Am Fritig hen mir d Hauptstadt vo Malta bsuecht, Valetta. Die Stadt isch nach dr grosse Belagerig 1565 durchd Türke (wo Malta überstande het) baut worde ⛲🏣
Mir sind ind St. Elmo-Festig, wo für vieli militärischi Zweck verwendet worde isch (vo dr Belagerig 1565 bis 2. Weltkrieg) 🏰 Drnoch hen mir d Stadt agluegt und vor allem au d St. Johns Co-Cathedral, e immens dekorierti Kathedrale vo de "Knights of Malta" 🇲🇹⛪🛐🪙 Es het sehr viel Mensche ka, abr sie isch mega schön und me het viel durch dr Audioguide erfahre 🥰 Zum Schluss hen mir d Happy Hour chönne gniesse und hen wunderbar gässe, bevor mir zrugg in unser Hotel sind 🍹🍹
On Friday, we visited the capital of Malta, Valetta. The city was buildt after the big siege 1565 through the Ottoman Empire (Malta won) ⛲🏣
We went into the St. Elmo-Fort, which had been used for several military events (from thebig siege 1565 until the second world war) 🏰 We explored the city after that for a while und above all also went into the St. Johns Co-Cathedral, a absolutely stunnngly decorated cathedral of the "Knights of Malta" 🇲🇹⛪🛐🪙 There were a lot of people, but it was very beautiful and we learned a lot with our audioguide 🥰
To complete the day, we enjoyed the local Happy Hour and ate delicously, before returning to our hotel 🍹🍹Read more
Traveler 🤣🤣🤣
Traveler So guet!😊👍