Provincia di Rieti

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    • Day 4

      Day 4: Montertondo to Ponticelli di Scan

      June 17, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      I left Montertondo at 6:30 a.m. because the walk was long (31.82 km), and the forecast was for 32°. I know it was 31° at 2 p.m. (perhaps I shouldn't have checked), and I still had 3 more hours of walking to do - the heat really slows down my pace! The scenery today was fabulous, and I would have loved every minute of it, except for the heat. Honestly, there were times when I doubted my ability to make it to Ponticelli di Scandriglia - it really was a "one foot in front of another" day. I saw two separate pilgrim couples as I was walking, the second couple was from the Netherlands, I have a Slavic pilgrim staying with me in my accommodation and I met a French and German pilgrim at the bar tonight - all going to Rome. As it's Monday, the restaurant is closed; luckily, I can get a meal at the bar - I'm so grateful. I simply do not have the energy to cook! I don't even feel like eating, but I know I have to.Read more

    • Day 53

      Santa Cittarama ... und wieder Zuhause!

      June 15, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Dienstag, 13. Juni
      Die letzten beiden Tage vor unserer Heimkehr nach Engelberg besuchen wir Thabea, die vorübergehend als Gast und Helferin bei einer buddhistischen Gemeinschaft in der Nähe von Rom mitlebt.

      Dienstagvormittag fahren wir mit dem Zug von Neapel nach Rom und von dort mit einem Mietauto eine Stunde lang nach Santa Cittarama. Schön, unsere jüngste Tochter in die Arme zu schliessen und einen Moment an ihrem aktuellen Leben an diesem atmosphärischen Ort teilzuhaben.

      Am Abend dürfen wir an der "Puja" im Tempel teilnehmen. Ein Dutzend buddhistischer Mönche und eine grössere Gruppe Laien, vor allem thailändische Frauen, singen und meditieren eine Stunde lang. Heidi und ich lauschen fasziniert den Gesängen und geniessen den stillen meditativen Moment für uns.

      Mittwoch, 14. Juni
      Wir übernachten im nahe gelegenen B&B da Odila, das einsam auf einem Hügel thront. Der Blick beim Frühstück ist atemberaubend. Ein Paradies!

      Zum Mittagessen sind wir in Santa Cittarama eingeladen. Nach einem besinnlichen Moment im Tempel und dem Besuch eines hochangesehenen 89-jährigen Meisters und Lehrers werden wir mit thailändischem Essen verwöhnt. Gendergerecht helfen Thabea und Heidi danach beim Abwasch während ich mein Mittagsschläfchen halte!🤣

      Beim nachmittäglichen Spaziergang durch die benachbarten Wälder werden wir verregnet und ein gewaltiger Blitz erschreckt uns. Wow, der ist irgendwo in der Nähe eingeschlagen! Am Abend nehmen wir nochmals an der "Puja" teil, bevor es heisst von Thabea Abschied zu nehmen. Wir haben es genossen und geschätzt, die kurze Zeit zusammen.

      Donnerstag, 15. Juni
      Ein letztes Frühstück mit Ausblick. Dann fahren wir rechtzeitig Richtung Rom los, damit wir keinen zeitlichen Stress bekommen. Man weiss ja nie mit dem Verkehr! Nach dem Suchen des Rückgabeortes für unseren Mietwagen und einer nervenaufreibenden Odyssee - Andreas hat sein Handy im Mietwagen liegen gelassen, zurückgerannt und mit einigem Glück wiedererhalten - sitzen wir 5 Minuten vor Zugsabfahrt im Hochgeschwindigkeitszug Frecciarossa Richtung Mailand. Uff, geschafft und geschafft!🙈

      Mit dem heutigen Tag geht meine fast 8-wöchige Reise zu Ende. Es war ein besonderes Geschenk für mich, das alleine Unterwegssein auf Sizilien und die Zeit zusammen mit Heidi auf den Liparischen Inseln. Wir freuen uns beide aufs heimkommen und das Wiedersehen mit unseren Lieben! Und - nach der Reise ist ja immer wieder vor der Reise!😉
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    • Day 5

