Wied il-Baqqija

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    • Day 1

      Village Knights

      November 15, 2023 in Malta ⋅ 🌬 21 °C

      Evo, tale bed&breakfast sem vzel za tri noči v vasi Zebugg, ker je logistično najbližje poslovnemu partnerju v Mosti in poslovnemu dogodku tik pod Medino.

      Super fajn, saj je to v osnovi 400 let stara hiša s kasneje malo predelavo v modernejšo in bolj uporabno hišo, ma še vedno z originalnimi kamni in v istem slogu.

      Od zunaj ne zgleda privlačno, se pa za visokimi zidovi skriva lično, malce utesnjeno razporejena hiša s hodniki, sobami, vrtovi in celo bazenom.

      Spet, slike so malenkost lepše od realnosti ma bivanje je vseeno bilo prijetno.

      Lokacija je bila po eni strani plus, saj sem s taxijem zjutraj na šiht rabil slabih 20 minut, po drugi strani pa en velik minus, saj brez taxija ne prideš do nobenega bara ali restavracije...

      Overall - fajn :)
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    • Day 4


      November 18, 2023 in Malta ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

      Ena od tisočih vasic tule na Malti. Po naše se izgovori se Zebuđ, pomeni pa oliva po arabsko.

      Ker sem zamutil z avioni, sem kar naenkrat imel dodatno uro časa za sprehod po vasici. Tu sem tudi bival, b&b, in sem se res fajn odločil, da sem lahko videl, kako hiše izgledajo od znotraj (glej en drug footprint, ki pa še ni napisan).

      Od zunaj hiše sploh niso kaj posebnega, vse je zgrajeno iz tega mehkega lime-stone kamna, ki v kombinaciji z lesom res lepo izpade.

      Lepe stvari na Malti vidiš le v turistično obleganih krajih. V tejle vasici turistov ni, tako da tudi vasica bolj kot ne počasi razpada.

      Hiše so stisnjene blizu nasproti druga drugi, pravzaprav samostojnih hiš sploh ni. Ulice so ozke, po njih pa se lahko voziš z avtom, če se le lahko stisne skozi. Vas je v bistvu narejena kot en labirint ulic, v sredini pa najdeš celo precej veliko cerkev.

      Je pa to staro, večina vasi je zgrajena že v 14. stoletju, danes kvečjemu dograjujeo nadstropja. Stanovanjska kriza na Malti je precejšnja, saj je število prebivalcev v zadnjih letih naraslo z nekih 450 na 700 tisoč. Lokalci so kar razburjeni, cene nepremičnin si se podvojile... Tako nekak.

      Zdaj grem pa počasi taksista počakat in proti letališču.
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    • Day 12

      Lulu Boutique Hotel

      October 24, 2021 in Malta ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Die Straßen zum Hotel werden immer enger 😬 und einen Parkplatz finden wir auch erst nach der zweiten Runde ums Hotel. Wieder sieht es von außen sehr unscheinbar aus. Aber der Empfang ist sehr freundlich 😊. Das Gebäude ist ca. 300 Jahre alt und wurde von den Besitzern liebevoll renoviert und mit vielen schönen Details dekoriert 🥰. Es gibt nur 8 Zimmer und einen gemeinsamen Poolbereich mit kleiner Bar. Unsere Suite ist ganz oben und wir haben unseren eigenen kleinen Pool 😍. Zur Begrüßung gibt es einen Willkommensdrink und einen typischen Maltesischen Snack - Bohnenmus, Auberginengemüse und Paprikagemüse lecker angemacht- ähnlich wie Antipasti. Guten Appetit 😋 und Prost 🥂.Read more

    • Day 17

      Malta - The Another Bloody Fort Tour

      October 5, 2017 in Malta ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Malta - so many superlatives, so few paragraphs!

