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    • Day 4


      August 30, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Von Pompeii zum Vesuv sind es nur ca 7km. Wir haben auf 800m geparkt (einzige Parkmöglichkeit) und sind die letzten 3km zu Fuß gelaufen. Leider war die Sicht nicht so wie sie hätte sein können, aber es war trotzdem ein Erlebnis. Tickets müssen unbedingt vorab gekauft werden!Read more

    • Day 6


      August 23, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      After walking the ruins of Pompeii, we hoped back on the bus and began up the mountain to a beautiful restaurant and vineyard for lunch & wine tasting 🥰🍷 then hiked up the mountain of Vesuvius 🥵☀️🌋 33degrees todayRead more

    • Day 27

      Day 27 - Salerno (Sorrento), Italy

      November 8, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      We’ve been very fortunate in having been to a number of towns in this area before: Amalfi, Positano, Ravello, even a couple of days in Sorrento back in 2015. We’re doing our second and final Princess excursion that starts with a couple of hours to explore Sorrento…such a beautiful town. Our guide talked about living in the red and yellow zones as they relate to Mount Vesuvius which is considered an active volcano. The red zone is closest to Vesuvius and deemed most at risk from pyroclastic flows, eruption, and would be evacuated if an eruption starts. Next is the yellow zone with the potential to be affected by significant ash fall. Kinda scary but guess they’re similar situations in all parts of the world AND you just never know. This whole region, courtesy of its eruption, has extremely fertile land resulting in an over abundance of orange, lemon and olive trees. On arrival in Sorrento, it rained for the first hour but cleared up completely for the second. We walked up/down each of the 4 streets stemming from the center square. One took us towards the Bay of Naples, 1 towards a rock face and the other two to cruiser’s delight (although not us really), shopping. Having said that, a pair of light purple combat boots caught my eye and had they had my size…☹️. Back on the tour bus, quick trip into a limoncello factory (varieties had alcohol content of 18, 30 and 42%) and then on to our main event: wine tasting. We arrived at Cantina del Vesuvio, an organic winery started by the Russo family in 1930. They have 16 hectares of self sustainable soil, sitting at the bottom of Mount Vesuvius. Enjoyed a nice 3 course lunch with, I think but honestly I lost count, maybe 6 wine tastings. Was a great day! Back on the ship and our last night to swap adventures, cheers and dinner shenanigans with the Aussies. We’re so glad we met them so early in the trip. Exchanged contact info, sorrowful goodbyes and promised to stay in touch, particularly if we head out there way (debatable after ALL of the stories they told me about critters that kill…Jacqui gave us a card and on the envelope were her drawings of said creatures) OR they come our way.Read more

    • Day 3

      Am Fuße des Vesuv

      February 9, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Die Fahrt hat auch heute Spaß gemacht. Durch die schöne toskanische Landschaften, vorbei an pittoresken Dörfern und Städten, ging es bei wolkenlosem Himmel an Rom vorbei Richtung Neapel. Ich hatte mir kurz vor der Reise die italienische Variante des Landvergnügens besorgt und habe darüber diesen tollem Platz an einem Weingut direkt unterhalb des Vesuv gefunden. Mal sehen. Vielleicht bleibe ich hier 2, 3 Tage. Mit dem Roller bin ich hier ja flexibel, wenn das Wetter so bleibt.Read more

    • Day 252

      Terzigno - Mt Vesuvius

      December 11, 2017 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      When we woke up I had a headache so I didn't actually get up up til around 6pm lol

      Will went and got bread and we had sandwiches for dinner.

      We watched some episodes of Rick and Morty and then began packing.

      I have left my shoes which I'm sad about. I've grown quite attached.
      Both bags are bursting at the seams because we managed to stuff everything else in.
      Hopefully the Rakia doesn't break. 🤞🏼

      Photos from yesterday.
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    • Day 250

      Terzigno - Mt Vesuvius

      December 9, 2017 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Spoke to mum and dad In the early hours and hung up around 2am.

      I am going to start writing a list of things to talk about because I always draw a blank.

      Woke up to A Skype call from Jess to show us Edgar 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
      He snores.

      We lounged about then headed to the shop which thankfully was open but had no organizations.
      Oh I miss woolworths.

      We came back and watched Cars on the tv. Big fan.

