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    • Day 90

      Positano/ Sorrento (2 Days)

      April 7, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 66 °F

      Off to Positano, but along the way came across the Ceramiche Casola ( recommended by Morris's cousin Davina). They do the most beautiful handpainted tables, chairs, dishes, etc. So, of course, we ended up getting a custom 20" Lazy Susan (w/lemons, of course) for an outdoor table. Can't wait to see the artist's design.

      Town of Positano is carved even closer into the hillside with cute lanes and steep steps everywhere. The road is one way through town so don't miss your destination 😉 Enjoyed an afternoon in the town overlooking the views and beaches.

      Later that afternoon, we arrived in Sorrento, a larger town on the west side of the Almafi Coast, to our lovely Hotel Eden. In the courtyard of lemon trees, we were greeted by "Michael" the GM of the hotel . When we asked where we could dine and listen to music at night, he graciously offered his home for a homemade dinner and to meet his family. We joined another couple from Ireland and had an amazing evening as Michael showed us his underground winemaking, olives, and garden. His wife prepared a delicious meal of sphagetti w vegetables and sauce made from their garden. The bread was from a home bakery down the street. We ended up spending over 4 hours there as the time flew. Simply wonderful evening!!

      In the morning, we took a ferry to the Island of Capri, then Boat Tour around the island to see the Light House, white grotto, green grotto, blue grotto. Quaint island that gets a lot of tourists. Enjoyed the town and local beach, a little too cold for a dip. After a full day there, it was back to Sorrento.
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    • Day 18

      Florence to Sorrento

      April 8, 2024 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      Today, we had to be on the coach at 8. For once, Pearse and I were responsible and almost gave ourselves enough time to get there lol. Our roommate got back from the bars at 6 am and thought we were getting on the bus at 830. We woke this poor guy up multiple times, I bet that was a fun bus ride for him. We stopped a couple of times for food and to stretch our legs. We've been pretty drained and still sick, so I think we both got a little bit of sleep on the bus. When I woke up, I looked out the window and saw we were on a narrow mountain road right in the edge of a cliff. Again, these tiny roads are two-way. They definitely shouldn't be. For the first time, I heard Paulo, the driver, raise his voice in frustration. Still though absolute ice in his veins. The views were unreal. It's going to take a lot to beat the views from this mountain road in Sorrento. It just happened to be 5 minutes from the hostel as well. After a 10 hour day, we finally made it to the hostel. The first thing I did was claim the double bed lol. Pearse and I made a deal he gets bottom bunk at the next two places because he was stuck on a single bed. I hopped in the shower, and when I came out, Pearse was already passed out on the bed for a quick power nap. I just went downstairs and relaxed in the sun and spoke to my parents for a bit. We had about 2 hours to chill before the bus dropped us off in town to explore and have dinner. I just lounged in the beautiful weather for that time. Sorrento is known for their lemons, lemon trees everywhere, limoncello, and lemon clothing stores. Anything lemon is there. On the shop streets, they pull you in and give you some free limoncello to get you to buy some. I felt bad going into all the stores pretending I've never had any and getting different tasters, I also didn't buy anything from them lol. After wondering for a while, we got some dinner with some people in our crew. I finally got some gnocchi. It was delicious. The portions here are so much smaller than at home, but after every meal, I feel full. It's pretty deceiving. After dinner, we got back on the coach to go to the hostel. Everyone was so tired from traveling all day, so it was a pretty early night. We are really hoping a good nights rest will cure the Contiki Cough up.Read more

    • Day 7


      September 6, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      ...hat einen neuen Namen, Amalfi- Küste. Wunderwunderschön, aber ein einziges Stop-and-Go auf Dutzende Kilometer. Parkplatz finden ist wie ein Sechser im Lotto.
      Danach noch ordentlich Kilometet gemacht, sind nur noch 75min von der Fähre nach Sizilien entfernt... Etna wir kommen 😃Read more

    • Day 25

      Well that was unexpected!

      June 15, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Will explain later.

      Today marks the last day of our tour. We ate breakfast looking at Mt Vesuvius one last time before boarding the bus and heading back through the winding streets of Sorrento and hitting the autostrade for Rome.

      The Sorrento Peninsula is a seriously beautiful place, the food was excellent, and the people friendly. The only negative - its beaches don’t match Australia’s.

      It was a pretty uneventful trip back to Rome. It took about 3 hours.

      Being a Saturday Rome’s streets were quieter than usual. That is until we hit the unexpected bit!

      Seems Rome has a Mardi Gras. And it was today. And it started right outside our hotel!

      Luckily we arrived about 2pm and it didn’t get going until closer to 3.30pm so we managed to get in and dump the bags before the streets were closed and the crowds descended.

      We went for a walk around and ended up going to Trevi Fountain again. This time the water was flowing so we did the coin thing and walked around a bit. We had fun trying to get back into our hotel as by then the streets were jam packed and the music blasting. We hung out our hotel window and took some photos.

      We then went to a local restaurant to say goodbye to our fellow travellers. Most of them head home or to other parts of Europe tomorrow. T and I are here until Friday so the adventure continues!
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    • Day 5

      Napoli - Sorrento

      June 16, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Tough start for the day, my Japan shell broke, there was no hot shower, and I didn't get any sleep because the big Italian guy snored loudly all night.

      I walk over to the car parking garage in the city to get my bicycle where it had to be stored. I get everything set up and check my map and I find I have no internet. The shoes I brought were my old Camino shoes and I didn't realize that a piece of plastic is rubbing my achilles heel bloody, painful to walk on but it's okay as I'm biking. The problem with the gearing needs to be addressed at Decathlon and I'm going to get new shoes. I kind of figure out which direction to go by looking at the map without the internet. Old style. The first little incline is steep and short and I punch it. Snap! Broke the chain right off.

