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    • Day 4


      July 28, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Snelle update aan foto's van de reis. Verwacht zeker niet te veel

      Vandaag laatste dag in Bologna, morgen rijden we naar Baddalucco. Bologna is een supermooie stad, het ene mooie gebouw na het andere, ongerept en overal. Meer nog dan in Florence bijvoorbeeld. Weinig toeristen, zeker als je dat vergelijkt met Rome. Maar heel veel Italianen, altijd mooi gekleed, schitterend om naar te kijken ze eten en drinken en praten de hele dag en nacht, zo lijkt het.
      We hebben een ritme gevonden hier, hebbbijna alle kerken gezien, gister de doodenge torens beklommen, door de verschillende wijken gelopen en bolognees gegeten. Vandaag staat nog een museum op de planning en dan kunnen we het hier afsluiten.
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    • Day 4

      San Lazarro

      January 23 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

      Wir haben entschieden es heute ruhiger angehen zu lassen und wollen Bologna erst Morgen unseren Besuch abstatten.
      Zuerst soll es heute zu einem Waschplatz für Autos gehen, den wir gestern in der Nähe gesehen haben. Aber allererst stehen ein paar teure Einkäufe auf der Liste. Italien war auch mal billiger. 🤢

      Die lackierte Front und der schwarze Kunststoff ist voller Salz, welches wir uns auf der langen Strecke hierher, eingefangen haben. Das ist nicht gut auf Dauer und daher geht es dem Salz an den Kragen.

      Ein paar Münzen später ist das Womo wieder einigermaßen vorzeigbar.

      Wir benötigen zudem auch noch Trinkwasser, welches wir uns auf einem Stellplatz holen wollen.
      Gabi nennt einen Platz und gibt ihm ins Navi ein. Leider ist er 13km entfernt, aber so soll es sein.

      Es gibt dort (noch) kein Wasser, da die meisten Wasserstellen noch abgedreht sind , wegen des kalten Wetters. Der Weg war umsonst.😐 Das ist das Campers weiß nie was man bekommt. 😏

      Wir fahren über die Mautobahn 😂 zu einer Tankstelle mit Wasseranschluss und siehe da, wir haben Glück.
      Wir Tanken voll und es geht weiter nach San Lazarro. Dort wollen wir parken und Morgen mit dem Zug nach Bologna reinfahren.

      Es sind 14 Grad in der ☀️ und wir machen dort noch einen kleinen Spaziergang mit den kleinen Kläffern.
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    • Day 67

      Bologna Day 5 Faenza, Brisighella

      November 16, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

      When asked by an Italian we met, why we were in Bologna for 5 days, we said so that we could do a day trip to Brisighella. His response was, "Mama Mia, why Brisighella? Nothing to do there!"
      We took a train to Faenza where we had to change to a bus to Brisighella. As Faenza had a market this morning, we stopped for coffee and a poke around. We bought a Christmas tablecloth there.
      Brisighella is a lovely tiny mediaeval town overlooked by castle, a tower and a church. We climbed up to the castle, but could not find a route through the windy web-like mediaeval streets to the tower. We must have walked the town streets many times over, looking for that route as we kept coming into laneways and buildings that looked familiar. We did have a delicious lunch of seafood entre and rabbit stew.

      Dinner was at a Japanese restaurant called NIU taste different. Food was very fine and very good Japanese.

      Distance walked 21 km
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    • Day 65

      Vale Tinesh

      November 14, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      We had some very sad news this morning whilst we were at the Pinotecca (art gallery). There was a fatal accident which saw Perth's first fatality of a paramedic whilst on duty. Tinesh was a senior at Murdoch College whilst our girls were there. He used to run Spice Express in Myaree, and was always cheerful even at the busiest times and with the worst customers. Kai remembers him as a very kind, generous and thoughtful boss. He would always put aside Ruby's favourite dishes for Kai to take home at the end of her work day and Indian rojak for Kai.
      Tinesh is one of those precious people who leaves special impressions even though the interactions are infrequent and brief.
      The world will be much impoverished without Tinesh.
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    • Day 2

      Una lunga giornata

      November 1, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Lasciamo la pieve con lo scuro della notte. Salutiamo Aragor, il cane che durante la notte ha fatto la guardia alle nostre bici e partiamo per Bologna. La tappa su carta si dimostrava lunga quindi eravamo già mentalmente pronti a sopportare le fatiche del secondo giorno di viaggio a lungo. Affrontiamo il nostro primo passo toccando quota 900mt. Scavalchiamo l'Appennino avvolti da un denso strato di nubi, il freddo si fa sentire, non facciamo altro che pensare che il freddo, quello vero, deve sempre venire e con lui tutta la neve che prenderemo. Comincia la discesa, i boschi della riserva dell'acquerino ci rubano lo sguardo, ammaliandoci con i suoi colori autunnali contornati da ruscelli che con il loro scorrere creano un atmosfera musicale di assoluto relax. Scendiamo lentamente per diversi chilometri, abbandoniamo la coltre di nubi lasciandoci così spaziare con lo sguardo sui paesaggi vicini. Tanti sali e scendi rendono la marcia irregolare ma la meta è ancora lontana per questo decidiamo di aumentare il passo. Arriviamo a buio quasi completo a Bologna dove per nostra fortuna, un nostro splendido contatto era lì ad aspettarci poiché la ricerca di un posto dove campeggiare avrebbe dovuto farci impiegare forze che al momento non avevamo. Chiudiamo la giornata con 90km e 1100mt di dislivello.Read more

