch. Emilio brachte uns zur Bahn und dann gings ab nach Napoli. Selten soviel Müllprobleme gesehen, aber Diego Armando Maradona war allgegenwärtig. Unfassbare Euphorie für einen Fussballer der die Meinungen über Fussball in 2 Lager teilte. Wir lernten 2 wirkliche nette Menschen kennen, mit denen wir so Einiges teilten, sogar unseren nächsten Stopp ROM.Read more

    • Day 16

      You never know what to expect!

      October 2, 2019 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      So, We arrived in Napoli and asked our wonderful host what to eat. She walked us to the end of the block, pointed down the road and said, "Michele's, in the Piazza." So, in the rain and with lightning all around, off we trudged. When we arrived we found the sort of restaurant that you wouldn't even give a second glance at in the UK, yet odly, there was a queue awaiting to get in. So we took our ticket number and waited in line.
      We only just ate in one of only 15 Michelin starred pizza restaurants in the world!!! No menu. Either margarita or marinara, Either beer or coke. That was it. Best pizza we've ever tasted. Julia Roberts also ate here in the film Eat Pray Love. A truly marvellous dining experience that everyone who comes to Napoli should try.
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    • Day 106


      July 16 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Travel day for the most part. With our plane leaving around midday from Nice and arriving into Naples around 1.30.

      Once we were back on the ground we made our way to our hotel. It was incredibly hot, some of the signs outside the pharmacies were saying 38 degrees. A lot of stone and concrete in Naples and it felt like the heat was coming from all around us. Thoroughly dripping we made it to our hotel room where we had a short rest and a change of clothes before braving the heat again.

      For dinner we made our way to "L'antica Pizzeria da Michele" which was made famous by the movie "Eat, Pray, Love". There were only 3 flavour options, each a different variation of tomato, herbs and cheese, and a fourth option which was a combination of two flavours, and they were all priced at 5.50eur. With a plethora of Michelin and other awards Strasbourg to the front door, wet knew we were in for something special.

      We ordered a pizza each and washed it down with a beer. Feeling like we needed to walk off some of the food, we began wandering home. We then realised we were actually in Italy now and hadn't had a gelato today, so we made a quick pit stop for gelato before heading home. It was about 9pm by now, and the pharmacy signs were still reading 34 degrees...
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    • Day 1

      Unsere Unterkunft

      March 27 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      Von dem Bushalt am Hauptbahnhof sind wir ca. 700 m bis zu unserem Appartement gelaufen. Es ist ein großes Haus mit historischem Fahrstuhl. Giuseppe nahm uns herzlich in Empfang. Wir hatten eine große Wohnung mit 2 Schlafzimmern (ca. 70 m²). Alles ist sauber und ordentlich. Anschließend waren wir noch eine Pizza in der Nachbarschaft essen.Read more

    • Day 9–11


      February 25 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      In Neapel haben wir uns vor allem ein wenig erholt, da wir eine Pause wirklich dringend nötig hatten. Heute haben wir also vor allem ausgeschlafen und konnten die Waschmaschine des Airbnb nutzen (Wäsche aufhängen in luftiger Höhe fand Ania ganz schön aufregend).
      Dann sind wir noch zu Fuß durch die Straßen gezogen, und konnten einige Leckerbissen genießen, wie verschiedene Süßgebäcke, Büffelmozarella oder 🐠 .
      Dann gab's zurück in der Wohnung noch Gnocchi und so Endet unser Erholunsaufenthalt in Neapel.
      Fazit: Neapel ist wirklich auf viele Wege Einzigartig. Dazu gehört auch, dass der einzig wichtige Knopf an jedem Moped und Auto für Neapolitaner die Hupe ist, und Maradona und Osimhen fast genauso heilig sind wie der Papst. Es gibt hier bestimmt noch viel mehr zu entdecken, aber das Chaos ist nicht besonders erholsam, weswegen wir uns ein wenig zurückhalten mussten.
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    • Day 28

      Mt Vesuvius

      May 11, 2018 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      We arrived in Naples again, 2nd last day of the cruise. Brad had booked a trek up Mt Vesuvius which all sounded a bit too strenuous to me so I just stayed on the ship, had a leisurely breakfast, finished up a couple of my footprint blogs and went to the port terminal to find WiFi so that I could post them. Naples is not a city I cared to walk about on my own so I was happy to have a bit of a day off from touring.

      Brad said the walk up Mt Vesuvius wasn't too bad...a little steep in parts and you got to look down into the crater. Steam was coming out of fissures but no eruptions (thankfully). He said there were people selling pieces of lava which was a little strange because you only had to bend down and pick up pieces. They may have been carved into a shape or something but I don't know why you would buy it.

