Lahad Datu

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    • Day 14

      Hoffnung pflanzen

      July 27 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Nach dem Danum Valley ging es in das Merisuli Jungle Reserve zum Bäume pflanzen! Hier wird seit 2015 eine ehemalige Palmölplantage wieder aufgeforstet. Wir waren so ziemlich die einzigen Touristen und uns wurde einmal komplett demonstriert wie der Prozess stattfindet. Zuerst werden Samen gesammelt, das heißt mit einer riesigen Schleuder wird ein Seil über einen Ast geschossen, damit an diesem gerüttelt werden kann, damit die Samen hinabfallen. Danach wird eine Art Topf für die Setzlinge vorbereitet und dieser dann in der Nursery untergebracht. Nach ca. einem Jahr werden dann die kleinen Bäumchenumgetopft und die Blätter werden gekürzt. Dann gehts ans einpflanzen. Wir haben insgesamt 6 indische Rosenäpfel (auch Elefantenäpfel genannt) gepflanzt. Eine der Lieblingsnahrung der Elefanten, die inzwischen auch wieder hier leben. Zum Sonnenaufgang und -untergang fuhren wir zu einem Aussichtspunkt. Von dort aus sahen wir eine Gruppe von ca. 20 Nashörnvögeln und konnten verschiedenen Gibbongruppen lauschen, die morgens den Tag begrüßten.Read more

    • Day 9


      April 14 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      It took a long morning’s bouncy travel to reach Tabin Rainforest Lodge, nestled on the edge of the Tabin Wildlife Reserve and close to the coast.

      Where our Sukau lodge was quite large and full, with numerous helpful and friendly staff and excellent service, our Tabin digs had only six rooms, a few staff and NO WHITE WINE.

      We decided to stay anyway, and late on our first afternoon cruised down the river, past kilometres of nipah palms, to the coast.

      The atmosphere was fabulous as we made our way slowly back in the encroaching darkness, then, near to home, we came to the fireflies. What a sight! Hundreds of tiny, flickering pinpoints of light in the trees; they were quite captivating, especially from our peacefully floating viewpoint on the boat.

      Then, our eyes becoming more and more attuned to the darkness, we looked to the sky, and had another wonderful moment under the canopy of stars that we city people don’t often get to see.

      The following morning we visited two bird hides.

      Firstly, the Bornean brown cuckoo, a very obliging bird who turned up with his mate and alternately pecked and looked around until we had taken our fill of photos.

      The second hide was that for the Sabah partridge. Here is an excerpt from the diary:

      7:30 - arrive at bird hide
      7:35 - leaf drops from tree
      7:40 - start playing female Sabah partridge sounds over loudspeaker
      7:41 - male Sabah partridge shows up, starts calling out expectantly
      7:50 - tourists go off to have hot breakfast, Sabah partridge still calling out expectantly
      7:55 - Sabah partridge shakes head, looks around and goes home alone and disappointed.

      We also took another spin on the river and down to the sea and saw some Irrawaddy Dolphins, then drove up a narrow twisting tributary - think “The African Queen” - to see the flying foxes roosting.

      In the late afternoon we took a hot, sweaty walk through the jungle, not seeing a lot but kind of enjoying tripping over tree roots and dodging vines as we stumbled along.

      On the morning we left Tabin, we visited one more bird hide, deep into the forest. We clambered through a muddy gully and slipped and stumbled up and down hill until we reached the hide, whereupon they played the female call over and over for forty minutes. Then we all gave up and sweated and puffed our way back to the vehicle. Just goes to show that the twitchers of the world have more patience than we do.

      And that was the end of the rainforest adventure. We are now en route back to Kota Kinabalu for some (we think) well-deserved R and R.
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    • Day 10

      Tabin Rainforest Lodge 2

      April 15 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Early am to two bird hides, then off to the river again to find the elusive Irrawaddy Dolphin. The African Queen then found us a tree full of bats, fanning themselves because of the oppressive heat.
      A pair of Rhinoceros Hornbills made an appearance at the lodge as we readied ourselves for a night drive. This turned out to be a fruitless exercise.Read more

    • Day 10

      Tabin Rainforest Lodge 1

      April 15 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      We arrived here after a 4 hour road trip from Sukau.
      Guide Vincent - excellent.
      We had a late afternoon walk to the wharf and then a cruise down river to the sea. We saw a fishing village, a sunset, a small crocodile, fire flies, and millions of stars.Read more

    • Day 10

      Last morning in Tabin

      April 15 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Up early to visit a remote bird hide. The trek thru the jungle to the hide (and back again) would have been too much for many of our age. This, too, was a fruitless exercise as the peacock like bird we were searching for heard us coming and scarpered.
      The small plane trip from Lahad Datu back to KK was fun and uneventful.
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    • Day 15

      Day 2 Evening / Day 3 Morning

      December 16, 2016 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Another trip on a boat and with more of the same birds and animals, including the unusual proboscis monkeys again. Saw a large (1 meter long) monitor lizard resting on a tree, looking very relaxed. Once again the evening sky was lit by lightening and more baby crocs were spotted- all we could think about was 'where's the mother?'. It was a quiet start to our evening walk but thankfully the wildlife didn't disappoint in the end with a show of sleeping birds, frogs, a turtle and insects. We managed to get a very quick glimpse of a mother and baby orangutan during our morning boat ride before leaving the jungle. A bit of rest in a hammock is needed...Read more

    • Day 14

      Jungle Day 2, Morning

      December 15, 2016 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Away on another boat ride by 6am which gave us a lovely sunrise. Thankfully the rain had stopped just before and gave way to slightly cooler temperatures. We saw a gold crested eagle, more monkeys and hornbills before seeeing the second of the two animals we really wanted to see- an orangutan in the wild! And what a view we had, he was right in front of us, up a tree, at the waters edge. After watching him eat his breakfast of leaves he climbed down before appearing again up a fruit tree this time but alot more hidden. We realise we were very lucky to have seen him so clearly. After breakfast we went on a walk through the jungle which we cut short as we heard an elephant nearby. This was after seeing a fully grown dear about the size of a cat.Read more

    • Day 13

      Jungle Night Walk, Day 1

      December 14, 2016 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      The after dinner night walk was a adventurous experience - pitch black, thick mud and dense jungle (oh, and some potentially dangerous creatures!). Once the safety briefing was done, disclaimer forms signed, high-vis vests on and wellies hired we were off but didnt have to go far before we saw a baby, deadly green tree frog followed by the most unusual looking centipede we've ever seen. The water spider could move fast when it wanted to and thankfully so did the tortoise so we narrowly missed treading on it as it was well hiden in the muddy path. The star of the show definitely had to be the rainbow coloured kingfisher sleeping with its beak hidden under its wing, so close it was within touching distance. So many moths and butterflies kept flying at us, attracted by our torch light.Read more

    • Day 13

      Borneo River Jungle

      December 14, 2016 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Picked up at 7 and had a long drive (7 hours) across the island,past Mount Kinabalu, to the Borneo Natural Sakau Bilit Resort on the Kinabatangan River. Unbelievable to see the amount of palm tree plantations, all standing where jungle once stood. We had a long early evening boat ride up river and saw one of the two types of animals we really wanted to see - the proboscis monkeys with big droopy noses). There were long tailed macaques, hornbills and a wild boar too. On our return the night sky kept lighting up as a thunderstorm passed by in the distance. Our guides head torch picked up the eyes of some tiny crocodiles from about 150 meters away.Read more

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