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    • Day 2

      Day one is done

      May 21, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      It’s only been a day?? Day one felt like an endless loop of exhaustion, adrenaline, and more exhaustion. Haha Crazy to think we started this morning having a cappuccino in Amsterdam and ended it by going to dinner on the water in Sorrento. We are quite sleep deprived, getting our rest in every which way possible(check photos). We made the most of it though, enjoyed dinner at Restorante Ruccio with kitties at our feet and a very generous courtesy ride from our new friend “papa” (he worked at the restaurant). And yes , yes we of course got gelato from papa’s daughter, Alessandra. It was splendid!! Goodnight from tre Donne Italia💟🇮🇹Read more

    • Day 25

      Day Twenty-Five: Sorrento

      April 9, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Even without partying, both Ethan and I were so tired. I tried my best, and I did get to sleep for a little bit, which is nice. Another long bus ride. I have never listened to so much music. But it's nice to jam and just relax to some awesome views. And holy seeing Sorrento for the first time was crazy. It is just a city built right up to a cliff over the ocean. I guess i really have a think for cliff side cities ahah. This time we actually got to stop at the hostel before going out. I was just chilling on my phone but actually just passed out and had a quick power nap. This sickness has been kicking my ass. But we met up with some guys and went to the coast just to check it out, and Sorrento is built literally right up to the edge, I'm surprised no buildings have collapsed into the ocean. Also, the water was super clear and blue; I was thinking, and I believe this is the first place I've been to that has really clear water. But dinner was a good find, we went to this random Italian place and it was nice and quiet; mostly because we were eating at 6:30 and 8:00 like everyone else. But we split a bottle of wine and had some nice pasta. I had this lemon cream one with shrimp. Very good. Fun fact about cream sauce here authentic cream sauce has no cream, it's cheese and pasta water. Afterward, we just headed back and passed out again. The sickness just doesn't stop.Read more

    • Day 19


      October 30, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Petit dej, check out, on laisse nos sacs à l’auberge et c’est parti pour la visite de Sorrente. On se balade dans les rues. Il y a plus de touristes qu’à Salerne, surtout dans une rue où il y a tous les magasins qui vendent du limoncello et d’autres souvenirs. On tombe sur une expo de photo, c’est cool ! On va voir la « Marina Grande ». Ça fait vraiment port de pêcheurs. Il n’est pas plein d’artifices pour les touristes.
      On mange un panini au centre-ville puis on va voir la cour intérieure du couvent St Francis et surtout la vue sur la mer qu’il y a à côté. À défaut d’avoir des grandes plages, il y a des pontons avec plein de transats. On va ensuite voir la « Vallée du Moulin ». En pleine ville, il y a une ruine de moulin à eau dans une vallée verdoyante. Ça dénote. On rentre à l’auberge prendre nos sacs et on repart à la gare. On prend un train style RER pour aller jusqu’à Pompéi. On arrive à notre logement à 17h15. Je râle, leur présentation booking est mal faite, ils ont écrit qu’il y avait une cuisine mais on a juste une cafetière, une bouilloire et un micro-ondes… On passe la soirée à la chambre avec notre super soupe chinoise achetée à l’épicerie du coin.
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    • Day 5

      TGV, Pompeii (WOW), Sorrento and pizza

      April 25, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Leaving Rome bright and early, we caught the TGV to Naples (1 hour 15 min), and then were driven to Pompeii. Had a two hour tour with Maria, and all the cannibals (her description of the locals who were out and about because it’s Liberation Day). This was a wow for me. Such advanced infrastructure-pipes (albeit lead), and organization. Ended up in Sorrento at a stunning hotel with colourful tiles everywhere - this is the Land of colours (and citrus fruit). And more pizza.Read more

    • Day 7

      Sorrento and driving the Amalfi coast

      April 27, 2024 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      We met our driver Francesco and guide Rosa outside the hotel at 8:30 AM to drive from Sorrento to Positano, Amalfi, and ending up at Ravello. This drive from start to finish should have taken about two hours. Keep in mind, this is actually the start of busy season so it’s still relatively quiet. We got to Positano in normal time, and it’s super cute but just loaded with tourist shops and tourists. We did touch the Mediterranean so that’s a first. And we hopped back in the car to drive to Amalfi, which instead of taking 20 minutes, took 2 1/2 hours for no good reason. So we skipped getting out in Amalfi and drove on to Ravello, where we had some tickets to see a villa and we had lunch. Lunch and Lemoncello spritz were likely the highlight of the trip because lunch was lemon ravioli. YUM. The trip Back was through the mountains as we opted to not return to Amalfi. The one and a half hour drive then took 2 1/2 hours for no good reason. We rolled into Sorrento and our hotel at about 7:30 PM. Reservations at Baigni Delfino at 830 originally seems way too late but the timing worked perfectly. This meal was possibly the best so far !Read more

