Vietri sul Mare

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    • Day 98

      (Wander)Tag 60

      July 4, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Hallo miteinander 🙋🏼‍♂️

      Eine Woche habe ich nun ausgesetzt und bin heute wieder gestartet.
      Mit neuen Schuhen.
      Mit einem anderen Zelt.
      Mit einem weniger warmen Schlafsack.
      Mit neuen Socken.
      Ohne ein t-Shirt.

      Also ne Menge Dinge die organisiert werden wollten und habe ich letztenendes alles gewogen? Nein, natürlich nicht. Vergesse ich immer. Aber es ist leicht. Sicherlich.

      Da grobe Haferflocken hier schwer zu bekommen sind, habe ich mich nun damit eingedeckt und der gewonnene gewichtsvorteil wird durch 1,5kg Müsli wohl wieder aufgefressen.

      Aus Salerno herauszukommen, war gar nicht mal so leicht. Durch die Altstadt und die engen Gassen, wo kein gps Empfang hat. Oberhalb der Stadt bin ich dann auf die Variante des Si. welche einen Bogen bis zum Kapp bei sorrento macht. Hab ja schon öfter berichtet dass der Si nicht gepflegt wird. Ratet mal wie es mit der Variante ist?

      Heute musste ich auf allen Vieren unter Dornen verkriechen. Habe versucht alles mit den Stöcken klein zu schlagen, oder drum herum zu kommen, nichts hat geklappt. Also Rucksack ab und über den Boden robben.
      Umdrehen war danach dann erst recht keine Option mehr, aber ich musste auch schon zuvor sehr kämpfen und zurück hätte bedeutet durch alles nochmal durch und bergauf und eine alternative Route gabs nicht. Der Weg wie er auch in der offiziellen Si. App steht, den gibt es nicht. Da war nichts. 🤷🏼‍♂️

      Erschwerend kam heute noch hinzu, dass ich völlig übermüdet war. Die letzten zwei Nächte hatte ich qualitativ und auch quantitativ schlechten Schlaf.
      Hab mir zwei engiedrinks gegönnt. Wenn die eiskalt sind, geht das. Ähnlich wie bei nicht so guten Bier. Aber warm ist die süße plörre eine Zumutung. Ob es einen Effekt hatte!? Tja keine Ahnung. Aber es waren nun letztendlich 37 km und ich hatte gedacht dass ich bis zu der Stelle wo ich jetzt bin, nur 28 km machen muss. 😄
      Trick 17

      Habe nun die Hunde gefüttert und liege im Zelt. Im netzzelt wohlbemerkt. Es ist sehr sehr warm und schwitzig. Gute Wahl mit dem leichteren Schlafsack und auch dem netzzelt.
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    • Day 25


      October 21, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      We took our walk to Vietri, ate very well and had a long conversation with the owner of the Restaurants, since we were the only guests at this time.

      When we were back, we witnessed the Jewel of the Seas maneuvering out of port by making a turn on the spot.

      Of course I could not read the name of the ship from kilometres afar, but that's what ship trackers are for.
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    • Day 34

      Naples, second visit

      October 11, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

      Our 19th anniversary-we signed up for a private car tour from Naples down the Amalfi coast past Pompeii, to some quaint and beautiful villages, and then to finish up the day with some Naples highlights. Our guide, Antonella, was outstanding! She gave us an exceptional history and cultural education about Southern Italy and showed us special hidden gems and aspects of the area that were completely unexpected. She took us to the Underground Naples, where their archeological team has uncovered 4 different levels of building dating back over 3,000 years. There were the initial Greek buildings from approximately 2,000-1,000 BC, then the Roman buildings on top of the Greek layer from approximately 200BC thru 500 AD, then the medieval layer from 1200-1400AD and finally the modern layer from 1600 thru to the present. Each layer had different construction techniques and materials that made them obvious and distinct.Read more

    • Day 34

      Vietri and C(h)etaro-small Amalfi villag

      October 11, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

      On our anniversary we reserved a private car for the 2 of us. In the morning, we were driven to 2 small coastal villages, that we had briefly seen from the water level 2 days ago. This time we got to explore them with a personal guide and driver to pick us up and drop us off at the best spots. We also got to spend time talking with the locals and photographing them. Oh, and can’t forget the private Shopping-we were some serious shoppers on a mission!😀

      Then in the afternoon of the same day we went back to Naples with our guide to show us her special places.
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    • Day 7

