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Top 10 Travel Destinations Florence
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    • Day 18

      Pisa to Florence

      April 8 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Had an early start back on the coach today after a really long day on the coach yesterday. We started the day by going to the leaning tower of Pisa! We had a solid 30 minutes to walk around and take pictures. Both Pearse and I were feeling like shit so we didn't put any effort into taking pictures of us holding up the tower or whatever else. The tower leans a lot more than I thought it did. I didn't know this either, but they've had to straighten it out a couple of times. We got back on the bus to go to Florence. I've been really excited for Florence because I've heard it's beautiful. I can now attest to that. It was almost 30 degrees out, which makes me like it even more. We went to a leather, gold, and silver store where we learned about Italian leather and how to differentiate real and fake leather. After their presentation, we left really fast, which is good because I probably would have talked myself into buying a chain or something. We went to go get a sandwich just down the road. Other than our bread being butchered and cut really thin, my sandwich was so good. It was prosciutto with truffle honey and garlic mayo. I absolutely destroyed it. You can't go to Florence without getting some gelato, so we found a store that was packed. There were too many flavors to pick from, so I asked the lady to just give me her favorites. Of course, the first one she scooped was peanut butter. I also got a pecan one, mango, and raspberry. Other than the peanut butter one, they were all delicious. You can definitely tell the difference between gelato at home and here. Maybe it's just biased lol. We walked around a little bit more before we had to get ready for the Tuscany dinner we paid for the other day. For me, this was the highlight of the day. It had a 4 course meal with wine. This restaurant is pretty much in this guys backyard. He sang opera for us with another guy on the piano. They played some songs that we could dance to as a group as well as some slow songs for couples to dance to. Pearse and I played rock paper scissors to see who had what role. I lost, so he was the lead. We were trend setters once we got up there dancing together. Other people went up with their friends for fun. Someone caught a cheeky little video of us dancing lol. The main course was a Tuscan tomahawk steak and potatoes! We've been talking about how we want a steak dinner since we got here, so it was much needed. All the food was so good and the wine was so tasty. The coach took us from the Tuscany dinner and into town, where it dropped almost everyone off. Pearse stayed back and went to the hotel to get a good nights sleep
      cause he's sick. I went with the group to Florence's famous karaoke bar. I needed a few drinks for confidence, but I got up there and brought Canada to Europe. I started with Higher by Creed and followed it up with Rockstar by Nickleback. More people knew Rockstar for sure. I called it a night pretty early because we have another 8 am. start tomorrow. I walked back from the bar at 1230, not realizing it was almost a 1.5 hour walk. Halfway through the walk, I realized my phone was going to die, so I looked ahead at the directions and tried to memorize them. Luckily, it was basically a straight line the whole way because my phone did die. I'm so bad at directions, so I was worried, but somehow I actually found the hotel. Overall, it was a pretty chill day, but it was a really fun one ,
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    • Day 21

      Il Duomo

      May 30, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Welcome to Florence ⛲️🖤
      So we caught the train in the morning and got to our hostel, dropped our bags in their room because it wasn’t check in time yet and then went to get some lunch. We got focaccia’s and baby carrots from the Pam and ate them at a piazza.
      We checked into our hostel which we may or may not have accidentally booked for the 29th and 30th nights instead of our actual dates; the 30th and 31st. Oops. But it ended up being okay because the lady was really nice. We did book it while we were very jet-lagged so will try to not do that again.
      Then we walked really fast to the Duomo because that made us a bit late and we walked up the 400 and something stairs pretty fast and I mustered up the courage to ask the security guard to take a photo of us, who then told us he would take few so we could change poses 💅
      We then saw him later the next day when we went to get dinner. I hope he gets paid good.
      Sara took a few of me too but some came out a bit blurry. Maybe it was the stairs. The view was very pretty though. And the art inside the dome was very cool. The longer you stared at it the more weird some of the demons looked.
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    • Day 34

      The Baptistery of St. John in Florence

      June 11, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      The Baptistery of St. John... You know St. John the Baptist. Italians actually call him San Giovanni, not sure I ever knew they were the same person.

      The octagonal Baptistery constructed between 1059 and 1128 l, which actually predates the nearby Cathedral of Florence.Read more

    • Day 36

      Scenes of Florence

      June 13, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Home of the Renaissance, Florence did not disappoint. So far it has to be Emily and David's favorite major city we've visited. A Piazza around every corner, and a matching Church along with it.