      Oops, I now have a trifecta on my hands, I can't walk, I have little idea which direction to go in and I can't bike, so how do I get to Decathlon on this fine Sunday morning when everything else is closed?

      There's a security guard for an office building talking to a drunk bum who got cleaned up by his brother yesterday so he looks okay but he is a total mess. The guard lets me use his mobile hotspot and I figure out it's a almost 3-hour uphill walk to Decathlon even though it's still in the city. I look around and see a taxi sign and the guard says yes you can call, and then he walks over to the sign because he realizes I can't call. How lucky can you get? There are two minivans at the taxi post and in less than a few minutes the bicycle and everything is inside and I'm on my way. The day is saved!

      It's a poor half ass repair because they can't do anything on Sunday supposedly. But it's good enough to ride so I cool my heels and stop punching this bike. I'm not Wout van Aert after all.

      The ride into Napoli was disappointing, however the ride out of Napoli was even worse. At least on the route that I took it felt like I wasn't in Italy, nothing is maintained, everything is poor, trash everywhere. I try not to let it affect my mood.

      As soon as I get on the way to Sorrento everything changes, it's a tourist town and there is money and everything is kept nice and beautiful. Such an opposite, so close. I'm happy in my tent.
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    • Day 3

      Lunch in Capri & not Lytham Capri

      September 18, 2017 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Found a lovely little place for lunch. The Capri Palace where they ran out of star ratings and had to put an L for Luxuriously. Lovely pizzas for the young (only 59) lady wife and myself and then treated to a diabetic unfriendly cake with a candle....... really couldn't believe how kind everyone was there and we only popped in for a look around and a spot of lunch!!!.Read more

    • Day 6

      Day 5. Pompeii & Sorrento

      June 29, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Train to Pompeii. Amazing historical site. Back on train to Sorrento. Walked thru the town to get to beach. So glad we came - I love bondi BUT this is a whole new level. Sorrento = breathtaking. Train home. Day finished with another family dinner in our honor.Read more

    • Day 9

      Vico Esque - Piano di Sorrento

      July 4, 2016 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      ...še eno lepo prebujanje v našem miru...zajtrk in zadnji pozdrav malemu Antoniu...cca. 30 km stran na severni strani polotoka nas čaka novi mir in rajska terasa s pogledom na Neapeljski zaliv in Vezuv. Ko se nastanimo se odpravimo danes zelo na easy na plažo. Mestece Piano di Sorrento naj bi imelo plažo, ki je mala, dostopna z avtom in ne preveč ljudi. Vse štima in 4 ure uživamo na plaži, mivka, vulkanska :)...dejansko temna to plaža kot jih premorejo v Grčiji...tukaj se pač Italija ne more primerjat...ampak je prijetno...ko atiju začne najedat mivka povsod :) se spravimo še napolnit gorivo, v trgovino in na našo teraso z fenomenalnim razgledom, kjer si naredimo italijansko spizo...pršut, parmezan, sušeni paradižniki, goveji prš seveda...moj Plavac mali by Roki's....

      Uživamo, se igramo in jutri nas čaka otok Capri....
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    • Day 10

      Sorrento - Capri

      July 5, 2016 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      ...po obilnem zajtrku na sončni terasi spet na cesto in proti pristanišču v Sorrento. Razdalje so sicer relativno kratke, ampak pot traja. Ozke ulice, kaskaderski italijanski vozniki, počasi nam je malo dosti tega vrveža. Pridemo v Sorrento, parkiramo za 15 eur v garaži zraven pristanišča in začne se eden najdražjih dni. Karte za trajekt za dva odrasla in otroka za otok Capri tja in nazaj, 89 eur. Če smo že tu, pa poglejmo ta famozni Capri. Vožnja s trajektom hitra, ugodna in slikovita. Po cca. 20 minutah pristanemo na otoku Capri in sledi "kulturni šok" saj so vse cene, na katere smo bili navajeni do sedaj, najmanj od 2-4x višje. 2 piva, sladoled in Fanta - 24 eur, pizza, pivo, ledeni čaj, kepica sladoleda in granita od limone, 32 je vse kar smo si v 3 urah in pol privoščili na otoku očitnega luksuza in prestiža.

      Neopisljiva gneča, invazija oz. kolonizacija ameriških turistov, pretirane cene povsod, trgovine kot so Prada, Mui Mui, Rolex in podobne so povsod...videl sem navadne moške kopalke za 160 so bile hudo poceni za ostale zadeve, ki smo jih videli v izložbah. Obleke po 3500 eur, čevlji po 650 eur in več, to je Capri. Na žalost, to je ravno tisto kar mi ni všeč in kar ne iščem. Saj sem si prebral prej o Capriju, pa sem vseeno mislil, da bomo našli prijazen otok, kar nesporno je, če ne bi bil okupiran s turisti in pretiranim prestižem. Vegetacija je krasna, otok je slikovit, žal občutek pokvari vse opisano.

      Do centra mesta Capri, ki je nad pristaniščem smo hodili 800 m v hrib...nič narobe, ampak da bi pa šli na lokalni bus ali vlečnico do gor, bi verjetno morali čakati eno uro v vrsti, da bi prišli do vhoda, ker je takšna nepregledna gneča.

      Utrujeni od sonca, hoje se vrnemo v Sorrento, v zavetje miru na naš terasi s pogledom na Vezuv. Doma skuhana večerja, uživanje na terasi in spat. Jutri nas čaka 520 km do Toskane.
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