      Day 5: Ponticelli di Scandriglia to Pogg

      June 18, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      I left at 6:10 a.m. in an attempt to beat the heat as 36° was forecast for today. The good news is that it was 33° when I finished my walk (21.70 km), and I didn't really get drenched in sweat until the last, now familiar, steep climb into Poggio San Lorenzo, my destination, under the blazing sun. The walk today was brilliant, and there was a lot of shade - absolute heaven. The terrain here in Lazio is hill, upon hill - all which seem to have a village or town on top. This means that there are a lot of descents and ascents - which is fine as the Way, so far, is going through a lot of woodland and is beautiful. Oh, and before I forget; the waymarkers are terrific. I know that if I haven't seen one in a while, I must be off track - which happened yesterday (of course).Read more

    • Day 21

      Day 20 Rome

      September 19, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      We remembered our breakfast this morning and were having croissants and Trish a cappuccino at 8am. After Trish escorted an elderly lady across the road, we were on our way walking to the Pantheon. Part way we decided that a bus was a better option.

      Pantheon was massive from the outside. But a really long queue for tickets. But right next door we found a really cool store called Legami, and we got a bit carried away buying some cool gadgets there. The store had only opened on Saturday. We took a few more pics and then headed for Piazza Nervona. It was a shame that the fountains were roped off, maybe to stop people from jumping in. There were a lot of people around today, and sooooo many tours with tired hot people following each other around. Very pleased that was not us!

      We tried some truffle sauces in a shop which was right next door to the cannabis shop which we didn’t try. Had yummy ice creams at a shop with 150 flavours which took us a while to choose. I had pistachio and pomegranate while Trish had Whiskey chocolate and blueberry. Rather nice and great to have a toilet there. Public toilets are a lot less available in Rome than we have been used to, and we have been drinking a lot of water.

      When we got to Trevi Fountain google maps said it was a busy as it gets and that was pretty busy. The colour was wonderful on such a sunny day and it is always good to see that.

      Time for some food by then, and we shared a really nice pizza and bruschetta in a restaurant with aircon. I was told off for removing my shoes tho, it wasn’t a crocs day. Next stop was the Spanish steps, and we found some roasted chestnuts on the way which we tried and they were just ok. The steps were not as large as either of us expected. Police were around to ensure that no one sat on the steps, or took ice creams up there. Some people were quite indignant to be told that they couldn’t.

      We were quite a long way away from our accomodation by this stage, but both feeling hot and sick of the many many people. So we caught a taxi back which was 13 euros and well worth it. Spent a few hours reading books that were available in the Airbnb (Sophie Kinsella), packing and we had a nice salad for tea using up the contents of the fridge.

      Off to Florence early tomorrow morning. Might need a bag for wet washing again, and will hopefully be successful in getting a taxi from here.

      14, 029 steps and 31 degrees.
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    • Day 6

      Day 6: Poggio San Lorenzo to Rieti

      June 19, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      There were so many great things about the walk (23.74 km) today: I was able to leave early (around 6:20 a.m.) in an attempt to beat the heat (the forecast was for 32°); the Way was a good ratio of sealed and unsealed walking - through a lot of trees (my favourite) and after the initial steep climb and descent it was along fairly flat terrain; the clouds came over about 10 o'clock which really made the day feel so much cooler (it was 29° at midday and I was drinking coffee outside and not even breaking a sweat); and there was no steep climb into Rieti! I am very grateful for a wonderful walk today.Read more

    • Day 5

      Camping da Antonio

      September 5, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Das sind die Momente einer Rallye.
      Ein Platz an der Strecke, gebucht von unterwegs.
      Antonio spricht sowas wie italienisch, vielleicht auch irgendeinen Dialekt.

      Sein Restaurant hat nicht offen, er hat uns aber angeboten Pizza zu holen.

      Dazu dann Rotwein und als Hommage an die Knights of the Island gab es Tennent‘s Stong.