      If you ever get to go, the Piazzale Michelangelo is a must see. It did show up on our research, but we only went because we stumbled upon it by accident while doing a river walk. It's across the Arno River and offers a stunning skyline view of Florence for free. You can drive or get there by foot from the main Cathedral in maybe 40 minutes (only because its up hill).

      It's a gorgeous city.
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    • Day 23

      Last of Florence

      June 1, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      We stayed with very sweet hostel friends. One was from Argentina and one from Toulouse in France where I am going in July! We stayed up late talking and then had to go to sleep because Sara and I had an early train to Venice.
      Next is a view of our hostel roof where we had a coffee, then a FaceTime with Scout where I am clearly getting some good gossip from home (kidding ) and then a gelato and then we had butter chicken for dinner which was so so good. Don’t judge this cuisine choice I know we are in Italy xx
      I have also captured a replica of David at his fountain and Sara and I have definitely learnt that he got his glute muscles purely from the amount of stairs in Italy. There was also a water fountain that had sparkling water but it was quite acidic.
      There is more photos from the Uffizi too. I like the disco move.
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    • Day 6

      Abend in Florenz

      July 21, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

      Nach einer ausschweifenden Siesta am Nachmittag zogen wir 18Uhr wieder los.

      Diesmal war unser Ziel hoch oben über den Dächern von Florenz, den „Piazzale Michelangelo“.
      Der Weg nach oben war zwar etwas schweißtreibend, aber als wir angekommen waren, merkten wir, dass sich jeder Schweißtropfen gelohnt hatte.

      Wir hatten eine tolle Aussicht über ganz Florenz in der späten Abendsonne. Begleitet wurde die Aussicht von der Musik verschiedener Straßenkünstler. Wir setzten uns auf die Treppenstufen und ließen alles auf uns wirken.

      Auf den Weg nach unten entdeckten wir noch eine schöne Brunnenanlage.

      Am Abend gingen wir in ein Lokal, welches uns durch die vollen Tische und einer gemütlichen Atmosphäre aufgefallen war.
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    • Day 18


      August 21, 2022 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

      In Florenz haben wir einen schönen Tag verbracht und uns die Kathedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore angeschaut. Danach ging es für uns auf den Piazalle Michelangelo, wo wir einen wunderschönen Überblick über Florenz hatten. Mit Wein und Kuchen haben wir den Abend mit dem schönen Ausblick ausklingen lassen 😊Read more

    • Day 38

      Tour de Kultur: Von Ravenna nach Florenz

      October 4, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Noch bevor es über die Apenninen in die Toskana geht, starten wir die Kirchenbesuchstour in Ravenna in der Emilia-Romagna. Würden wir die Stadt nur nach der Anreise dorthin beschreiben, wäre "Drecksloch" wohl der passende Begriff. Die Straßen rund um das Industriegebiet sind vermüllt, es stinkt bestialisch, Ratten laufen im Graben auf der Suche nach was Essbarem.
      Wir lassen uns nicht abschrecken, denn die Stadt in Adrianähe ist für seine kunstvollen Mosaike bekannt und daher voll mit Menschen, die sich diese anschauen wollen. Unpraktisch für uns: man muss vorab Kombitickets kaufen und Zeitslots festlegen, wann diese oder jene Kirche besucht werden kann, um den Ansturm gesittet zu organisieren. Das ist uns auf der Durchreise zu kompliziert und wir können nach dem Bestaunen eines unkompliziert zugänglichen Deckengewölbes nur erahnen, wie schön die Weiteren sein müssen. Es ist übrigens die erste Nacktdarstellung von Jesus, die ich sehe...reinzoomen müsst ihr selbst.

      Wir hätten auch einfach flach an der Adria von Lido zu Lido radeln können, aber wir lieben die Berge in jeder Hinsicht. Also geht's wieder bergauf - und wie!!! Auf der Etappe lag der erste und höhere Pass bis auf 900m schon hinter uns und danach folgte nur noch ein kleiner Hubbel mit 400 Höhenmetern. Das Straßenschild bereitete uns dann auf 13% Steigung vor. "Va bene", dachten wir. Schon steil, aber ok. Was dann folgte waren die steilsten 2,5km, die wir je mit dem Rad gefahren sind. Mein Fahrradcomputer zeigte 20% an der steilsten Stelle und ein Mal kurz 9%. Meist waren es 15-17%. Einfach abartig mit dem ganzen Gepäck. Wir kämpfen uns hoch und loben nie wieder den Tag vor dem letzten Anstieg.