    • Day 4

      Das wunderschöne Bologna erkunden

      May 15, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Auf dem Weg von der Basilika zum Turm konnten wir noch einige Eindrücke von der wunderschönen Stadt Bologna gewinnen. Bereits hier war uns klar, wir werden wieder kommen. Einerseits, weil es uns sehr gut gefällt und andererseits, unendlich viel Zeit hatten um diese wunderschöne Stadt mehr zu erkunden. Nachdem für den Turm circa 20-30 Minuten geplant waren, hatten wir anschließend noch gut eine halbe Stunde Zeit, um den Stadtkern näher zu erkunden. Uns war natürlich bewusst, dass das nicht ganz genügen wird. Das Parkticket war jedoch bezahlt, und der Rückweg war nicht unbedingt kurz. Schon beim Weg zum Turm hat uns die Stadt sehr gut gefallen und auch im Anschluss war der Eindruck noch positiver. Die Kombination aus wunderschönen Häusern, Arkadengängen und vielen Sehenswürdigkeiten hat es uns angetan. Wir sind jetzt schon sicher, irgendwann werden wir wiederkommen und dann auch gerne für zwei Übernachtungen, um möglichst viel von der Stadt zu erkunden. Die Stimmung in der Stadt ist sehr schön, es gibt viel zu sehen und sie ist nicht ganz so überlaufen wie z.B. Pisa oder Florenz.Read more

    • Day 66

      Bologna Day 4 Palazzo Pepoli

      November 15, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

      Our ticket to the Pinotecca yesterday included a visit to the 17th century Palazzo Pepoli Campogrande, with frescoes by Giuseppe Maria Crespi and Donato Creti. It also houses the collection of paintings that the Zambeccari senatorial family collected during the 18th century.

      It is always a privilege to have the gallery to ourselves. We had an addition recommendation by the check ticket lady, to see the Oratorio de San Cecilia that was a bonus because at the Oratorio, a official lady took to Ruby and explained the beautiful frescoes and instructed her as to which order to look.

      We also did a free walking tour and learnt that Bologna was like Venice and had lots of canals that are covered up now. Also, Bologna is in the Guinness book of records for the most Portico city. From memory, it was around 43km of porticoes, and that is increasing as new ones are added.

      We saw the big Basilica that is half finished because it was built without the pope's permission. When the pope visited a year later, he stopped work on it. It has only been recognised by the Catholic See in 2020.

      After walking around Bologna today, Ruby was feeling rather unwell. She complained of headache, dizziness and even nausea. It did not stop her finishing all her polenta lunch, but I knew she wasn't well when she did not want any dessert. We think it's from secondary inhalation of all the alternative substances smoked. Probably not helped by the large number of youths around with Bologna being a university town. She was most disappointed that she did not experience any happy high, just awful symptoms. In January this year, on a hike in Albany, Ruby stopped for a 10-15 minute chat with a fellow hiker who held a smoke behind his back the whole time. When she caught up with me after, she complained of being dizzy and had to sit down for a while, and giggled . We realised then that he was smoking pot and that was what he was holding behind his back. No giggles this time.

      After apertivo with a plate of local cold cuts, cheese and bread, we were too full for dinner.

      Distance walked 17.2 km
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    • Day 1

      Unsere luxeriöse Unterkunft

      August 1, 2021 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

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      Im Gegensatz zu gestern, als in Deutschland, Österreich und Italien Stau ohne Ende gewesen ist, sind wir heute extrem gut durchgekommen. Nur vor der Mautstation Sterzing in Österreich hatten wir eine halbe Stunde Wartezeit, ansonsten ohne Stau gut durchgekommen.Read more

    • Day 27

      Evento internations con Daniellita

      September 16, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      En el evento de celebración por los 16 años de Internations. En el Giardino Margherita, Hermoso parque.

    • Day 29

      Santo Stefano, Bologna

      March 31, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      The St. Stephan complex in Bologna is sometimes called the 7 churches. Legend has it that the 1st church was built over a temple to Isis.
      The 1st picture is from the front of the buildings. Everything except the building at the left edge is part of the complex. The 2nd picture is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre that dates to the 5th century and is intended to be a copy of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem (see another post).
      The next 3 pictures are at various places in the complex, dating from at least the 5th century and perhaps earlier.
      The next last picture is in the cloister with it's historic well. The last picture is a small bit of the museum showing some of what's preserved here.
      I found this place fascinating with it's many eras of architecture.
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