      I then had a nap.

      Went out to the pizza place again for dinner (only option 😂) we got a kilo pizza ✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼 for yesterday's 2 pizzas and today's mammoth one plus 2 bottles of Pepsi - only 19€

      We watched the count of monte crisco and we are now in bed. Big walk tomorrow 😪
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    • Day 249


      December 8, 2017 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Checked out at 10 and walked to the station. We ate at some cafe thing before finding our train.
      4€ for the smallest blueberry muffin 😭
      The station was total mayhem. People everrrrywhere.
      We couldn't find an ATM either which was a little stressful because we had to pay cash on arrival - we left hoping there would be one in Naples.
      About a 3 hour journey. I slept. Lol. we have so much crap. We need to send things home.

      I fell down the stairs on the train. It really hurt. The person in front of me wasn't walking fast enough and I had so much weight behind me It pushed me down.
      Hurt my pinkie finger and ankle.
      I'm ok but.

      When we arrived our transfer guy wasn't there.
      Remain calm, Angharad.

      I found a wifi zone after a panic fueled run around and got told he would be 5 minutes late. Phew.
      Gave us time to get money out.

      Found the guy and he drove us to the house.

      Holy hell this part of Italy is a wreck!
      We saw mount Vesuvius so that was cool.

      The apartment is nice but we have already had some major dramas here. Italy has 2 types of powerpoints the whole apartment only has the type we can't use.

      Until we found the fridge had a secret one which ours fits into.

      We went out for food because we were starving but every single shop was shut.
      Not just food - EVERYTHING.


      Our hosts don't speak English or rather it's very minimal so it was so bloody difficult asking where we could eat.
      We had to wait until 8pm.


      I am so cranky about this place. It is not as advertised.
      5 minutes to Pompeii is what it says.
      Erm, it's 9km away and there is ZERO public transport. And again, hosts don't speak English.. can't ask for help..

      I wanted to see Herculaneum too but alas, all tours leave from Naples and despite their advertisement they are nowhere near bloody Naples.

      Our transfer here cost 40€ and the only way to get anywhere is to go back to Naples which we can't afford.
      It's 27km away.

      I AM SO CROSS.

      We are just going to have to walk 9km to the museum-y part and get a taxi home - If there are any.

      This place is a ghost town.
      It's like after the eruption in 1944 they didn't bother rebuilding.

      Super bummed.

      I had an anger nap lol then we went to get a pizza at the only place open.
      We tried to pay but they didn't have change and their card machine was just for show.. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

      They let us leave without paying and we are to go back tomorrow.


      Pizza was really good though.

      Oh another crappy thing - the shower had like a little of hot water before it becomes ice.


      Jess got her puppy - his name is Edgar and he is beautiful.

      More notes: S club 3 are releasing a song in 3 days (YAY)
      On our colosseum tour we saw the fattest dog in the world. It was a sausage dog and its stomach actually touched the ground.
      It wasn't pregnant. It had balls.

      More pics from yesterday.
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    • Day 159

      Entspannen und warten auf unseren Besuch

      February 16, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Der heutige Tag verlief total gemütlich und war geprägt von Vorfreude auf unsere Gäste. So starteten wir ganz langsam in den Tag. Nach Frühstück und Buch lesen auf dem Park4night-Platz der letzten Nacht suchten wir ein Cafe auf um einen Cappuccino zu trinken.

      Die einzige wirklich Aufgabe heute war Lebensmittel einzukaufen, was aber dank Leni's Einkaufsliste schneller ging als gedacht. Und so waren wir auch schon 14 Uhr an unserem Airbnb für die nächsten 3 Nächte. Wir stellten direkt eine Waschmaschine an und machten es uns gemütlich. Gegen 17 Uhr traffen dann auch Kerstin und Stefan ein.

      Wir holten uns gemeinsam ein paar Pizzen von der Pizzeria um die Ecke und verbrachten quatschend den Abend bis wir dann zeitig zu Bett gingen. Morgen geht es schon 5 Uhr aus den Betten.
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    • Day 40


      August 25, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Der Vesuv ist ein aktiver Vulkan direkt neben Neapel. Von oben hat man eine wunderschöne Aussicht auf die Stadt. Und auch der Blick in den Vulkan lohnt sich.

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