      Dann residieren wir oberhalb von Florenz in Fiesole auf dem Panorama Camping. Nicht nur die Aussicht, sondern auch der Preis ist unschlagbar. Wir zahlen 100€ für drei Nächte, was anderswo schon teuer ist für ein kleines Zelt - doch dafür hätten wir in Firenze nicht mal einen Schlafplatz für eine Nacht im Mehrbettzimmer bekommen. Von Fiesole fährt ein Bus direkt ins Stadtzentrum. Daher haben unsere Räder nicht das Vergnügen einen Städtetrip zu machen.
      Ich war als Jugendliche schon ein Mal in der Stadt der Künste. Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Botticelli, Gallileo Galilei klangvolle Namen, die alle in der Metropole der Renaissance wirkten. Was muss damals hier los gewesen sein. All die namhaften Maler, Bildhauer, Ingenieure, Mathematiker - manche alles in einer Persilon vereint, zog es an den Arno, wo es scheinbar genügend zahlungsfreudige Auftraggeber gab.
      Und was erst heute hier los ist. Noch nie habe ich in einer Stadt so viele Touristen gesehen. Wir wollen den Dom besichtigen, aber die Schlange ist mehrere Hundertmeter lang. Auch die Uffizien und Galeria dell' Academia lassen wir Kunstbanausinnen ausfallen. Lediglich im Museum Galileo Galileo bewundern wir die ersten Weltkarten und den Mittelfinger des Universalgelehrten. Wir saugen lieber kostenlos die Atmosphäre und die Straßenkunst beim Flanieren durch die Stadt ein und genießen die Küche (man kann übrigens auch unglaublich lecker indisch essen hier).

      Zum Sonnenuntergang dann das Highlight: der Blick von der Piazzale Michelangelo auf die Altstadt. Atemberaubend - und kein Geheimtipp. Denn in einer regelrechten Prozession pilgern die Scharen hierher. Selfies, Gruppenfotos und scheinbar ein neuer asiatischer Trend: Paare im Hochzeitsdress, die hier ein professionelles Shooting machen. Die sozialen Medien werden überflutet von Bildern im wirklich fotogenen Abendlicht. Ich liebe diese Zeit zum Fotos machen und dann noch solche architektonischen und menschlichen Motive.

      Auf der Weiterreise gelingt mir an der Ponte Buriano, inspirieret durch die großen Meister, noch die Nachstellung eines Gemäldes vor dem (wahrscheinlichem) Originalhintergrund.
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    • Day 118

      Last day in Florence

      July 17, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 97 °F

      Miles: 12.0 Steps: 28151
      Flights stairs: 40

      We had a really busy last day in Florence. We decided to get an early start and beat the heat for the climb up the Giotto Bell tower - 413 steps, in 85° to 95° heat. It was a tough one. It did my old heart good to see even the youngest people reach the top and not look any better than me. Huffing and puffing covered in sweat. Beautiful view tho, so worth it.

      Then to the Florence baptistery. I guess in the old days you couldn’t enter a Catholic Church unless you were baptized. It made it difficult - so the baptistery was a separate building from the church. The gold ceiling was quite the site.

      We headed to the Uffizi museum next and saw hundreds of sculptures, and some amazing paintings - most notably the “birth of Venus”. Jordan studied it in school so really enjoyed seeing it in person.

      We split up at this point - Jordan went back to the hostel to enjoy the pool for awhile and I kept at it. I went to the Basilica of Santa Croce. It’s famous for being Michelangelo’s burial site. And then to the Santa Reparata (the underground ancient remains of the original Florence cathedral). Pretty interesting.

      I popped into the Opera del duomo museum and saw more amazing pieces of art, and then decided the pool was sounding pretty good for my overheated body, so headed back for a swim. The pool was ice cold, which was nice after being so hot.

      After cooling down a bit and having a great Italian dinner, we walked a ways to the highest point in Florence - the San Mianato Al monte to get a glimpse of the city from above, and then over to the Pizzale Michelangelo for sunset and to see the city at night. It’s a beautiful atmosphere with live street performers singing and such. Overall, had a great couple days seeing Florence
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    • Day 13

      Piazzale Michelangelo

      September 29, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      So... when you have been walking all day, and are a little tired, why not take a stroll up the 100 + steps to the top of the world (honestly feels like it) and look down upon the whole of Florence. It's pretty cool up there.
      Take in the views at the front, take a pic or 2 and then turn to find a bronze David... I kid you not... the 3rd copy of the David has been placed at the top of a flippin great hill. Worth the climb though and definitely worth the view.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Firenze, Florence

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