      Weiter gehts in Richtung Neapel.
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    • Day 7

      Day 7: Rieti to Boggio Bustone

      June 20, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      The good news for me was that the temperature only reached 32° by the time I got to my accommodation. The other really good news about the heat is that my things dry very quickly. I'm sharing a house tonight with Wendy from Holland - of course, she is walking to Rome. Boggio Bustone is perched on a mountain side (825m). If it wasn't for the heat haze, I think I would be able to see Rieti; the valley is spread out below me. The walk today (20.13 km) was incredibly picturesque; I took so many photos. I felt a strong connection with Saint Francis today as I was able to visit and walk through Santuario della Foresta. It was serene and peaceful, and you could really imagine the monks working and praying there in days gone by. Our host is bringing us dinner tonight; I am very grateful as I'd rather stay in the cool house than wander around anywhere.Read more

    • Day 9

      Day 9: Piediluco- rest day

      June 22, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      I woke this morning to a beautiful blue sky and, as a real bonus, I felt cool! What bliss! I've now arrived in Umbria, which I've heard wonderful things about, and I can't wait to see more of the region. Piediluco is the site of the national rowing centre, and I saw some serious rowing in action today. The town is quite small and centred around the lake. It's also a holiday destination with boats, fishing and swimming. There are ducks and geese in the park on the shoreline, and the community has put a lot of effort into making the narrow lane ways attractive. I have had a wonderfully relaxing day, and I'm ready to set off tomorrow with anticipation.Read more

    • Day 8

      Day 8: Boggio Bustone to Piediluco

      June 21, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

      I know you're probably sick of me talking about the heat - I can't help it; it's really having a high impact on me (34° today). The walk today (22.5 km) was, as I'm coming to expect, tree lined, mountainous, and offering views (I'd be able to show you if not for the heat haze), that are incredibly far-reaching. During the walk, I needed to climb up a meadow where the path kept disappearing. I was scratched, bleeding, and covered in plant life, so I stopped to clear the debris off me, only to be swamped by biting flies! After about three minutes of stomping to get them off my legs, I lost my temper and had a little fit, which set off the emergency alarm in my watch (it automatically emails my family)! Not long after that, I came to Al Foggio (a Saint Francis church) and was able to centre myself and feel the calm and peace. On the other side of the mountain (over 1000m), I met a couple of Australians from Adelaide, Pam, and Paul; they started in Florence and are on their way to Rome.Read more

    • Day 11

      Bergdorf und Wasserfall

      April 9, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 7 °C

      Nach nur 20 km erreichen wir das nächste spektakuläre Dörfchen Civita di Bagnoregio, ein Ort wie aus einer anderen Zeit. Spektakulär ist schon der Fußweg zu dieser Altstadt. Lediglich durch eine Fußgängerbrücke zugänglich wird der Ort nur von wenigen Menschen bewohnt. Dieser Ort diente schon mehrmals als Filmkulisse, wie z. B. 2008 für den Film Pinocchio. Doch auch ein Blick auf die umliegenden Tuff-Felsen lohnt sich.
      Von hier aus fahren wir weiter Richtung Abruzzen bis hinter die Stadt Terni. Hier wollen wir uns unbedingt den dreiteiligen künstlich angelegten Wasserfall Cascata delle Marmore anschauen. Dieser wurde im Jahre 271 v. Chr. von dem römischen Konsul Manilius Curius Dentato im Zusammenhang mit einem groß angelegten Projekt zur Trockenlegung geplant. Die Kalkablagerungen des Wassers des Flusses Velino verhinderten den Zufluss zum Nera und verursachten so häufig Versumpfungen. Es wurde ein Kanal ausgehoben, der dazu führte, dass der Wasserlauf vom höchsten Punkt der Marmore ins Tal stürzte. Das Wasser des Flusses Velino überwindet einen gesamten Höhenunterschied von ca. 165 Metern und ist der höchste künstlich angelegte Wasserfall der Welt.
      Da dieser auch heute noch zur Stromerzeugung dient, werden nur zu bestimmten Tagezeiten seine Schleusen geöffnet. Da wir Ostersonntag hier sind, stürzt das Wasser den ganzen Tag hinunter und wird erst um 18 Uhr abgestellt.
      Das waren heute zwei ganz unterschiedliche beeindruckende Erlebnisse.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Provincia di Rieti, Rieti

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