      Tag 7 - Amalfiküste

      May 23, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Die lang ersehnte und heiß begehrte Amalfiküste zwischen Positano und Vietri sul Mare. Viele sagen es sie der schönste Fleck der Erde... I doubt it!
      Der Ausblick ist wunderschön, aber so auch in Portugal oder Spanien zu finden. Man fährt zwischen Vespas, Fußgängern, Radfahrern, Bussen, Instatussen, Straßenhunden und vielen mehr in konstanten gequatschte, Gedränge und gehupe.... Wunsch nach Anhalten, Umschauen, Parkplatz oder am Strand spazieren? Fehlanzeige, da sehnt man sich nach Polen, wo einem das dortige Chaos plötzlich so strukturiert und organisiert vorkommt. Das allgemeine Feeling am Ende dieses "place to be" entspricht einem sehr gestresstem Tag in Bad Ems (den es in Bad Ems nicht gibt, denn es ist immer entspannt dort).
      Wir haben für knapp 90km nicht ganz 5h gebraucht und statt romantisch im Duft der Zitronen essen zu gehen, haben wir uns bei Lidl mit Tomaten und Limoncello eingedeckt und sind an unseren Pool in der Unterkunft gegangen!

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    • Day 24

      Hello ferry, my old friend

      October 20, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      We said goodbye to Catania and Sicily and took the InterCity to Salerno. The neighbouring ferry was called Scilla and to my disappointment, neither our ferry or the next was called Charybdis.
      We then took the bus to our apartment in Raito a part of Vietri.

      We also learned how to cope with a broken Phone.
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    • Day 12

      Mediterranean Memories

      May 26, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      The last few days of our trip were relaxing. The included breakfast at our hotel was so special: homemade pastry, cheeses and cured meats, olives and espresso, enjoyed on the terrace overlooking the beach. The chef also offered to make us dinner, and it was the best meal we had in Vietri (meatballs and bruschetta, enjoyed with local wine and house made limoncello, plus cream and strawberries for dessert). We climbed the little streets of Vietri to the more commercial sector and enjoyed shopping for ceramics and souvenirs. The town is known for its beautiful Majolica style ceramics which get incorporated everywhere: the walkways, storefronts, and even the dome of the main church. One afternoon we heard a band of local kids drumming and marching into town - we went down to the square and got to see the performance which was cool. The beach was lovely. We were definitely the palest skinned people around - neither of us tan really so sunscreen was in abundance, and we paid 15 euro for an umbrella and beach chairs. Some American college students wandered onto the beach and the Italian proprietor was trying to get them to pay, but they were confused. I helped them sort out the language barrier which was a gratifying moment. We took the train back to Naples, then another train to Florence. We enjoyed one last pizza, and revisited the Oltrarno part of town, also a cool food market where Ollie had a beer cocktail he enjoyed. I found some handmade vintage shirts in the Santo Spirito piazza, and we watched Italian news in hotel room- lots of shouting and interrupting! We caught up on the final episodes of Succession during the plane ride home, which was fun. Also watched the First Wives Club, which was campy, feminist, and very 90s; I respect that Ollie can enjoy the acting chops of Bette Midler and Diane Keaton. The plane ride was cramped but easy compared to the way there. We are so lucky - the trip of a lifetime!Read more

    • Day 10

      Pompeji - Tag 3 - Amalfiküste Teil 1

      July 15, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Nach einem gemütlichen Frühstück ging es los zur Tour entlang der Amalfiküste von Salerno bis Sorrent. Was auf den vorher gegoogelten Bildern schon spektakulär aussah, ist in der Relatität nicht zu beschreiben.
      Eine enge Küstenstraße voller Kurven, kleiner Städtchen mit kunterbunten Häusern und vor allem spektakulären Aussichten.
      Ziel sollte zunächst die Altstadt von Amalfi sein. Vorbei an einigen Foto-Stopps und Aussichtspunkten kamen wir am Hafen an. Ein Parkplatz war diesmal schnell gefunden (allerdings 19 € für 3 Stunden). Sammy ist am Stadtstrand direkt in die kühlen Fluten gesprungen.
      Beim Bummel durch die wunderschöne Altstadt von Amalfi gab es lecker Citruseis, direkt aus der Zitronenfrucht 🍋💛🍋.
      Später ging es weiter über Positano und Sorento und schließlich wieder zurück zum Campingplatz.
      Da der Hunger bei unseren Kindern ziemlich fortgeschritten war, ging es zwischendurch in ein kleines Restaurant 🍝🍕🥩🥓 um die hungrigen Mäuler zu stopfen 😜😱😜.

      Am Platz angekommen wird es jetzt ein paar kühlende Getränke geben und später eine Partie Fussball bzw. Federball.

