Spiaggia Fornillo

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    • Day 20

      Path of the Gods & Italian Kindness

      September 6, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      We have a list of ~30 questions we ask the boys to answer for each country, which includes “share one act of kindness you experienced in this country.” As we flew from Naples, Italy to Heraklion, Crete, we all unanimously agreed that the most impactful act of kindness happened on the Path of the Gods.

      For our last full day in Italy, we scrapped the idea of going to Capri in favor of doing the Path of the Gods. The 8km trail begins in Bomerano and descends about 500 meters into Positano. It’s stunningly gorgeous and while it’s not that difficult, there are quite a few places that made the over-protective parent in me very nervous as the boys rock hopped precariously close to a 500m drop to the sea.

      Getting to Bomerano proved to be more challenging on public transit than we expected. What would have been a 5 hour walk, required 2.5hrs of one train and two buses, one of which takes over an hour on hairpin turn roads and is usually standing room only. Due to some delays and our inability to fully understand Italian road signs, we arrived at the trailhead about two hours later than planned and all a little hangry, so we stopped for lunch in Bomerano before heading out.

      Esp. for those who have hiked with me, you may know I’m a bit of a water nazi. We usually have 100oz of water for a short hike in the blue hills, as well as some snacks, a headlamp & pocket knife…just in case! However, given the delay and eating lunch, we forgot to refill our water bladder and started the trail with only ~75oz instead of the 150oz as planned. We had been told there were numerous water stops along the trail, which turned out to be true at the beginning, when we weren’t thinking about water, but not true after the halfway mark, when we were.

      About 45 minutes from Positano, we got to the point where Rob and I stopped drinking and started monitoring the boys’ intake. An Italian couple heading in the other direction overhead us discussing water and very generously insisted on giving us one of their extra water bottles. We were all very grateful for the extra water and each downed two full water bottles when we arrived. Despite being a bit thirsty, it was one of the most beautiful hikes we had ever done and that Italian couple’s generosity will stay with us for a long time!
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    • Day 98


      July 5, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Another nice sleep in and relaxing morning! We decided to venture to Positano today. We travelled foot falcon down to Amalfi town, bloody beautiful walk! We got to take in the scenery without the stress of the bus.

      📍 Ferry to Positano - this was such a pretty way to go between the towns. You could see from the ferry how grand the Amalfi coast is - the cliffs are huge! We could even see our air bnb, it was the highest house that we could see from the water 🤣

      📍 Positano - the view arriving here was breathtaking! We walked around the town which was really cute, very busy but felt calmer than Amalfi town. There were more boutique shops and less of the tourist ones. Delicious sangas for lunch from Lulu Capprici.

      📍 Spiaggia Fanillo - we found a cute little quiet beach about 15 minutes walk from the main one. So much nicer and beautiful water. We swam here for an hour before heading back to Amalfi on the ferry.

      📍 Dinner @ Lo Smeraldino which was on the waterfront. Such a cute place with delicious pizzas!

      Set off on the walk back to the air bnb! 50 minutes uphill with some crazy steep stair climbs, safe to say we worked off our pizza! Still better than the bus 🤣

      Amazing day today, super glad we went to Positano!
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    • Day 5


      October 11, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Ein paar Tage blieben wir in Positano, zum Glück am kleinen Nebenstand, der Spiagga de Fornilla.
      Der Ort war ab 10 Uhr, sobald die Tagestouristen einfielen, furchtbar. Ein wunderschöner Ort, der leider vom Tourismus überrollt wird.Read more

    • Day 5

      Hotel Pupetto in Positano

      October 11, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Glück hatten wir mit dem Hotel Pupetto - unser Zimmer hatte Meerblick, am Nebenstrand gelegen, direkter Meerzugang, der Hauptort in ca. 10 Min über einen kleinen Weg mit Tunneln zu erreichen und auch die Küche samt Service hervorragend.Read more

    • Day 24

      Amalfiküste ❤️

      October 18, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Wir haben uns entschieden die Amalfiküste mit der Fähre zu erkunden. Nachdem wir auf einem super Parkplatz in Salerno die Nacht verbracht hatten, starteten wir unseren Tag mit einem italienischen Frühstück (Cornetto 🥐 und Espresso ☕). Danach ging es direkt zur Fähre! Von Salerno dauert die Fahrt nach Positano etwa 1 Stunde und 15 Minuten. Dort angekommen sind wir ein bisschen durch die Gassen geschlendert und haben ein paar Fotos geknipst. In ungefähr jedem Geschäft konnte man etwas mit Zitronen 🍋 kaufen. 😁 An der Amalfiküste ist es auf jeden Fall total schön aber man ist keinesfalls alleine dort. 😁😅 Gegen Mittag haben wir unsere Rückreise nach Salerno angetreten. Dort angekommen gab es erstmal Aubergine mit Parmesan als Vorspeise, Pasta als Hauptgericht und ein Espresso inklusive Tiramisu zum Nachtisch! 🫄

      Nun sind wir auf dem Weg weiter nach Norden und können morgen hoffentlich unseren letzten Strandtag für dieses Jahr genießen! Drückt uns bitte die Daumen! ❤️ Danke!
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    • Day 17

      Naples for Sorrento and Pompeii

      May 21 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Sorrento beach was cool...caught a lift down to it from the town above.
      Pompeii was so huge...the excavation takes so long with chipping away/around things with a tiny hammer... considering the whole city was buried!

