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    • Day 2

      Our first day

      April 1, 2017 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Relaxing day even if the girls are really tired.
      The resort is awesome and we didn't see all of it yet!
      The pool are very nice and the beach is great.
      We saw a lot of wild animal on the gardens.
      If you enjoy to walk the resort is perfect. If you don't they are a lot of nice trolley every 15 min (the girls really prefere the trolley... it is just an other fun activity to do for her).
      Camille and Lea played all day in the great kids pool. Lea didn't wanted to sleep at all today... and didn't eat well.
      Camille eat ok and was a little moody at the end.
      So the day was good but still not as good as it could be. The girls are not yet entirely accommodate to our new place. I hope they gonna be soon.
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    • Day 55

      Akumal, Quintana Roo

      November 9, 2019 in Mexico ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Nach einer anstrengenden zweiten Schulwoche in Tulum - wir hatten beide Privatunterricht - steht uns der Sinn nach etwas Natur und Bewegung. Wir fahren zum Schnorcheln nach Akumal, das bekannt für Wasserschildkröten ist...

      Obwohl wir uns fest vorgenommen hatten nur für den Parkeintritt und NICHT für eine Tour zu bezahlen (man soll die Schildkröten nämlich auch sonst sehen können), lassen wir uns vor Ort doch wieder einen Guide aufreden. Immerhin verstehen wir diesmal mit welchen Tricks man uns abzockt. Der Spanischkurs zeigt bereits Wirkung😀

      Mit einer Gruppe Schickimicki-Russen, die sich benehmen als würden sie das erste Mal in ihrem Leben einen Schnorchel benutzen, paddeln wir unserem Guide hinterher. Mangels angemessener Schnorchelfähigkeiten unserer Gruppenmitglieder sind wir mehr damit beschäftigt uns Flossen und Selfiesticks aus dem Gesicht zu halten, als nach Tieren zu suchen. Ab den paar Tortugas, die wir sehen, freuen wir uns aber riesig!
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    • Day 2

      Erster Tag

      February 21, 2024 in Mexico ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      Unterkunft ist schön und viel Platz im Zimmer. Riesen Buffet mit allen möglichen Speisen. Dabei lokale Küche aber auch viel internationales. Sogar Indisches Curry gibt es.

    • Day 19

      Tourguide versetzt uns...

      September 22, 2022 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Heute sollte es zu den Pyramiden der Mayas gehen. Anschließend war eine Besuch einer Cenote und ein Tequila Tasting mit Abendessen geplant. Bedauerlicherweise wurden wir einfach versetzt.

      Plan B musste also her. Auf unseren treuen Trabanten gesetzt und ab zum Strand 😅

      #Beach #Breakfast #LongIslandIceTea # Sun
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    • Day 12

      Mayan Wonders

      August 17, 2017 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      The morning started off very peacefully with Eva getting her nails done with acrylic something or other along with extra gel at an extra $25...

      'Would madam like to have gel to make them last longer? It is an extra $25.'

      'Don't care really I'm not paying'

      So whilst Eva was busy spending my money I was having a detoxification facial. This basically involves the facial lady squeezing as hard as she can your nose at various points to clear out the pores. It hurt.

      Feeling like somebody had punched me a few times on the nose I thanked her and left.

      After a small brunch we were picked up by mini bus and headed off to see the Mayan pyramid at Coba. It one of the few historic sites that the public can climb to the top of. Why you would want to do this in 38 degrees Celsius is beyond me, but none the less it was apparently on Eva's things to do.

      The head honcho lived at the top of these pyramids and all the underlings then had to come and deliver his food with his 7 wives living nearby. They would sacrifice a few people now and again by cutting out their hearts whilst alive, then chop off their heads and all was well.

      We cycled to the pyramid site and we began to climb. Now if it's one thing I hate it is heights, uneven steps and spiral staircase. No spiral staircases but lots of the other. It was relatively easy going up as one just had to keep looking ahead. We soon reached the top. Now we had to come back down with our shirts already wet with the heat. It would be cooler in a sauna.

      We headed back down hanging on to a rope in the centre of the steps to steady us. It took us a while and I was glad that the ordeal was over.

      The Mayans used play a ball game that involved two sides of around 3 men each. The picture here shows the stone buildings that were used as the court. The circular ring of stone at the top was the goal and above that is where the important people would watch the game. A royal box I suppose. The only parts of the body that could be used where the elbows, hips and knees. Not exactly bend it like Beckham but quite tricky, especially as it went on for 5 days and nights.

