Day 1: Echevennoz to Aosta

I had the most delicious meal last night in the trattoria a few steps from my accommodation. The meal was cooked by my host Erik's parents. I ate my plentiful and also delicious breakfast to theRead more
I had the most delicious meal last night in the trattoria a few steps from my accommodation. The meal was cooked by my host Erik's parents. I ate my plentiful and also delicious breakfast to theRead more
The obligatory meal at Pizzeria El Paso after a hellish crossing of the Monte Bianco tunnel where there was a two-hour delay 🏔️🚘🚇. The Monte Bianco glacier has retreated so much in recentRead more
Super Apartment, welches auf einem Berg oberhalb von Aosta thront. Wahnsinns Ausblick auf das Aostatal und die Berge der Alpen.
Geniale! Un marinaio ha una nave come scarpa.
Sembra strano ma il ponte romano non sovrasta alcun fiume. Bè, ci scordiamo spesso che il letto di un fiume è di solito meno fisso del nostro🤣😅😂
📦 Tradizionale
You might also know this place by the following names:
Saint-Christophe, Сен-Крыстоф, Сен Кристоф, Սեն Քրիստոֆ, サン=クリストフ, Сен-Кристоф, 사인트크리스토페, Fanum Sancti Christophori Augustensium, سینٹ-کروسٹوفے، اوستا ویلی, 圣克里斯托费
Traveler Sounds like a terrific first day. Enjoy your travels
Carmel Carlsen It was. I'm tired but happy
Traveler Fantastic photos Carmel, just looks a bit cold.🥰
Carmel Carlsen It's cold in the morning, and the wind is brisk. But you heat up as you walk and the sun is surprisingly warm.