      We have stayed for a week in Haz-Zebbug, a village in the interior of the island well known for... well, not its tourism industry. We would walk through town on the way to the bus stop each morning and be stared at as if the Martians had landed, although maybe that was due to the number of slabs of beer we bought from the local convenience store (the owner has now retired and is living in Monaco).

      Our villa, though, accommodating all thirteen of us, was excellent, a labyrinth of bedrooms, sitting rooms, kitchens and stone spiral staircases leading up to the roof and down to basements unknown. All in all it was a good fun base from which to terrorise the locals and explore the island.

      Valletta has a beautiful setting on a peninsula with a harbour on each side, incredible fortifications all round, attractive buildings and enough souvenir shops to drive the economy of a small city. It also has so much history it just about oozes out of the stonework, from the bloodthirsty knights of the 16th century to the incredible hardships of World War 2.

      We got out of the capital a bit too, visiting the old capital of Mdina (yet another fortress), the 200 metre high Dingli Cliffs, the Island of Gozo (yet another fortress) among others.

      Probably the best thing about Malta, though, was the chance to share this adventure, and the odd Cisk beer and Aperol Spritz, with such good, warm and funny friends.
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    • Day 15

      Malta 🇲🇹

      March 2, 2022 in Malta ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      After a busy few weeks with the fam in Cornwall and the Cotswolds, we had 3 days to get to Malta and clear out our family house in Zebbug after it sold.

      9 skips and a whole lotta dust later and we were out! I was on Facebook market place duty to sell as much as I could. Dan and James then smashed up anything rotten or that we didn’t sell. Mixed emotions as we’ve been going there for as long as we can remember, but all for the best!

      We did of course have time to make it back to our fav local haunts for some sun, good food and wine. Recos below if you ever go:

      TO DO
      - Quick tour: Walk to the Upper Barrakka for the best view in Malta, (best to be there at noon to see the cannon being fired). Get a ticket to see St John’s Co-Cathedral, grab a coffee at Lot 61, a plate of pasta at Pastaus and a drink at Cafe Society.

      - Walk around Mdina, it’s beautiful inside the walled city
      - Go to Fontenella for coffee/cake/ice cream with amazing view

      - Take a few drinks and watch sunset from Dingli cliffs
      - Check out the market at Marsaxlokk - gorgeous old fishing village (our fav!) most of the lovely restaurants along the front are good for lunch, find a busy one!
      - Would highly recommend going to Gozo for the day - you can catch a boat from north of the island (St Paul’s Bay) and its much quieter with much better beaches and swimming
      - A tour to the blue grotto tour is amazing but very touristy in peak summer - would recommend a private tour if you can!

      - Ghan-Tuffheia
      - Gjnegna
      - Armchair bay
      - Paradise bay (both a bit far and small so have to get there early)
      - Tigne beach club (check before you go, might be private now)
      - Rock pools: St. Peter's pool, Marsascala, Delamar which is just beyond peter's pool and a bit quieter

      TO EAT & DRINK
      - Taproom in Valetta - one of the best for food and cocktails. Try the mushroom tagliatelle
      - Vecchia taranto - great pizza but tiny place! Best to take away and eat it on St Barbara's Bastion while enjoying the view
      - Pastaus - terrific pasta
      - Trabuxu & Trabuxu Bistro - wonderful food and wine at the top of strait street. Try the fondue and San Niklaw wine at the first and anything at the second
      - Soul Food - great food, even for vegetarians/vegans
      - Noni - Best fine dining in Valletta and winner of a Michelin star
      - Giannini - fine dining with an amazing view
      - La Capanna in Marsaxlokk
      - El Fontanella for a drink/ice cream up on the bastions in Mdina
      - The Galley in Ta'xbiex
      - PALAZZO PARISIO (Naxxar) if you are feeling wealthy!!! THE BEST place to take people in Malta for a drink in the evening because it is just beautiful (be careful on weekends though, lots of weddings)
      - St Julian’s is fun for drinks if you want a wilder scene! Busy vibe, especially on the weekends
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    Wied il-Baqqija

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