    • Day 7

      Jour 6 : Sorrento

      August 9, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Bonjour la compagnie, ici Marion aux commandes.
      Aujourd'hui, petite matinée chill. On a fait la rencontre d'un catto super mimi.😺
      Le midi nous sommes partis pour Sorrento !
      Nous avons mangé les meilleures pizzas du monde.🫠
      Ensuite nous avons visité la ville et nous avons recherché des chaussures pour Léon le va-nu-pieds... Nous avons aussi assisté à un mariage. Livio s'est retrouvé au palais de l'ébénisterie.
      Ensuite nous avons encore fait 2 équipes :
      Une composée de Suzon et Léon qui ont bu un petit verre en terrasse.
      Et les autres sont partis dans une super crique où on a pu sauter et faire plouf dans l'eau.🐳
      Le soir nous sommes allés faire la fête dans un petit bar à côté du camping. Et ce qu'il paraît, le limoncello avait l'air bon.🍋

      PS : J'ai des amis en carton, ils m'ont oublié au resto et sont partis sans moi...😔
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    • Day 40

      Sorrent - Die Stadt der Meerjungfrauen

      June 8, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Bevor wir die Amalfiküste erforschen, entschieden wir uns heute für einen Abstecher in Sorrent, um einen letzten Blick über den Golf von Neapel zu werfen. Es heißt Sorrent und die Sorrento-Küste waren das Land der mythischen Sirenen, die die Seeleute mit ihrem Gesang lockten. Die Stadt zählt zu den schönsten Küstenorten Italiens und wir können dem nur zustimmen.Read more

    • Day 28

      To Sorrento

      September 30, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      We had our high speed train and then the reality of a regional one! Like night and day!! The first regional that we planned to get on - we wouldn’t if we could - it was so sardined and we’d decided if the next wasn’t any better we’d pay for a better class train and go drink Aperol Spritz and wait! We got lucky - and a little wiser at where to place ourselves. It was not a flash train but got us there.
      Our apartment looks out to Naples and Mt Vesuvius. Pretty nice. Good to have a few days here. A wander and a plan made - a trip on a boat to Capri booked for next day and another to Positano and Amalfi for the following day. The next day - chill.
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    • Day 31


      October 3, 2024 in Italy ⋅ 🌬 23 °C

      We expect a rainy day but it didn’t happen. A quiet day around town and a nice lunch
      This region is the big lemon grove area. They’re even I. The middle of town. Shops are bursting with all the lemon paraphernalia.
      Dinner in and pack ready for a very early start - 2 trains, probably 3 and a plane to Dubrovnik.
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    • Day 8

      Lördag 20/5 Sorrento

      May 20, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Vi vaknade upp till ett regnigt Sorrento och klädde på oss ordentligt redan till frukosten. Pia anförde oss under exkursionen av Sorrento.

      Sorrento har Italiens vackraste kuststräcka som dessutom är klassad som världsarv av UNESCO. Staden har c:a 16.000 invånare.

      Det hade slutat regna när vi gav oss iväg.

      Vi låg på redden så det var tenderbåt in till kajen som gällde. Sorrento ligger en trappa upp, högt uppe på klippan så vi tog hissen upp till stan.

      Vi passerade en kyrka där det förbereddes för ett bröllop och när vi först passerade kyrkan klockan 10:40 så var många av gästerna redan samlade. När vi sedan gick tillbaka till båten, klockan 12:40 var vigseln ännu inte avslutad.

      Det fanns givetvis de vanliga gränderna där det såldes allehanda varor. Mycket med citroner: Limoncello, förkläden, keramik mm. Här fanns nästan inga inkastare så man kunde drista sig att stanna och titta på sådant som var intressant utan att bli

      Även om det var mulet så var det varmt och jag ångrade mitt klädval med jeans och jacka.

      Pia hade ordnat så att vi fick göra ett besök på bryggan och träffa den finske men svensktalande kaptenen. Vi var där när det var dags att lägga ut och till vår ära gjorde kaptenen en 360 graders sväng, ’a full donut’, innan vi anträdde resan till nästa mål.

      Den sedvanliga underhållningen efter vår middag var återigen den jobbiga stand-up-artisten så vi lyssnade på honom i sådär 5 minuter innan vi gick därifrån.

      Kvällens disko var en timme med bara ABBA-låtar. Pia var uppe på dansgolvet hela tiden vi var där medan vi andra gjorde små inhopp där.
      Det blir nog inte fler disco under resan.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Sorrento, Sorrent, Sorrente, סורנטו, सोरेन्टो, RRO, ソレント, Surriento, Сорренто

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