      An unserem morgigen und auch schon wieder letzten Tag in Pompeji ist endlich der Aufstieg zum Vesuv geplant, was sicherlich eines der Highlights in diesem Urlaub sein wird.
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    • Day 13

      Day 13 - Wed, May 1 - Assisi & Amalfi

      May 1, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Today’s first stop was Assisi, the birthplace of St. Francis, who founded the Franciscan religious order in the town in 1208, and St. Clare, the founder of the Poor Sisters, which later became the Order of Poor Clares after her death. St. Francis shares honours with St. Catherine of Siena as the patron saint of Italy. He is also the patron saint of animals and is remembered as a lover of nature (his preaching to an audience of birds is one of the legends of his life). On November 29, 1979, Pope John Paul II declared Saint Francis the Patron Saint of Ecology.

      We met up with our guide, Francesca and did a walking tour of the town. Today, May 1st, is a national holiday in Italy when Italians commemorate the labor union movement's social and economic achievements on Labor Day. The town was festooned with red and blue flags representing the two teams of Assisi residents who compete in friendly games on Labour Day. We saw an area being set up for a cross bow competition to be held in the afternoon - alas, after our departure.

      UNESCO collectively designated the Franciscan structures of Assisi as a World Heritage Site in 2000 - we could see why - there are churches everywhere. We drank in the beautiful views and then toured the Basilica of Santa Chiara (St. Clare) with its massive lateral buttresses, rose window, and simple Gothic interior, begun in 1257. It contains the tomb of the St. Clare. This was especially moving for me as my middle name is Clare.

      Francesca told us how St. Francis wanted to be buried with the other sinners (the town criminals) and to be forgotten. Well, he got his first wish, but NOT his second wish. The entire town is a homage to him and a popular pilgrimage spot. Stores sell a huge range of Francis-related products - statues, carvings, ceramics, key chains, t-shirts…..the list goes on and on.

      We wound our way through the narrow streets to the Basilica of San Francesco d'Assisi (St. Francis). This is actually two churches. The smaller, lower one contains the tomb of St. Francis. When the small church could no longer handle the massive numbers of pilgrims, a huge church was built up above it. The walls and ceilings are adorned with fabulous frescoes done by the Italian artist, Giotto. They depict scenes from the life of St. Francis, including his preaching to the birds. The colours are still vibrant and hundreds and hundreds of years. The mosaic patterns on the floor and on the ceiling and on the pillars made this quilt lady’s fingers itch to take pictures - but, alas, photos are not allowed.

      We had a bit of free time. We got some lunch in a lovely little café run by friends of two of our travellers from California. Simone did another swoop-and-run and at 12:30 p.m., we continued our trip south. Destination - the Amalfi Coast on the Mediterranean Sea. We drove through rain several times, and were finally rewarded with clear skies when we got to Salerno after 4 hours. We saw Mount Vesuvius off in the distance - we will see it again on Saturday. We are actually staying in a little suburb called Vietri sul Mare. We wound our way down, down, down the side of the hill to shore level which whetted our seaside appetites, and then partway back up the hill again to our hotel where we will be for 3 nights. Our hotel balconies are right, and I mean, right over top of the shore line. The view over the Mediterranean is enchanting.

      We are having dinner in the hotel tonight overlooking the sea. Today’s drive was well worth it for theses views!!
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    • Day 15

      Day 15 - Fri, May 3 - Taking it easy....

      May 3, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      With our decision to skip the day trip to Capri, we were able to have a leisurely morning. It was a rather grey, overcast morning. From the breakfast room, we watched the ferry leave with four of our fellow travellers. Another couple has decided to take it easy today.

      After breakfast, we explored the lower town - the part down her the water's edge. Virtually all the stores in the lower town are cafés and most were just beginning to open up. Retail stores here typically are open from 9 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., and then closed from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. for siesta time. They reopen then and stay open until about 9:00 p.m. which is what we saw last night. At this time of year when the temperatures are moderate, the siesta time is just a nice break in the day rather than a necessity for escaping the fierce summer temperatures.

      We walked back to the hotel and shed a layer of clothing as the day was warming up nicely. We headed out again, this time up the hill towards where we were last night. It's a maze of narrow streets and tiny shops, many of them ceramic shops. I got a Veltri thimble for my collection. We found a little shop and got sandwiches made up and a I sprang for my one and only date with a cannoli on this trip - Italian bakeries are dangerous places to enter. That delectable treat was seriously good.

      It's finally warm enough to put shorts on - yeah!!! I brought them all this way - have to give them some air time. We are going to camp out for the afternoon to read, watch Netflix, perhaps try out that siesta idea, and take it easy until our dinner date in the dining room here at the hotel at 7:45 p.m. We'll be interested to hear how the Capri visitors made out.
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