      There is a bit of a twist at the end of the game that I don't think xxxx would particularly enjoy despite him being the chosen one. Apparently the loosing manager of the team would be sacrificed to the know, heart and all that stuff. Then the winning managers reward was to be....erm....sacrificed too. In fact I suppose it is similar to managers in the Premiership as they are generally sacrificed, just not heart and all that stuff.

      The excursions was in two parts. The Mayan wonders and then we had a choice to either go to see a Mayan village or go for a swim and a zip line fall over a lake. Unfortunately the winning majority was for the latter.

      Eva couldn't wait. I could.

      We scaled a 40m rickety old tower with steps made out of old trees. At one point I thought of turning back but how could I let my daughter down?

      Onwards and upwards to then have my harness clipped onto the wire and off the edge I went speedily following Eva to the platform across the lake. Terrified is not an exaggeration. To Eva it was a breeze, to me, it was horrendous. I gripped the harness straps with both hands very tightly and prayed for a safe ending.

      'That was great Dad wasn't it?'

      'Yes darling, great'

      When the whole crew had descended we drove off to an underground cavern that had been carved out of the limestone by an underground river. It had a massive pool of water 150 feet deep and it was here where we were going to swim. Sounded great and the pictures looked wonderful. The only draw back was that we had to climb down there using a wet slippery spiral staircase made of old wood.

      Why is she doing this to me?

      The water was beautifully crystal clear and cool. If it was to stay that way I had to get out quick. A sudden rumbling in my bowels meant a quick ascent back up to terra firma just in the nick of time. Must have been that chilli sauce last night.

      Eva couldn't stop laughing when she finally surfaced.

      The final part of the excursion was to have a dinner of traditional Mayan food. Ok, they said it was traditional but who knows. Whilst we were dining the locals laid on a show which was involved a fat bloke banging a drum and some others dancing around with feathers in their hear and playing the bend it like Beckham ball game. 3-0 to the side with a player painted as a skeleton. Well what about the sacrifice?

      The only sacrifice was me putting $200 (Pesos I hasten to add) in a bowl marked tips that was duly handed around.

      We arrived back to The Hard Rock at around 09:00 and the party girl was exhausted so bed time it was.
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    • Day 15

      Back home

      April 14, 2017 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      It was a long day back home! We woke up at 7 am to be sure to be able to swim one last time to the pool. We left the hotel at 10.30 am and had 1.3min drive to the airport.... we ate a very good pizza while we were waiting for the flight.
      The flight was good. The girls slept most of the time and were very nice. We are proud of them as always.
      Now in Belgium it's raining and cold.... welcome home....
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    • Day 14

      Last day

      April 13, 2017 in Mexico ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      Already our last day...
      We ve decided to rest at the playground pool in coba for our last day.
      The girls appreciated and we ve seen that they really started to play together. Lea decided to slide on one of the big slide and wouldn't stop.
      Camille didn't mind at all to play with her sister and it was so nice to see.
      We went to see the dolphin show at tulum and I ve to say that for the girls it was a nice thing to do...
      The show wasn't big but enough to entertain our girls.
      At night we headed to l hacienda and bought gifts for everybody.
      Camille receive a flute while Lea received her first doll.
      Everybody were happy when it was time to go bed.
      We on the contrary were exhausted while we had to finish to package everything up for our trip back home.
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    • Day 13

      Akumal bay

      April 12, 2017 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      We went to the beach to see the tortues swimming on there natural environment. I wasn't 100%sure of we would have the chance to see one. One by one we went with camille into the see and we were grateful to see each time one giant Tortues swimming in and out from the ocean.
      Lea was too small to come but camille really enjoyed the trip!
      The beach was out of breath! We ve never one like this.
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    • Day 13

      Cenote azul

      April 12, 2017 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      We went to the cenote azul. The color of the water was sometime blue turquoise and sometime green as an émeraude.... it was perfectly clear... we could see thousand of fish. Some fishes tried to eat our feet (in some places you have to pay for it). The girls enjoyed the look of the Fish while we jumped off a cliff.
      We had a blast and it was beautiful
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    • Day 9

      Storming day

      April 8, 2017 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      It was a storming and raining day... first we had sun and decided to go to the pool and then on a few minutes the sky was covered with black clouds.
      We first thought that it would pass so we very stayed at the pool under our two umbrellas... but then the rain came and didn't stop. So we decided to be brave and to walk trough it to our room. It was like we just came out of our shower but with clothes on.
      We decided to have a family nap.
      We be trying the archery... and I ve to say that neither of us are good at it...
      Camille didn't go to the pool at all today as she got grounded for not wanted to eat at all while she was hungry for deserts...
      Lea did hurt herself before diner time at her lips..
      Hope it won't swallow much.
      We ate at the restaurant Don Pablo.
      The main dishes were just excellent!!!
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