Landed in Venice

We finally arrived at the Venice airport at about five o clock. All of our bags made it this year! And the kids were amazing travelers. However this did not mean the trip was without the sweet soundsRead more
We finally arrived at the Venice airport at about five o clock. All of our bags made it this year! And the kids were amazing travelers. However this did not mean the trip was without the sweet soundsRead more
Started with a water taxi from Venice straight to the airport. Never arrived at an airport in a boat before. 👍
Business class seating was a bit interesting. 24 seats, 7 passengers, 1 person every 2Read more
Zügig geht es durch die Lagune zum Anleger des Flughafens, einen langen Gang entlang zum Check-In, Koffer aufgeben, warten auf die Sicherheitskontrolle, dann sind wir "drin".
Pünktlich fahren wirRead more
Zaradi goste megle in dežja smo poleteli z pol urno zamudo. Ker je bil to šele prvi let od treh, sva bila že na trnih, da bova prepozna za nasledji in potem vse ostale po vrsti.
Na kontroli soRead more
Naše Maldive smo rezervirali že avgusta in glede na domače pretrese do nedavno nismo vedeli,ali bomo potovanje lahko izpeljali ali ne..Pa se je dobro izšlo!
Odleteli smo iz Marca Pola in se za 20hRead more
We are having a great time in Venice before we board our ship on Tuesday. An over the top Italian meal/wine ending in a perfect dessert of a cannoli, gelato, and limoncello. Touring the beautifulRead more
Our Concierge gave us a tip about visiting the crowded Rialto Bridge area: The new department store located in the old post office had agreed to an open to the public rooftop terrace. It was anRead more
Up early and on the vaporetto before 7, luggage and all. Just missed the Aerobus — it was full anyway so waited for the next one that came at 7:40. After a milk run to the airport, arrived shortlyRead more
About to depart Marco Polo airport. See you all in France. Drinks trolley better get to us this time and definitely no oxygen masks. Got that T-shirt.
You might also know this place by the following names:
Venice Marco Polo Airport, Flughafen Venedig-Tessera, Aeropuerto Internacional Marco Polo, فرودگاه ونیز مارکو پولو, Aéroport de Venise-Marco Polo, נמל התעופה הבינלאומי ונציה מרקו פולו, VCE, LIPZ, Aeroporto di Venezia-Tessera, ヴェネツィア・テッセラ空港, Аэропорт Венеции имени Марко Поло, ท่าอากาศยานนานาชาติมาร์โค โปโล, Venedik Marco Polo Havalimanı, 威尼斯-泰塞拉机场