      Back on the ship it was packing our bags for disembarking and we even went to afternoon tea - very civilised with little sandwiches, cakes and scones with jam and cream. Not sure why we had not gone to this before as it was served every afternoon. For the last week or so we had been going to trivia with Bert and Margaret, a retired couple from Northern Ireland - Bert was very funny, always had a joke to tell. They were very clever and we won a majority of the time much to the disgust of the other teams. We were asked by a couple of other teams if we were continuing on the cruise but we were all leaving so now they are happy because they think they have a chance.

      As usual, it has been a good cruise and the longest one we have done (2 back to back cruises of 12 days each). The ship is one of the older ones in the fleet and is looking a little tired but we were happy with our room.
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    • Day 26

      Neapel : Pizza + Flug

      August 29, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      In Neapel waren wir in der berühmten Pizzeria L‘antiga Pizzeria da Michele essen, die aus dem Film „Eat, Pray, Love“ bekannt ist. Damit man die Pizza erhält muss man eine Nummer ziehen und warten. Unser Fazit: war ganz gut 👍🏼
      In Abschluss sind wir zum Flughafen gefahren und von Neapel nach Split geflogen.
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    • Day 3

      Da Michele

      July 22, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      A morning trip for pizza at Da Michele should have taken 15 minutes but with Joseph's antics, took 1 hour 15 minutes. We faced a long queue but it was worth it, they both loved their pizza and didn't even moan about "the green bits". We then walked to the University and took the metro to the Castle on the Port, before heading up on the funicular to Vomero. Joey is giddier than ever but he is doing well with walking everywhere so that's something.Read more

    • Day 7

      L'Antica Pizzeria da Michele

      June 1, 2017 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Eat. Pray. Love.

      "Please go to this pizzeria. Order the margherita pizza with double mozzarella. If you do not eat this pizza when you are in Naples, please lie to me and tell me that you did." - Elizabeth Gilbert


      Price: $ (4€ per pizza!)
      Food Quality: 5 Stars
      Service Quality: 4.5 Stars
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    • Day 6

      Napoli - Last Food Dance

      July 22, 2022 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

      Τελευταία μέρα στην Ιταλία και είπαμε να επισκεφτούμε μια ακόμα φορά την Νάπολη για μερικές φωτογραφίες και χαλαρή βολτούλα.Παρκάραμε το αυτοκίνητο και πηγαίνοντας για φαγητό σε μια Instagramικη τρατορία πέσαμε πάνω στον καθεδρικό ναό της Νάπολης.Πολύ επιβλητικός ναός τόσο έξω όσο και μέσα.Φανταστικές λεπτομέρειες στην οροφή και στα τοιχώματα της εκκλησίας.Μετά συνεχίσαμε ψάχνοντας την τρατορία ονόματι Gino e Toto Sorbillo αλλά η ουρά απέξω από το μαγαζί μας αποθάρρυνε καθώς είχε τουλάχιστον 50 άτομα που περιμέναν.Επόμενη επιλογή μια εξίσου καλό σχολιασμένη τρατορία με όνομα Cuccuma Caffe που ήταν πραγματικά πολύ δυνατή.Πληρώνεις ανά άτομο ένα ποσό και σου φέρνει μια από τις 7 μακαρονάδες της λίστας σε μια μεγάλη πιατέλα.Δεν σερβίρουν πιάτα ούτε έχουν κάποιο αξιοσημείωτο ποτό να πιεις.Απλά μια πιατέλα με μακαρόνια στην μέση και μαχαιροπήρουνα και στην σερβίρει ο μάγειρας που φωνάζει το ονόματα της καθώς την φέρνει.Not bad..Αρκετά καλή θα έλεγα.Στην συνέχεια βολταραμε στα στενά της πόλης και καταλήξαμε στην διάσημη πιτσαρία του De Michelle με μια ουρά από κόσμο που σε αποθαρρύνε αρκετά.Είπαμε να πάρουμε χαρτί προτεραιότητας και να κάνουμε την προσπάθεια να περιμένουμε.Μετά από μια ώρα αναμονής μπήκαμε τελικά μέσα.Πολύ απλό μαγαζί σαν το προηγούμενο,έχει μείνει σε άλλες εποχές αλλά δεν σε ενοχλούσε γιατί μόλις καθήσαμε και παραγγείλαμε είχαμε 3 πίτσες στο τραπέζι μας σε περίπου 5 λεπτά.Η ζύμη έχει το πάχος χαρτοπετσέτας.Φοβερή πίτσα χωρίς αμφιβολία και με τιμή σοκ για τα δεδομένα της Ιταλίας καθώς είχαν 5 ευρώ η μια.Μετά την όμορφη μάσα και αφού με δυσκολία πλέον περπατούσαμε μπήκαμε στο αυτοκίνητο και γύρισαμε στο ξενοδοχείο για ξάπλα και χώνεψη 🤢🤑🤮.Μια όμορφη τελευταία μέρα στην Ιταλία.Read more

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    Complesso monumentale di Carminiello ai Mannesi

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