Maru Yama

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    • Day 12

      Day 11 - Mount Fuji

      September 7 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      I got up early at 5:30. I made the bus for 6:10. Surprisingly how bright it is in the morning. Then I got the 6:40 bus to the 5th station. I met some lovely Americans Sandy, Vicky and Ben. I climbed with them to the top. I could feel the altitude but took plenty of breaks water and food. At the top a Japanese TV crew wanted us to take part in a mini documentary with them, we obliged. It was funny. I then left the Americans go down and I continued around the top of the Volcano. Going down was tough, varied between zig zag and backwards motions. I just about got the last bus home at 6:45. Went to Lawson's and got some pasta. Chatted with people in the hostel and then bed. I got back and told my roommates how tough it was. I hope I haven't made them too apprehensive about it. They'll be grand !Read more

    • Day 9

      Mt. Fuji

      September 27, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Setting off at far too early in the morning, I took a bus tour over to the area around Mt. Fuji. I hadn't much hope as apparently clear views can be quite rare (with the summit being visible around 20% of the time) and it was forcast as cloudy for the day.

      After a couple of hours of travel our first stop was the 5th Station, the highest point of Fuji accessible by car, at an altitude of around 2300m. Fortunately the weather was a lot clearer than forecast and we had stunning views all the way to the top, as well as of the surrounding areas.

      We made a brief stop for lunch at a restaurant just outside the Fuji-Q amusement park, which was heartbreaking as it was full of giant rollercoasters that I didn't have time to ride.

      Our last stop was Lake Kawaguchi, adjacent to Fuji this offered some of the best views of the volcano. We had a short boat ride across the lake which allowed for amazing unobstructed views - at this point a few clouds had rolled in but the summit was still clearly visible.

      Finally I took a ride up a ropeway to an observation deck near the top of the hill next to the lake. The area was crowded, but I headed further up to the top of the hill, past the "beware of the bears signs" to a small Shinto shrine. This was much more peaceful, with the calm only being broken by the occasional scream heard from the theme park below.
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    • Day 5

      Mt Fuji

      August 22 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Enjoyed the bus ride to Mt Fuji’s 5th Station. Located 2300m above sea level, Mt Fuji’s 5th Station which normally offers a commanding view of the Fuji, too much cloud cover today although it did break for a few minutes at one point.

      There is a Melody roads that stretches of road that offer music from a system of grooves dug in the road and vibrations produced by vehicles driving over them. The vibrations in the passenger compartment transform vehicle into a veritable sounding board. To enjoy the melody thus created, we advise you to keep the windows closed to listen to the rhythmic vibrations?

      For the record, the Japanese melody roads were born by chance when the engineer Shizuo Shinoda accidentally damaged the asphalt of a highway with the bucket of his bulldozer, digging several furrows. As he drove over these furrows, he found that the sound produced by his vehicle depended on their depth and spacing. The National Institute of Industrial Research in Hokkaido then took advantage of this discovery to design the first melody roads in Japan!

      Five Lakes area are below, making it a popular spot even for those who do not intend on climbing the mountain, and it features shrines, torii gates and souvenir shops.

      We had lunch with a view of Mt Fuji but the clouds were too to get a good view.

      We enjoyed a spirit tasting of sake, 40% scotch and gin, was well worth the taste but too difficult to buy some and get it home so early in the trip.
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    • Day 11

      Mt. Fuji tour - final stop

      July 9 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      We made to Mt. Fuji's 5th station. The last station accessible by cars/bus at roughly 7,500 ft in elevation. We saw a few hikers descend from the summit. It was cold and windy up there. I can only imagine what the conditions up in the summit would be. The highest point is 12,388 ft. in comparison to Mt. Diablo at only 3,849 ft.Read more

    • Day 10

      Mt. Fuji

      April 14, 2018 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 4 °C

      Der Fuji ist sehr scheu. Aber wir hatten sehr viel Glück. Er hat sich uns komplett gezeigt.
      Mit unserem Bus sind wir auf die höchst mögliche Stufe gefahren. Ab da hätte man zum Gipfel laufen müssen. Hier herrschten enorme Windstärken. Immerhin waren wir auf 2305 m. Der Fuji ist insgesamt 3400 m hoch und war noch mit Schnee bedeckt.Read more

    • Day 18

      Am Fusse des Vulkans

      August 6, 2019 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Heute war der grosse Tag. Das Abenteuer Fuji startete heute.
      Dies mache ich auf eigene Faust, da meine Mutter dankend auf den Vulkan verzichtet. 🙃
      Ich stand sehr früh auf und informierte mich bezüglich Verbindungen, Hausregeln, Route etc.
      (Ja ich hätte das schon vorher machen sollen)
      Der Reiseveranstalter der Berghütte hat explizit darauf hingewiesen, dass spätestens um 12:00 losgelaufen werden soll. Der Aufstieg konnte, laut ihnen, 5-6h dauern!
      Ich fand eine geeignete Carverbindung, die direkt zum "Basislager" meiner Route fuhr. Dies im Abstand von ca 30 min.
      Morgens um 8 bekam ich zum ersten mal am eigenen Leib zu spüren, was Rushhour in Tokyo bedeutet.
      Habt ihr schon die Videos gesehen, bei der ein "Quetscher" die Leute in die Bahn quetscht.
      Genau der Eine an der Türe war ich.
      Am Car-Bahnhof angekommen wollte ich ein Billet lösen.
      Der Billetverkäufer grinste mir ins Gesicht und meine: unmöglich. Frühstens um 15:30 und dazwischen wären noch 2,5h Busfahrt.
      Kurz darauf wollte ich die Sache abblasen.
      Mit Hilfe einer netten Dame in der Auskunft, habe ich einen anderen weg mit dem Zug und Bus gewählt.
      Dieser beinhaltete viel umsteigen und kreuz und quer mit den Regionalzügen. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️
      Ich erreichte die 5te Station (Basecamp) erst um 14:00.
      Bei der Ankunft bemerkte ich dass weitere Wanderer erst jetzt liefen und das sicher alle Japaner viel besser ausgerüstet waren als ich. (Stöcke, Daunenjacken, Schuhe, etc.)
      Ich machte mir sorgen, ob meine Ausrüstung ausreicht und vor allem meine alten Schuhe das noch mitmachen werden.
      Im Bus lerne ich einen Franzosen kennen und zusammen packten wir es an.
      Anfangs mit guten Tempo. Nach 1h liefen wir auf eine Schlange von nie aufhörenden Menschen zu.
      Die Kolonne Reihe sich in ein Glied und hörte nicht auf.
      Nach kurzem eingliedern, entschieden wir an den Leuten vorbei zu laufen. Es hatte genug Platz, jedoch wäre dir alternative Route immer schwieriger gewesen.
      Gegen 16:30 bin ich schon bei meiner Hütte angekommen.
      Mir wurde mein Bett gezeigt, was eher als 2/3 galt und ich bekam was zu essen.
      Die Hütte war halb leer, jedoch füllte sie sich stetig...
      Mit 40 anderen im Schlag durfte ich jetzt meine Augen für ein paar Stunden schliessen.
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    • Day 11

      Mount Fuji

      July 25, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Maru Yama, 丸山

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