      Craig was a trooper... pushing lady around in heat on cobbled paths...her daughter physically couldn't have done it.
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    • Day 26

      Day 26 - Positano Arrival!

      October 5, 2017 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Wow! Positano is stunning.

      After checking out of our bed and breakfast in Anacapri, we caught the (wrong) bus down to the Capri marina (followed by a taxi to the right place) to catch our quick 25 minute ferry to Positano on the Amalfi Coast. After we arrived at the Positano port, I saw our arrival message from our host, telling us to take a taxi or bus to the B&B. I looked the address up on Apple Maps and it said 0.3 miles, 7 minute walk...

      Tim gets a quick shot of espresso (bad idea!!) and we begin the walk (with about 30 pounds on our backs). Well...this 0.3 mile walk is essentially a hike up 400+ steep steps into a completely vertical cliff in the blazing sun. With no water. And without the phone navigation working, so I was pretty sure we were also lost. BUT...then we saw the B&B sign at our entrance...we made it!!

      Our awesome host gave us some water and let us settle in. This is the best place we have stayed by far. Our view of the cliffs and the buildings and the water is amazing. Of the 4 rooms in the B&B, ours is the only one with a private terrace. We also have a sitting area on the main terrace. The views are incredible.

      We caught our breath, changed into our bathing suits, and walked down the 400 (now easy) steps to the Fornillo beach. We had an awesome lunch on the beach, then got some chairs and an umbrella. I started a new book, Tim went for a quick swim, and we laid out in the sun for a couple of hours. We returned to our room to relax for awhile and to rinse off. Then we had some wine on our beautiful terrace and got ready for dinner. Our dinner was at a beautiful restaurant on the side of a cliff (as everything is here) - a bottle of Amalfi white wine, a pear and walnut salad to split, sea bass for Tim, and clam pumpkin ravioli for me, followed by tiramisu and decaf espresso. Amazing.

      Now, back to my book!! Goodnight!!
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    • Day 27

      Day 27 - Positano Beach Day

      October 6, 2017 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Today was a much needed relaxing beach day. After breakfast on the terrace, we climbed down to the beach. We got some chairs and laid out for about 6 hours. Tim went for a long swim, which included a small cave swim and jumping off of some rocks. I just read all day! We had an awesome lunch on the beach - mussels and clams for me and sea bass for Tim! After the beach, we hiked back up to our room for a few hours of more relaxing, this time in bed with the beautiful views of the cliffside outside our terrace. We finished the day with a wonderful dinner - prosciutto and melon to start, spaghetti with clams for Tim, spaghetti with shrimp for me, and tiramisu for dessert! Yum!Read more

    • Day 28

      Day 28 - Path of the Gods (for Tim)

      October 7, 2017 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      Today was a fairly uneventful and relaxing day for me. I woke up, had breakfast, walked the long windy road through Positano, checked out the city center and shops, then laid out on a chair at the main beach and read my book for awhile. Then I got a sandwich at a cafe overlooking the sea and headed back to the B&B for a nap.

      Tim, on the other hand, had a very long and eventful day. He woke up, had breakfast, and set off for the famous Path of the Gods hike through the Amalfi Coast. It took a few hours, lots of walking, and two crazy bus rides to get to the start in Bomerano. He met a couple of friends and they set off for the 8 km or so walk. He said it was definitely the coolest hike he has ever done and that the views were amazing. The hike ends at Nocelle, a small town at the top of Positano, and then he walked the long road back home.

      (The walk is apparently not for anyone with severe fear of heights or vertigo...that's why I didn't go. I went back and forth for months whether I was going to do it. But I'm glad I didn't. Tim said there were definitely parts where I would have panicked.)

      Even though Tim was exhausted, we went out for our last Positano dinner. We split a cheese and meat plate with jelly, lobster pasta, and grilled sea bass. Yum!
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    • Day 1

      Sorento - Positano

      July 17, 2022 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      Φθάσαμε στο ξενοδοχείο και είπαμε να πάμε για ένα γρήγορο φρεσκάρισμα αλλά τελικά πέσαμε για ύπνο😴.Σηκωθήκαμε γεμάτοι στην ενέργεια 4 ώρες μετά 🤥🥱🥴 και αποφασίσαμε να πάμε να δούμε το Positano.Σχετικά καλή κίνηση στον δρόμο που βέβαια οι ντόπιοι δεν σε αφήνουν λεπτό να χαλαρώσεις καθώς πετάγονται μέσα στην μέση του δρόμου χωρίς να χαμπαριάζουν τίποτα.ΑΠΙΣΤΕΥΤΗ η θέα όταν πλησιάζεις το Positano από πάνω οδηγικά.Αφήσαμε αυτοκίνητο και περιηγηθήκαμε στα στενά.Καθήσαμε για φαγητό σε γραφικό εστιατόριο και γευτήκαμε παπαρατες μακαρονάδες θαλασσινών καθώς και προσούτο με πεπόνι.Όλα αυτά με την συνοδεία ένας κόκκινου ντόπιου κρασιού🍷🍷🍷.Τοπ φαγητό μέχρι στιγμής.Κάναμε δοκιμαστικές πτήσεις με το drone και γυρίσαμε στο ξενοδοχείο για ξεκούραση.Αύριο πάμε για μπάνιο και φαγητό στο Positano 😎 και ίσως πάρουμε και μια πρώτη ιδέα από την Αμαλφι.Read more

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