As we had a long day ahead, we got up at 5:30am. We were a little surprised that it was quite light already and checked our phones like 3 times. Then we realized that the time was changed to winterRead more
As we had a long day ahead, we got up at 5:30am. We were a little surprised that it was quite light already and checked our phones like 3 times. Then we realized that the time was changed to winterRead more
We decided to change our route for Baja a little. Instead of following Highway 1 all the way South, we are going for Highways 3 and 5 in the North. This meant we had to cross the mountains of BajaRead more
We got up early in order to avoid the heat and get a long stretch done today. We hoped for tailwinds of course. However, reality was different and we had to fight pretty strong headwinds all day. TheRead more
After a long stretch yesterday, we had an easy day ahead of us. It started with breakfast at the beach, sunrise view included. Afterwards, the owner of the beach camp, Emmanuel, invited us over for aRead more
We realize that traveling by bike makes it really easy to get in touch with local people and it's actually one of the best parts of our trip.
This morning started with a round of pickle ball, a gameRead more
Now that we are at the seaside of Baja California, we are taking it a bit more slowly. We had a pretty bad night of sleep as the seals made a lot of noises, the neighbour's dogs barked several timesRead more
After a relaxing night in Don's trailer, we enjoyed our breakfast during sunrise again. Then we headed off to a long day today, as we had to leave the East side of Baja California again to get toRead more
New-to-us port #5 … because I am not counting Mazatlan since stayed on the ship.
Heading south out of San Francisco, our first port call brought us back to Mexico … on a day with intermittentRead more
Spannend wie das Wasser hier nach oben gedrückt wird! Und dann hatten wir einen tollen Blick von oben aufs Meer an unserem Platz! Und vorher durften wir Ensenada bei Martha und Luis übernachten -Read more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Estado de Baja California, BCN, Baja California, Basse-Californie du Nord
Traveler beneidenswertes Erlebnis
Traveler Du kannst dir gar nicht vorstellen, wieviele Pelikane und andere Vögel hier im Sturzflug Fische fangen.
Traveler Bombastisches Schauspiel schätze ich. Ihr beiden könnt es richtig genießen, was mich riesig freut 😘